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Topic: What would you call your world religion?
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Tue 06/24/08 03:19 PM
Imagine that genius who can study every religous book there is in this world and take out the best things in each book to create a ultimate book for mankind!

Example: The Bible, The Torah, The Koran, Vero from India - Hindu?, Buddhism, pagan beliefs, etc.

Now let me remind you only the stuff that doesn't harm others, but shows compassion, love, and laws that tolerate others no matter what creed, nationality, or color.

If you were appointed by a higher intelligence or God if you may to do this task what would you name this book?

You can't use the same names as single religions already have!

shaung35's photo
Tue 06/24/08 03:22 PM
I'd call it the Book of Life...Seriously, thats what I would call it...

no photo
Tue 06/24/08 03:24 PM
First Amalgamated Church

No seriously, I think the Bible is already perfect. Taking parts out of the Bible would be like cutting the lips off the mona lisa. They won't fit anywhere else and you have ruined a masterpeice in the process.

Peccy's photo
Tue 06/24/08 03:29 PM
Is it a pop-up book?

no photo
Tue 06/24/08 03:29 PM

First Amalgamated Church

No seriously, I think the Bible is already perfect. Taking parts out of the Bible would be like cutting the lips off the mona lisa. They won't fit anywhere else and you have ruined a masterpeice in the process.

Would you not take out the many war scenes out of the bible? Or you would leave that inside also?

Would you not take any information from other religious books?

I like the name you posted. :smile:

no photo
Tue 06/24/08 03:29 PM

Is it a pop-up book?

laugh laugh Not a bad idea!

no photo
Tue 06/24/08 03:30 PM

I'd call it the Book of Life...Seriously, thats what I would call it...

The Book of Life sounds good also:smile:

ljcc1964's photo
Tue 06/24/08 03:41 PM
Holy Stuff.

no photo
Tue 06/24/08 03:41 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Tue 06/24/08 03:42 PM

Would you not take out the many war scenes out of the bible? Or you would leave that inside also?

Would you not take any information from other religious books?

No, why would I?

I like the name you posted. :smile:

I stole it from Futurama.

no photo
Tue 06/24/08 03:49 PM

Would you not take out the many war scenes out of the bible? Or you would leave that inside also?

Would you not take any information from other religious books?

No, why would I?

I like the name you posted. :smile:

I stole it from Futurama.

Why shouldn't you is also a good question unless you believe other religous books are false?

I mean if the God said to you one day that the Bible isn't perfect and asks you to rewrite the new holy book using the best passages from the other religions, would you disagree with him or would you do what he told you?

no photo
Tue 06/24/08 04:01 PM

Why shouldn't you is also a good question unless you believe other religous books are false?

I mean if the God said to you one day that the Bible isn't perfect and asks you to rewrite the new holy book using the best passages from the other religions, would you disagree with him or would you do what he told you?

I have to recuse myself, because I don't believe God would do that.

no photo
Tue 06/24/08 04:06 PM

Why shouldn't you is also a good question unless you believe other religous books are false?

I mean if the God said to you one day that the Bible isn't perfect and asks you to rewrite the new holy book using the best passages from the other religions, would you disagree with him or would you do what he told you?

I have to recuse myself, because I don't believe God would do that.

I know you don't believe this to be true, but let us say it really did happen. Would you or could you do this for him?

Rewrite the book using different passages from other religious books as he asked you to do this?

tribo's photo
Tue 06/24/08 04:06 PM

Would you not take out the many war scenes out of the bible? Or you would leave that inside also?

Would you not take any information from other religious books?

No, why would I?

I like the name you posted. :smile:

I stole it from Futurama.

Why shouldn't you is also a good question unless you believe other religous books are false?

I mean if the God said to you one day that the Bible isn't perfect and asks you to rewrite the new holy book using the best passages from the other religions, would you disagree with him or would you do what he told you?

I would call the book " before the beginning" and put god on trial before his peer's for falsehood's, misleading's,being more like his creation than a creator, plagiarism, faulty judgement's, incapable, and a host of others - laugh

no photo
Tue 06/24/08 04:13 PM

Why shouldn't you is also a good question unless you believe other religous books are false?

I mean if the God said to you one day that the Bible isn't perfect and asks you to rewrite the new holy book using the best passages from the other religions, would you disagree with him or would you do what he told you?

I have to recuse myself, because I don't believe God would do that.

I know you don't believe this to be true, but let us say it really did happen. Would you or could you do this for him?

