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Topic: how
itsmetina's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:27 PM
can i get into sum trouble?

Moondark's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:27 PM
Say something controversial....

PATSFAN's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:28 PM
Call me:wink:

rush2001's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:28 PM

can i get into sum trouble?

You could grab an alligator by the tail but I woulden't recomend it.bigsmile

ljcc1964's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:29 PM
Edited by ljcc1964 on Fri 06/27/08 09:30 PM
how about this? let's ask the guys what theme of picture they would like to see us girls in?

robert1652's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:32 PM
Edited by robert1652 on Fri 06/27/08 09:35 PM
What is the use? Tina never talks to me she has even blocked my emails I am not sure whysad
actually she talked t me once when I was rubied (Ruby 500 error)

itsmetina's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:32 PM

how about this? let's ask the guys what theme of picture they would like to see us girls in?
i think they like nude pics

itsmetina's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:33 PM

What is the use? Tina never talks to me she has even blocked my emails I am not sure whysad

i've not blocked u .by the way peccy says u can have his myspace address were yall friends?

transientmind's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:34 PM
Have you ever started a wrestling match between retarded kids for betting purposes?

Plenty trouble.

PATSFAN's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:35 PM
I noticed they were both off my friends list today????????

transientmind's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:35 PM

how about this? let's ask the guys what theme of picture they would like to see us girls in?
i think they like nude pics
I'm partial to the live show, personally...

itsmetina's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:37 PM

I noticed they were both off my friends list today????????
they deactivated

PATSFAN's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:37 PM

I noticed they were both off my friends list today????????
they deactivated

I know , but I'm not sure why

robert1652's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:38 PM

What is the use? Tina never talks to me she has even blocked my emails I am not sure whysad

i've not blocked u .by the way peccy says u can have his myspace address were yall friends?

I tried to email you yesterday but It said you are blocking me because of my age or something so do me the favour and let me have his Email
you can email me you are not blocked

jonny63's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:39 PM
Follow me Tina. Step where I step.Trouble<----or----->Education

Ignore me or think.

I'm horibly correct. POST!!!

DestinysDream's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:59 PM
Call Ted Kennedy's wife and say you were the other woman. If that fails, National Enquirer.

brooke007's photo
Fri 06/27/08 10:06 PM
ask a horrible offensive question..

and then use cuss words to everybody that responds
think think think

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 10:07 PM

can i get into sum trouble?

Send the President of the United States a threatening e-mail. That'll get you into trouble, all right. :laughing:

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 10:31 PM
Have kids from your local neighborhood kick a cement soccer ball like so >>>>>

I couldn't help but die laughing, although I am aware of the dangers and harm.

no photo
Sat 06/28/08 12:04 AM

can i get into sum trouble?

You're always in trouble. It's just the degree that varies. :wink:

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