Topic: to be a man
no photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:14 AM
yes I see that ok and thay give you the time of day you got the
chance to know them wowo good thay would never stay around long
anuff to talk with me to no me one look it was over is just like
that thay dont take the time to know me are my hart ok sorry I did
not aske to be put here

chismah's photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:15 AM
Also newguy. Bill does have pictures ok. But why do you want his
pictures up there so quickly???? Do you want to JUDGE him and sterotype
him out for yourself???

... I mean, WTF... People are actually WANTING to sterotype a person and
don't even know they are doing it, until they do it!!!

newguy's photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:16 AM
Hey sadie....always ready to help out to push "truth" "justice" and
"the persuit of happiness" in anyway I can.

buttons's photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:18 AM
hey bill? and chris too are ya all trying to get a date on here? just

no photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:20 AM
me pic get me know were I can be as nice as possable

I can dress up all nice and be all cleaned up

it dont matter what I do its all the same thang for years now ok and
lots and lots of woman whom put me here made me these way

how eles am I to feel are say for I can do every last thang these
othr guys do and I wont get any were at all thay will ok thay not
strotyped out bye woman see at list when men had controll every one
had some one sad ant it that woman dont have harts like men did

no photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:24 AM
no I gave up on that in real life are on here how do you eveion
try any more a person can only be put down so many times in there life
be for its hard to get back up again a date whts that can you tell
me what that is only a dream to have a real date

sandylou2456's photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:24 AM

omg bill...what has happened so bad in your life that you think all
women are superficial...They are not. If you would think positive about
women instead of thinking that they are not going to give you a
chance...that might help.

no photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:25 AM
Hey Bill, my FRIEND, I have seen your thoughts on posts lately
and your making me wonder here dude ???? WTF noway

What you keep saying about the women is not TRUE to ALL women.
Do you remember when and how we met here? WELL, wtf,??

I told ya then and NOW man, if ya needed to vent, email me and
tell me whats up? I haven't got nothing from ya in a long time?

As to your topic here, EVERYONE is different, NOT all women are BAD, No
one should EVER FEEL that they are NOT good enough for someone. There
are as many BAD GUYS, as there are BAD WOMEN!!
LIFE is what YOU make it, IF you think NEGITIVE,, Then LIFE
If YOU think POSSITIVE, LIFE will be POSITIVE..:heart:
If you come off as BASHING ALL, because ONE may have hurt you,
THEN shame on you. There is no points to gain for anyone, if one side
who hurt her??:heart:

So if you can't FIRST love YOURSELF, how then, can anyone be
expected to love YOU, or YOU THEM??

WE, (us guys) have ALL BEEN HURT, at some time or another,
BUT, That goes for ALL the WOMEN HERE TO!!!!

PLEASE, STOP THE PAIN,,when there is NO-GAIN!!!

Its SUNDAY MAN, GODS day to rest in PEACE and HARMONY, with
and then FEEL YOURS!!! Have a great day Bill, and please, SMILE

catchme_ifucan's photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:26 AM
noway grumble :angry: noway

****Rolls Eyes******

grumble devil

no photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:26 AM
to have a woman get to know you for you to have a woman like me for me
and take the time to know me wow what a dream sorry dont happion
woman go bye looks me not good anuff for any woman only good anuff
to be used but not to be with

chismah's photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:27 AM
Buttons my name is not CHRIS. my screename is Chismah... I'm not being
rude. But please take the time to READ first before SAYING. That's also
another thing I've noticed about most people. They are very quick to
JUDGE a person or say something about a person. But they don't THINK
before they SPEAK not caring about consequences of their words or
meanings to another person in communication.

... But to answer your question Buttons... "No I don't seek dates here,
I seek a lady that will come to see me as I am without the sterotyping
scene and that is non-judgemental. A Lady / Woman that will see my
heart. But is also within my preferences of what I seek or look for in a
lady" of course I can go further in what I seek. But that's just a small
Analogy, of what I look and am looking for in a person.

The point is... people need to stop sterotyping and I don't care who you
are or what a person looks like. I'm not the one that judges a person's
COVER / APPEARENCE / LOOKS... unlike most cruel ladies out there that
I've met either online or offline. It has happened both ways for me,
either way.

newguy's photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:31 AM
bill...chris....patience is the key word here. There is a thing as
"trying too hard!" Let people get to know you ...take your time. This
sight is growing rapidly....just chill cool...join in me.

_Rain_'s photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:34 AM
Do you speak like you spell?
Perhaps that is one of many of the problems you have with women.

Maybe should should try to graduate, at least the 6th grade before you
post what appears to be a rambling illiterate rant.

