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Topic: Fall Is Here....
SalvationJane's photo
Sun 09/24/06 11:10 AM
At this point I have no room in my bed for snuggling...my Boxer Howie is
a complete and total bed hog. So if I ever do find that special
someone, he will be sleeping on the couch!! Sorry guys, Howie is my
right hand man!


SalvationJane's photo
Sun 09/24/06 04:33 PM
Great day here, raked leaves, mowed grass, ran the dog and made him
fetch sticks...

Couldn't help but think about you rollin' nakie in the leaves there


Wendy1968's photo
Mon 09/25/06 05:36 PM
I believe there is someone for everyone. Don't give up hope. God had a
plan for you and his plan is perfect!

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