Rewrite the book using different passages from other religious books as he asked you to do this?

If it was God asking me to do this, then I would have to ask why he was going to depend on my judgement. Maybe I'm biased against certain people based on race or gender or religion or social status...Nobody is perfect, except God. So I would be confused as to why God would give a lowly guy such as me so much responsiblity.

no photo
Tue 06/24/08 04:18 PM

Why shouldn't you is also a good question unless you believe other religous books are false?

I mean if the God said to you one day that the Bible isn't perfect and asks you to rewrite the new holy book using the best passages from the other religions, would you disagree with him or would you do what he told you?

I have to recuse myself, because I don't believe God would do that.

I know you don't believe this to be true, but let us say it really did happen. Would you or could you do this for him?

Rewrite the book using different passages from other religious books as he asked you to do this?

If it was God asking me to do this, then I would have to ask why he was going to depend on my judgement. Maybe I'm biased against certain people based on race or gender or religion or social status...Nobody is perfect, except God. So I would be confused as to why God would give a lowly guy such as me so much responsiblity.

and if he gave you a acceptable answer would you do what he asks you to?

no photo
Tue 06/24/08 04:32 PM

Why shouldn't you is also a good question unless you believe other religous books are false?

I mean if the God said to you one day that the Bible isn't perfect and asks you to rewrite the new holy book using the best passages from the other religions, would you disagree with him or would you do what he told you?

I have to recuse myself, because I don't believe God would do that.

I know you don't believe this to be true, but let us say it really did happen. Would you or could you do this for him?

Rewrite the book using different passages from other religious books as he asked you to do this?

If it was God asking me to do this, then I would have to ask why he was going to depend on my judgement. Maybe I'm biased against certain people based on race or gender or religion or social status...Nobody is perfect, except God. So I would be confused as to why God would give a lowly guy such as me so much responsiblity.

and if he gave you a acceptable answer would you do what he asks you to?

If I knew I was speaking to God and I had no questions about why I was being used and why the various religous texts were being used, yes. Yes, I would do as God asked.

ArtGurl's photo
Tue 06/24/08 07:50 PM
Life...the experience

we worship at the alter of the oceans ....

we rejoice in the temple of the forests ...

and like Hafiz ...

"when no one is looking and I want to kiss God
I just lift my own hand


buffry's photo
Tue 06/24/08 08:06 PM

Why shouldn't you is also a good question unless you believe other religous books are false?

I mean if the God said to you one day that the Bible isn't perfect and asks you to rewrite the new holy book using the best passages from the other religions, would you disagree with him or would you do what he told you?

I have to recuse myself, because I don't believe God would do that.

I know you don't believe this to be true, but let us say it really did happen. Would you or could you do this for him?

Rewrite the book using different passages from other religious books as he asked you to do this?

If it was God asking me to do this, then I would have to ask why he was going to depend on my judgement. Maybe I'm biased against certain people based on race or gender or religion or social status...Nobody is perfect, except God. So I would be confused as to why God would give a lowly guy such as me so much responsiblity.

Hmmmmm...if you believe that then why do you believe the bible at all being as, a man wrote it??? Of course God spoke through him...but you do know that a man wrote it right????

no photo
Wed 06/25/08 09:05 AM

Why shouldn't you is also a good question unless you believe other religous books are false?

I mean if the God said to you one day that the Bible isn't perfect and asks you to rewrite the new holy book using the best passages from the other religions, would you disagree with him or would you do what he told you?

I have to recuse myself, because I don't believe God would do that.

I know you don't believe this to be true, but let us say it really did happen. Would you or could you do this for him?

Rewrite the book using different passages from other religious books as he asked you to do this?

If it was God asking me to do this, then I would have to ask why he was going to depend on my judgement. Maybe I'm biased against certain people based on race or gender or religion or social status...Nobody is perfect, except God. So I would be confused as to why God would give a lowly guy such as me so much responsiblity.

Hmmmmm...if you believe that then why do you believe the bible at all being as, a man wrote it??? Of course God spoke through him...but you do know that a man wrote it right????

Those people who wrote the Bible were inspired by God. For God to come to me and say "Take all of the world's relgions and create a new one" is to imply that I would be working on my own. Huge difference there.

no photo
Wed 06/25/08 07:17 PM

Now let me remind you only the stuff that doesn't harm others, but shows compassion, love, and laws that tolerate others no matter what creed, nationality, or color.

If you were appointed by a higher intelligence or God if you may to do this task what would you name this book?

I would name that book .."The Teletubbies"

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