Just so you know looks are not everything, I had an ugly assed ,needled
****ed, poor boyfriend.

chismah's photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:37 AM
Newguy, I appreciate the nice gestures. But still you will NEVER
understand what we are trying to come across here and you never will.

... Becuase the more you peeps are speaking without UNDERSTANDING, the
more you are proving us correct with each post.

We said specifically.... "WE ARE BEING FORCED INTO LONELINESS,
OUR APPEARENCES... OUR COVERS.... It's NOT about how nice we are, how
patient we are, how friendly we are. We've just told you people this
over and over again!"

Do people actually READ, without reading quickly to understand??

But hey, like I've just said. Your proving our points because most of
you here HAD somebody in your lifetimes REGARDLESS. you haven't been
FORCED here like me and Bill have by the opposite sex whether you wanted
to be or not.

... You will never understand and because you don't WANT to understand,
and maybe most here CAN'T understand no matter how much we try to point
this out.

Ok, I'm not going to shut up about it or how I feel because it's TRUTH &
FACTS and people know this and they want us to be quiet about it. No I
won't! I and Bill are a human being and there's others here on this site
that feel just the same way as me and Bill do. But are just afraid to
speak out about it. But keep it up folks because..

"A man / woman that is in the WRONG... CANNOT stand up against a person
or persons that is in THE RIGHT!"

no photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:38 AM
well would like to say that but can only say these is truth I did
not aske to be dune the way I have and I feel the way I do from
not being given a chance in life it is sad

yes and woman do not give me the time of day let alone achance to
know me for me thay see me and strotype me right out and its over
that fsat and thay can not say its not looks thay can not see if I
for thay are the ones whom can not make time to know me for me thay are
the ones whom go with frest look dont need to talk to know you

looks is all thay need would love to be wrung here but know I am not
if you have walked in my place you could see how it is to be a vergun
not be couce you want to be but be couce your stotyped out try
going years with no one at all try that try seeing other with some one
want so bad but not alloweed woman took that right from you what I
want is for woman to see and know what thay are doing

what I want is for woman to thank how would thay like these to happion
to them

would thay like it no thay would not how would thay handel no one ever
wanting them for years

Morena350's photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:43 AM
:smile: :smile: drinker drinker huh ohwell

buttons's photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:45 AM
well,CHIS i do appologise for adding a letter to your screenname<i hate
that when i do that> and as for STERIOTYPING again "i just must not
read your posts" since i mispelled your screenname.. humm do you not
know what steriotyping is? is this not steriotyping in itself? with
this in thought just best i leave this thread alone... have a great day
chis and u too bill flowerforyou

newguy's photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:50 AM
chrismah...bill who's sterotyping who?
its you guys that aren't reading and paying attention to all of us who
are on here to help you. We've all been there...done that...hell some of
us are still there...right now your giving everyone here a view of who
you are. Is this how you want the ladys to see you? full of appealing will that be?

no photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:50 AM
Bill -- OK, you talk about how women stereotype you because of your
appearance, etc., and then you basically go on to say all women are
superficial. Sounds like you're doing some stereotyping of your own

Hey, there ARE superficial women. Men, too. It happens.

But I think the real problem is that you've allowed your negative
attitude towards women to consume you to the point where they can sense
the negativity and it drives them away from you. Face it, nobody wants
to be around someone who is exuding that much negativity.

If you met a woman who never had a good word to say about any man, how
long would it take for you to decide "there's no future here, maybe I
better move on"....?

See, in my experience, it's all about communication and understanding.
I'm not a fashion plate myself, but I've always communicated well with
women, and, as a result, I've always had a lot of female friends. And
I've had a lot of women tell me, "You're the first guy I've ever known
who actually took the time to listen to what I had to say." A lot of
women aren't used to that. They're used to men who are simply trying to
get into their pants. So they sometimes become a little skeptical, a
little cynical, a little protective when they meet someone new. It
becomes a reflex.

Once they see you're NOT like the guys they're used to dealing with,
once they realize that you're seeing them as a person, as an individual,
with their own thoughts and ideas and hopes and dreams and fears and
values, that's when they begin to dump the stereotyping. That's when
they begin to see YOU as an individual.

But it takes time. You can't rush it. They have to get to know you a
little first. And you're going to have a hard time with that if you're
constantly complaining about being stereotyped every 5 minutes.

Stereotyping goes both ways, Bill. Maybe if you'd loosen your death
grip on your own, some of the ladies would let up on theirs a little.

chismah's photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:51 AM
Thanks buttons and yes I do know what sterotyping means. I have had it
done to me regardless by ladies. So I always got front row tickets in
life to know fully well what it means hun.

... Thanks for the flowers. It's good to see a woman that has abit of
understanding of what we are trying to come across here in away. ^_^