Topic: God is Imaginary 8 | |
Could God be imaginary? Here is a debate many can discuss.
Think about Near Death Experiences Many Christians find the phenomenon of Near Death Experiences (NDEs) to be proof that "God" and the "afterlife" exist. As described in this article, an NDE contains thes characteristics: The sudden awareness that one has had a 'fatal" accident and not survived. An out-of-body experience. A sensation of floating above one's body and seeing the surrounding area. Pleasant feelings, calmness. A sensation of moving upwards through a tunnel or narrow passageway. Meeting deceased relatives or spiritual figures Encountering a being of light, or a light (possibly a religious figure, i.e. Jesus, God, Buddha) Being given a life review A feeling of being returned to the body, often accompanied by a reluctance to return Things like heart attacks, near-drowning and severe loss of blood can all trigger near death experiences. NDEs have been experienced by thousands of people and have been widely cataloged in a variety of books. Many of these books are "spiritual" or "religious" in nature. What is not mentioned is that there is a drug called Ketamine that produces all of the elements of an NDE when it is injected into normal, non-dying people. In other words, an NDE is a natural, chemically induced state that the human brain enters. The trigger for an NDE is lack of oxygen to the brain and body. If you read scientific papers like these, you find that there is a completely chemical and completely non-spiritual reason for the features of every NDE. Is this a direct proof that God is imaginary? No. However, it is a direct proof that the NDE (which many people use as "indisputable" proof that God and eternal life exist) has no supernatural meaning. We can scientificaly prove NDEs to be chemical side-effects rather than "a gateway to the afterlife" as many religious believers claim. |
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Sat 06/28/08 11:29 AM
My grandfather always said...
"god can be whatever you choose god to be" but if you choose him to be non existant... so will your prayers I am not everly religious... but I think there is something to that |
My grandfather always said... "god can be whatever you choose god to be" but if you choose him to be non existant... so will your prayers I am not everly religious... but I think there is something to that According to the bible, God holds everyone in the palm of his hand. The smallest sparrow even. I don't believe in God, or the bible. But I think from what the bible says, that he will hear every prayer uttered. Regardless of the faith of the person who is doing it. |
I grew up in the South, the Deep South, and grew up in a religious family. As I entered college, I began to question everything spiritual. In my conclusion of things, now at age 51, I know God is real. I have read the entire Bible, every word, and studied from end to end, and every verse is marked. Several years, ago I lost everything, and I was forewarned by dreams that I had fallen from Grace, that God was testing me, just as He did Job from the Book of Job. For about 4 years, I fought to find answers, to know why I was going through, what I was going through. I cried and prayed more than ever, every day a night that God would end my pain and suffering and allow me to die, if I could only come live in His Kingdom. Finally I had dreams that God had given me mercy, and He did give me mercy and relief. I had two encounters at church with God's Holy Spirit that took over my entire body and afterwards, my life changed and has slowly gotten better. Yes God is real. I know He is real. God isn't a mean God. He is a just God, executing justice that we deserve. God loves us, but those that He truly loves, He will correct their ways, and correct them just like any Good Parent would do for their children. Think about that. He is to us, as we are to our children, whether it is about forgiveness, mercy, punishment, provisions, rewards, and love, faithfulness, obedience and mercy. That is what God mostly wants from all of us, is for us to be Loyal, Faithful and obedient to Him, first and foremost, and then to show mercy to everyone else, especially, the widow, the fatherless, the orphan, the homeless,the poor, people that have less than what you have, and have more need than what you have, then we ourselves should come last. If we reverse this order of things, then we are selfish, and the more selfish that we are, the more sinful that we are, the more selfless that we are, the less sinful that we become. Search first for the Kindom of God, then and only then will He add everything else that you desire for you. So when the time come which side of the fence do you want to be on. Outside looing in, or inside looking out. It's your choice to make and their can be no doubts. Pray to God and ask God to show you truth and you will receive truth, for God is the God of truth. He cannot lie. He will not lie. So anytime you come across something that is so called Spiritual or proof. If there is any lie in it, the it cannot be of God. That is always the test. Is it of God?