Topic: Kamala and Amala
Cybear's photo
Mon 03/05/07 05:08 AM
Throughout history,there have many of human babies brought up by
animals;wolves,apes,lions and so on.But upon investigation,very few of
such stories have turned out to be true.One case that has been
authenticated is that of the Indian"wolf~girls".In Oct.1920,the
Rev.J.L.Singh who headed an orphanage in Midnapore,India was asked by
his neighbors to get rid of a"man-ghost"which supposedly inhabited a
large anthill nearby.Singh organized a party to keep a close watch over
the anthill.When darkness fell,he saw 3 full~grown wolves come out of a
tunnel within the hill,followed by 2 cubs.Then close behind,emerged 2
horrible looking creatures which happen to be human bodies.The following
morn.the den was dug up.Huddled together were 2 wolf cubs and 2 young
children.One was about 8 yrs.old,the other one was about 1 yr.and 6
mths.When captured the children were even more ferocious than the
cubs.The task of weaning these"wolf children"back to human was
formidable.The Rev.and his wife gave the girls the names of Amala &
Kamala.The children refused to wear any clothing;long matted hair fell
below their shoulders;their teeth were sharp and pointed.The girls
refused all vegetable food,but could scent the odor of raw meat at a
considerable distance.Though they were not able to stand erect,the girls
could move along on all fours at an astounding speed.They slept through
the day,but liked to prowl about at night.They avoided humans,while
seeking the society of dogs and goats.Little by little however,the
wolf~girls came to accept the kindness of the missionary and his
wife.Then,after almost a year in the orphanage,Amala the younger child
died.Kamala wept;the first time she had ever shown human emotion.For
weeks,Kamala lingered over the places where Amala sat and slept,sniffing
anxiously like a dog,and uttering strange cries.After awhile,Kamala drew
closer to the missionary's wife and began to take greater interest in
the other children.She stopped gulping down her food in wolf fashion.She
learned to drink out of a cup instead of lapping up her liquids.She even
mastered some 40 words and began to wear clothing.After some time had
passed,Karmala learned to walk upright,but she still proceeded slowly
and unstably.When she wanted to run,she reverted to moving along on all
fours.After 9 a human environment,Karmala had lost most of her
animal characteristics and had become a lovable,obedient child.Then on
Nov.14,1929 she died.One reason for her early death was explained by the
physician attending her.He stated,"There was great difficulty in feeding
the poor wolf~girls anything but meat and milk.If they could have been
induced to take a balanced diet,they could have returned to an ordinary
human condition from the state of an animal". :tongue: huh

Submitted by Cybear 3/5/07 glasses

shenadra's photo
Mon 03/05/07 07:35 AM
Aww, that is so sad.

no photo
Tue 03/06/07 03:05 AM
That was a very intriqing story, and a very mind opening aspect to how
we humans relate to are early inviroments, and to think that by age 8 we
are adjusted to "THAT" way of life, I found that to be REAL,
And the animals of wild, taking in a human baby or chold to raise, I
have read that before but, NEVER this length of captivity, before
finding....:heart: Great read CyBear!!!
:smile: :cry: Wish the girls could have adapted better and told THEIR