Topic: What to do with "ex" stuff? | |
One time I took everything and dropped it off on her doorstep. I didn't even ring the bell.
I kept a shaving mug from one gal for over 20yrs. I still have a little pewter dragon and I wonder if she kept the little pewter pig. I still have cards and letters my ex wife sent to me when I was in the National Guard away(4 months) on training from before we were married. Its different for each one and what they represent to me now. I am in a different place emotionally now than when I first separated, and then divorced. |
If right now they bring you down putting the majority of it away is just self preservation. It is your choice to do it in small or grand steps. Keeping a few discreet things to remind yourself of someone and a time in your life that was happy is not a bad thing. Keeping Too much you will be buried in junk and new people will not have room to come into your life and create happy new memories without the shadow of your past. The act of downloading certain personal stuff from and EX is part of the letting go process and even though it might seem spiteful or distructive it does serve a purpose in your past's death and your present's birth. I don't recommend returning gifts but if the person who gave them is given the choice to have them back it may actually work as a bridge to them not feeling taken advantage of. Women usually don't have the earning capacity to afford a lot of gifts so giving them the chance to recoupe by returning marketable items is just courteous. Returning or shredding personal things like letters and photo's might give her peace of mind that her privacy is respected. Returning expensive portraits is a courtesy if accompanied by a polite note of appreciation of their meaning to her and possibly her family present and future. If you can not do it without malice don't. Vengence and self pity will hurt you more than your Ex.
throw it all at this front door..and hope breakable things breake.
It's a good thing there's no hostility in this thread ;]
rite,,,,,,i sen more hate in this thread to last all week,,,,,,cheer up gius,it's monday why go into work pi**ed off over nutten
i have many gifts from many friends
some of them i see everyday some have migrated into drawers onto shelves there is no way to erase your future or your past but these are not your obstacles if it helps put them gently away in time it will not matter you will always have her and she will always have you that is who she is this is who you are and there is someone there waiting to be who you will be again with other presents unimagined contributions to delight and amaze the both of you knowing this is what will set you free |
Im s o glad I peed on my ex's toothbrush!!!
mwhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa but I did it in a loving way
Im s o glad I peed on my ex's toothbrush!!! but did you save the video?! |
Im s o glad I peed on my ex's toothbrush!!! but did you save the video?! |
mwhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa but I did it in a loving way cherish, cherish the memories |