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Topic: Racism
ricg's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:16 PM
All I hear all day now is that we might have the first black president this year,It seems to me that many are going to vote for Obama because he's black, and is as much racism as anything else

PATSFAN's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:17 PM
I'm not voting for himnoway

FaithfulOne78's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:18 PM
I refuse to vote Obama..NO FREAKIN WAY!!

Etrain's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:19 PM
not voting for either...need better options

somewhatshy2's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:20 PM
Not voting Obama....

auburngirl's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:20 PM
me either

boneyjoe's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:20 PM
lol i would ask why,,,,,,but i'm not into politics

no photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:20 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 07/06/08 01:21 PM

All I hear all day now is that we might have the first black president this year,It seems to me that many are going to vote for Obama because he's black, and is as much racism as anything else

Call me a pessimist if you will, but there's real truth to the statement about 20,000 politicians and lawyers at the bottom of the ocean being a good start.

The lessor of 2 weasels will win, black or white.

ricg's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:21 PM

I refuse to vote Obama..NO FREAKIN WAY!!
I'm with you

nekred's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:22 PM
I'd vote for him...but will there be an assasination on him...I hear that alot...Why would that be...

Nick2187's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:23 PM
I ask myself which idiot would do the worst job. As of now I don't know who is getting my vote.

FaithfulOne78's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:25 PM

I refuse to vote Obama..NO FREAKIN WAY!!
I'm with you

drinker drinker drinker

Jules0565's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:25 PM
what other choices do we have?? I'd rather have a democrat than another fricken republican..blah

I would rather write in Hillary ::shrug::

FaithfulOne78's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:26 PM
Hey not all us republicans are bad:tongue:

if Hillary were to have become president..I was planning on moving out of the country..seriously!

Nova86's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:26 PM
Elections in this country have turned into a joke mostly...i have heard of very stupid reasons to vote for a presidential girl actually told me this:"I am going to vote for Bush because he is cuter than Kerry."...i was ready to smack her!! Aparently a candidates views are second, in too many people's eyes, to the things that do not even matter in a president.

SweetSkittles's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:28 PM
<-- McCain.. all the way!!!!

Remember your CORE values people.. all the other bs is just BS!!!

PATSFAN's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:28 PM

Hey not all us republicans are bad:tongue:

if Hillary were to have become president..I was planning on moving out of the country..seriously!

flowerforyou love flowerforyou

ricg's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:28 PM
Hillary was my choice

johncarl's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:29 PM

Hey not all us republicans are bad:tongue:

if Hillary were to have become president..I was planning on moving out of the country..seriously!
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

PATSFAN's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:29 PM

<-- McCain.. all the way!!!!

Remember your CORE values people.. all the other bs is just BS!!!


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