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Topic: Another Two McCain Flip Flops!
Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/05/08 09:09 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sat 07/05/08 09:10 AM
Now lets talk about one of McCains complete 360's he's performed more than 14 times.
Your choice.
Pick one!drinker bigsmile

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/05/08 09:12 AM
We could talk about either one of these two!

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/05/08 12:27 PM

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sat 07/05/08 12:57 PM
you can't argue with someone who has blinders on Fanta.
Like most people with this disease, you could prove to them that their candidate was a mother raping, baby killing, crack smoking pimp, and they'd STILL insist it's a plot by the other party to smear their candidate.
One question tho cuz I'm not sure what's going on but, over the last 20 years or so, I've been noticing that whenever the Republicans are in the White House the economy goes in the toilet, but when the Democrats are in, the economy improves. Why is this???
I've noticed this trend because the US economy directly affects the Canadian economy.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/05/08 01:45 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sat 07/05/08 01:49 PM

you can't argue with someone who has blinders on Fanta.
Like most people with this disease, you could prove to them that their candidate was a mother raping, baby killing, crack smoking pimp, and they'd STILL insist it's a plot by the other party to smear their candidate.
One question tho cuz I'm not sure what's going on but, over the last 20 years or so, I've been noticing that whenever the Republicans are in the White House the economy goes in the toilet, but when the Democrats are in, the economy improves. Why is this???
I've noticed this trend because the US economy directly affects the Canadian economy.

Have you seen McConfuse talk about the economy?
He's worse than Bush.

Better yet have you seen who his choice of economic advisor is?
Phil add a line to a bill after its been approved, my wife is an ENRON wash lobbiest GRAMM.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sat 07/05/08 01:47 PM
McCracky could barely run an electric train set, nevermind a country.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/05/08 01:51 PM
Him trying to answer the question posed by Ron Paul during that debate makes me afraid!
Very afraid!

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/05/08 01:52 PM
John McCains Economics!


noway noway noway noway

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sat 07/05/08 01:58 PM
I like Ron Paul. He's got some great ideas altho I do have to admit he's got one or two that make me nervous and I hope they don't catch on. Other than that, I think he's the best candidate for the job.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/05/08 02:09 PM

I like Ron Paul. He's got some great ideas altho I do have to admit he's got one or two that make me nervous and I hope they don't catch on. Other than that, I think he's the best candidate for the job.

Bush and McConfused are trying to pull more BS now!
Go read this Gov. report, and think about the propaganda they are spreading to the American Public!


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