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Topic: My Ex boyfriend
ReddBeans's photo
Sun 07/27/08 01:27 PM
Because he managed to squirm out from under the pillow I was smotherin him with grumble

footnote: j/k he was a jerk plain and simple

GoBucks008's photo
Sun 07/27/08 01:27 PM
my ex boyfriend is a god in the bedroom

ReddBeans's photo
Sun 07/27/08 01:28 PM

she took all my damn cookie's !

Sorry chevy that was actually me. Shouldn't keep chocolate chip cookies where I can find em!!:laughing:

alicat4213's photo
Sun 07/27/08 01:29 PM
He lied about pretty much everything found out he was cheating. Wanted me to never speak to my family or friends again. Got pissed about things that happend before him and wouldn't let them go. I wasn't allowed to leave my house and if I did he got pissed and had to be on the phone with me the whole entire time and accused me of cheating even when I was with my family....

RKISIT's photo
Sun 07/27/08 01:30 PM
she told me she was leaving and i said, bye. true story

GoBucks008's photo
Sun 07/27/08 01:32 PM

she told me she was leaving and i said, bye. true story

I do that every week...... but not my girlfriend just some "workers" I pay

no photo
Sun 07/27/08 02:22 PM

cause he cheated...lied...had too many crack whores....and he never worked...and he liked to hit me!!!!

That sounds like the grossest person alive

There's worse. Fortunately, most of them end up getting therapy for their problems. Judicial therapy.

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 07/27/08 02:23 PM
Because he thought drinking 18 beers was impressive.....not!drinker

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 07/27/08 02:26 PM

Because he thought drinking 18 beers was impressive.....not!drinker

Actually my last real boyfriend,( his name was Methy ), and we broke up cause........well, you all know. lol.

LightVoice's photo
Sun 07/27/08 02:31 PM
My exhub just could not get his bi-polar under control... and I had to make a decision on what was best for the children.. and I have no regret.

HeSearches's photo
Sun 07/27/08 02:32 PM
My Ex is my Ex because she couldn't make sex a PRIORITY.

I've found other lovers since her who were far more accomodating and I'm much happier now.

There were other reasons we divorced but sex was high on the list.

Amberdee29045's photo
Sun 07/27/08 02:40 PM
1. the drinking
2. his mama
3. his flirting with others
4. his mama
5. the verbal abuse
6. his mama.....

see where i'm going with this????

basically he's a 48 year old man that wouldn't wipe his a$$ without his mama's approval....he'll have to now tho....she died last month.

BlueskyJ's photo
Sun 07/27/08 02:50 PM
No excuses or blaming.....we were together for many years but ultimately we were not right for each other....It was a mutual parting & looking back it was the best thing we could do for both of us....

Lord_Psycho's photo
Sun 07/27/08 02:55 PM
Well about my ex-gf she was just freakin messed up in the head! So Im like Im 2 good 4 u baby! Have fun with them losers!

msmyka's photo
Sun 07/27/08 03:39 PM
My ex broke it off because he throught I deserved better. He was really into his hobby (cars) so much so that he was consumed by it. I was understanding but he knew it wasn't fair to me. He's a good guy and we are still friends.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 07/27/08 04:12 PM

My ex broke it off because he throught I deserved better. He was really into his hobby (cars) so much so that he was consumed by it. I was understanding but he knew it wasn't fair to me. He's a good guy and we are still friends.

Wow. Gotta give the dude credit for being sensitive enough to actually realize the problem was on his end.

Mrtap's photo
Sun 07/27/08 04:16 PM

cause he cheated...lied...had too many crack whores....and he never worked...and he liked to hit me!!!!

He needs his ass beeat no one should ever hit a women I have stopped it before in bar, and at a party.rant rant rant

Me and ex just grew apart we were room mates more then a coupledrinker drinker

msmyka's photo
Sun 07/27/08 04:20 PM

My ex broke it off because he throught I deserved better. He was really into his hobby (cars) so much so that he was consumed by it. I was understanding but he knew it wasn't fair to me. He's a good guy and we are still friends.

Wow. Gotta give the dude credit for being sensitive enough to actually realize the problem was on his end.

Honestly, I'm lucky, I don't attract crazy guys at all. Most of my ex's were very decent guys who just weren't right for me.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 07/27/08 04:44 PM

My ex broke it off because he throught I deserved better. He was really into his hobby (cars) so much so that he was consumed by it. I was understanding but he knew it wasn't fair to me. He's a good guy and we are still friends.

Wow. Gotta give the dude credit for being sensitive enough to actually realize the problem was on his end.

Honestly, I'm lucky, I don't attract crazy guys at all. Most of my ex's were very decent guys who just weren't right for me.

Very lucky.

I seem to attract the more unstable of the female population. LOL

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