Topic: OBAMA flip flops | |
What foreign policy experience does John McCain have?
Republicans are good at ignoring this. So I'll ask you, What foreign Policy experience does he have? |
After 10 min Ill assume you have no answer!
Let's see, the latest flip flop had something to do with campaign funding...... |
Let's see, the latest flip flop had something to do with campaign funding...... ![]() ![]() McCain is being investigated for that too!! |
After 10 min Ill assume you have no answer! Three min. Google faster!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
OOPs, Thats what I allready knew!
McCain has no foreign policy experience. And no experience as a Military leader to the degree necessary to be considered qualified to make decisions about the military situation on the ground in IRAQ! |
OOPs, Thats what I allready knew! McCain has no foreign policy experience. And no experience as a Military leader to the degree necessary to be considered qualified to make decisions about the military situation on the ground in IRAQ! you are forcing me to defend McCain. I don't like him much but he definately has better credentials than Obama on matters of war & military issues. Come on now.... |
Who HASN'T flip-flopped at some point in time?!
![]() |
Did you hear that your beloved Jesse Helms passed away today? Jesse!! Wow, I thought he'd never die! I knew the Republicans would never elect him out of office, but die? Nooo.... That's sad... another icon dies. He was a true patriot... one of the last of a dieing breed. Thanks for your service to the country, Jesse. God bless... Jessie was an___ good Republican. Now if we can just get rid of Elizabeth Dole we will be doing good in NC!! I LOVE ELIZABETH DOLE. SHE MUST INTIMIDATE YOU OR YOU WOULD NOT BE SO ADAMANT ABOUT GETTING RID OF HER ![]() ![]() ![]() Lindyy ![]() |
After 10 min Ill assume you have no answer! Fanta, what makes you think people HAVE to ANSWER you??? Lindyy ???????????????? |
OOPs, Thats what I already knew! McCain has no foreign policy experience. And no experience as a Military leader to the degree necessary to be considered qualified to make decisions about the military situation on the ground in IRAQ! you are forcing me to defend McCain. I don't like him much but he definately has better credentials than Obama on matters of war & military issues. Come on now.... LOL, Spending 5 yrs as a POW does not qualify as foreign policy experience. And as Gen Clark (Commander of NATO forces in Western Europe) , Senator Webb, and others have said, being a Pilot does not qualify as command experience! Also serving on the Senate Armed Services Committee under the failed policies of the Bush Administration doesn't really qualify either. After all they did review the falsified CIA reports and advised Congress to invade Iraq based upon their assessment of the reports. He also was good friends with a man, Duke Tully, who was proven to have falsified his military records and couldn't even tell. Either that or he helped the man falsify his records! |
Edited by
Fri 07/04/08 11:18 AM
Yes Obama flip flopped. I'm not going to bash him for wanting to talking to military leaders. This was a good flip-flop. But one of his major campaign ideas was the 16 month withdrawl. This tells me something. He will tell the public what they want to hear, before he even knows what he's talking about. THEN he will look into things. Shadey, yeah. He can't seem to back up anything he says. His only strong point in my opinion is his public speaking ability. McCain sucks. Isn't much, if at all better than Obama. What really gets me is that dems preach Obama like he is the best thing since sliced bread, while totally bashing McCain. Then THEY preach that they don't like either candidate.
