Topic: Old is when | |
"getting lucky" means you find your car in the parking lot...
you start collecting plastic bags for no reason. we always think we will need them right?
you start collecting plastic bags for no reason. we always think we will need them right? LOL....oh gosh...I do that I old???? |
you start collecting plastic bags for no reason. we always think we will need them right? you mean we won't??? |
you start to worry a lot of things. a lot.. of things.
you start collecting plastic bags for no reason. we always think we will need them right? LOL....oh gosh...I do that I old???? looooolololo, noooooo. but i never did that when i was in my 20s.llool |
old is when you start to wash the disposable forks and plates and keep them
you start collecting plastic bags for no reason. we always think we will need them right? you mean we won't??? yeaa, common you hear meeeeee |
you start collecting plastic bags for no reason. we always think we will need them right? you forgot to mention empty butter containers, empty whip cream tubs etc... by that i am way old |
I hate getting old because........what were we talking about?
you start collecting plastic bags for no reason. we always think we will need them right? you forgot to mention empty butter containers, empty whip cream tubs etc... by that i am way old yeaaa, those tooo!!! |
you start collecting plastic bags for no reason. we always think we will need them right? you forgot to mention empty butter containers, empty whip cream tubs etc... by that i am way old Empty containers don't make you old....that is called Alabama Tupperware. LOL! |
you start collecting plastic bags for no reason. we always think we will need them right? you forgot to mention empty butter containers, empty whip cream tubs etc... by that i am way old Empty containers don't make you old....that is called Alabama Tupperware. LOL! sweet! |