Topic: Strippers | |
Would you date a stripper ? Been there, done that a few times..... What a trip: The average stripper has three different personalities: Surprising enough, you never see the one you met 1st (The one you liked in the first place) |
I met a girl online who was very pretty and all was great (especially the oral....... Maybe too good!)... Come to find out, she later confessed she was a private stripper and later to my discovery........ A pathological liar....... So I wonder, if maybe did gave oral as a tip? Get some tip to make some tip? I dunno.... Probably the only thing I missed of that girl, and so far nobody topped her, since 2002. Anyways, I would never date a stripper again. I can't even stand chicks who demand attention like attention whores. Which is why I am always bustin' people's balls and ovaries in here.
nope, I don't share in that sense
Would you date a stripper ? sure, i'd date ya! |
I have known several girls that danced all thru college , I think that looking down on anyone without being in thier shoes and understanding why they do what they do is not a good thing.. I personally have been lucky enough in life to not have to take off my clothes to make a living .. I would say it would have to be a case by case basis ..
Would you date a stripper ? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sure If she only strips for me |
I've dated a couple.
It's not as good as it sounds. |
I have been friends with many and have dated a few...they usually fall into 2 types.
Type A. Are into drugs, promisucious sex, and have many personal problems(usually steming from early child abuse) these are the type that not only strip in clubs but also do bachelor parties etc. Type B. These are the more rare ones that are telligent,sincere and "normal" that just do it for the good money to get then through school or just as a second source of income. I would only date type B. However having any real relationship is difficult because of the hours they keep |
Gosh I don't would feel so much like a prostitute
I wouldn't be able to compartmentalize my feelings, thoughts, and emotions that way! |
Gosh I don't would feel so much like a prostitute |
Gosh I don't would feel so much like a prostitute you gonna strip or be a pros mirror? |
Gosh I don't would feel so much like a prostitute you gonna strip or be a pros mirror? |
Some of them are nice people using what they got to get by. For them and their families. Had a neighbor raised three kids stripping? Pays a lot more then what she could get elsewhere. Not all strippers are hookers. They are usually F##king Psycho. But some are very nice women just trying to get by. I dated a couple. They work terrible hours for a relationship. |
I have friends who are strippers.
But dating...ummmm...dunno.....mayyyybbbeee?? |