Honestly, has anyone ever heard of an actualy plan for anything coming from Obama that isn't vague? Yes, he says he will invest in alternative energy soucres to help with the oil crisis. But no specifics. Supposedly the government is already making these investments. The troop withdrawl was the only thing he had any remote plan for. But now he is rethinking. Neither candidate has any plans to fight illegal immigration. (Probably because they both support globalization. But that is just speculation.) Ok, i got long winded, but my point still stands. What is so great about Obama? What exactly will he change that will "change" our country? |
Unlike Bush (no foreign policy experience when he took office( who wont listen to military advice, but chooses instead to fire the Gen who disagree with him, and promote yes men! Or like McCain (no real foreign policy experience either) who is merely a NeoCon yes man and will follow the same course as Bush! What foreign policy does Obama really have? (Honest question. He might have some, but i don't remember any.) |
That's why we have Republicans crickster! They are experts at flip flopping!!! ![]() No...republicans are just don't like their answers. DEMS, OTOH, say one thing & do another...just like in this article. Obama is a wild card if you ask me. I don't have any expectations of him at all. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The war in Iraq? Scooter Libby? the defectors? And the post isn't reliable because it's yellow journalism. Sensationalized crap. |
Yes Obama flip flopped. I'm not going to bash him for wanting to talking to military leaders. This was a good flip-flop. But one of his major campaign ideas was the 16 month withdrawl. This tells me something. He will tell the public what they want to hear, before he even knows what he's talking about. THEN he will look into things. Shadey, yeah. He can't seem to back up anything he says. His only strong point in my opinion is his public speaking ability. McCain sucks. Isn't much, if at all better than Obama. What really gets me is that dems preach Obama like he is the best thing since sliced bread, while totally bashing McCain. Then THEY preach that they don't like either candidate. Honestly, has anyone ever heard of an actualy plan for anything coming from Obama that isn't vague? Yes, he says he will invest in alternative energy soucres to help with the oil crisis. But no specifics. Supposedly the government is already making these investments. The troop withdrawl was the only thing he had any remote plan for. But now he is rethinking. Neither candidate has any plans to fight illegal immigration. (Probably because they both support globalization. But that is just speculation.) Ok, i got long winded, but my point still stands. What is so great about Obama? What exactly will he change that will "change" our country? I would love to bash all candidates. All policies are vague, McCain and Obama. The two party system is broken and flawed. but they have a strangle hold on our country. We are left voting for one fool who is just as big of fool as the other. |
Did you hear that your beloved Jesse Helms passed away today? Jesse!! Wow, I thought he'd never die! I knew the Republicans would never elect him out of office, but die? Nooo.... That's sad... another icon dies. He was a true patriot... one of the last of a dieing breed. Thanks for your service to the country, Jesse. God bless... **** Helms. He was a biggot. it's about time the old **** sucker died. |
Edited by
Fri 07/04/08 12:44 PM
Did you hear that your beloved Jesse Helms passed away today? Jesse!! Wow, I thought he'd never die! I knew the Republicans would never elect him out of office, but die? Nooo.... That's sad... another icon dies. He was a true patriot... one of the last of a dieing breed. Thanks for your service to the country, Jesse. God bless... Jessie was an___ good Republican. Now if we can just get rid of Elizabeth Dole we will be doing good in NC!! I LOVE ELIZABETH DOLE. SHE MUST INTIMIDATE YOU OR YOU WOULD NOT BE SO ADAMANT ABOUT GETTING RID OF HER ![]() ![]() ![]() Lindyy ![]() That's right! What do you know? Just goes to prove, everybody is right at least once! Elizabeth Dole is a Representative of me as a Resident of NC. She does nothing to represent me but flip flop and act like a hypocrite. She claims to be against illegal immigration, but like I said she is my Representative and I have talked to her about this problem as it has affected me. All I got was a long line of BS that is typical of the Neoconservative side of the Republican Party! She basically fed me the line that until we do something about border security, blah, blah, there is nothing we can blah, blah... Then she began telling me (trying to convince me is more like it) that illegal immigration was good for our State! She is a hypocritical, flip flopping, contradicting B,,,,! I have made her a target and it has become a goal of mine to help vote her out of the Senate. Incumbents like her, whatever Party they represent need to go. They only represent their self and the corporations who have lined their pockets! She will be the second such incumbent I have targeted. The first was Charles Taylor. He was replaced as a representative of my State by Heath Schuler. If you like her so much maybe you can convince her sorry arse to move to your State and represent your concerns! She does nothing for mine! |
She used to be a Democrat! Did you know that?
Unlike Bush (no foreign policy experience when he took office( who wont listen to military advice, but chooses instead to fire the Gen who disagree with him, and promote yes men! Or like McCain (no real foreign policy experience either) who is merely a NeoCon yes man and will follow the same course as Bush! What foreign policy does Obama really have? (Honest question. He might have some, but i don't remember any.) He nor his party runs around claiming such either! |