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TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Wed 09/13/06 02:15 PM
i know there are good women out there looking for a good man well i
think i found one. i wonder what she thinks. and she knows i like her i
wonder if she thinks i am a good enough for her to take a chance on.

amacree's photo
Wed 09/13/06 02:21 PM
its back 2 the whole bein patient thing.

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Wed 09/13/06 02:55 PM
yep i know

no photo
Wed 09/13/06 02:56 PM
Just don't rush things and everything will fall into place:)

HOTMOMMA's photo
Wed 09/13/06 03:30 PM

unsure's photo
Wed 09/13/06 03:41 PM
Look I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I think you have led a few
to think that you have liked them. So maybe you need to stop and think
about the way you say things? If you have found the right one, I wish
you luck, but I really think that a lot of people on here are thinking
exactly what I am saying but just don't know how to say it :)

HOTMOMMA's photo
Wed 09/13/06 03:45 PM

no photo
Wed 09/13/06 04:15 PM
We are all talking to each other..You have to try out with several
people before you feel that thing...I am glad you feel anything at all
tiredofbeingsingle one indeed is the loneliest number that you will ever
do.. WILL

no photo
Wed 09/13/06 05:16 PM
So who is the lucky lady? please tell us............

gterry05's photo
Wed 09/13/06 07:13 PM
I want to know, who she is too????

unsure's photo
Wed 09/13/06 07:39 PM
You mean...which one or all of them?

stephanie25's photo
Wed 09/13/06 08:56 PM
yeah, i'd like to know too! she must be one lucky woman!

unsure's photo
Wed 09/13/06 09:03 PM
I was wondering if you were going to respond steph...hmmm so what do you
think about all of this? Do you think what I posted was rude? Or just
being honest?

gterry05's photo
Wed 09/13/06 09:06 PM
ummmmmmm....Did sumone get busted????lol....

stephanie25's photo
Wed 09/13/06 09:07 PM
actually, i've told him about that, hey, honesty still counts in this
world! no worries :)

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Thu 09/14/06 10:10 AM
u know i knew last night on what ppl wrote on here w/o even being
online. tell me ppl i do like a lot of ladies on here but.... when they
give me their number and i call i git their vm more than i speak to
them, and they very really try to get in touch with me on e-mail. i am
not going to put my life on hold while these girls that i like play head
games and try to figure out if they want to take a chance and see me for
the gentle, caring, loving, respectful, and honest man that i am. i am
looking for love ppl not oh i'll think about it when i am ready. and
when i express my true honest feelings about her she gits scared like a
baby b/c i truely to like her w/o even meeting her in person and it
scares them. well i will tell ya'll right now i am not into games so if
u ladies really like me damn it show it. otherwise ya i am going to find
sum 1 that does and i truely feel a connection with. so no ppl its not
just the " MANS FAULT " so stop being critical of sum1 that is only
looking 4 sum 1 who will not hurt him again. i am tired of being the one
to be hurt all the time and i'm not going to be anymore so i am going to
weed out if u will the ones i feel are just playing head games and find
one that isn't into that who really wants sum 1 to spend the rest of
their life with. for those who say who is the lucky lady and mean it
thanku for being supportive and know me for who i am and that is a
really good person. sorry for those who think different but i cant
change the way yall feel.

HOTMOMMA's photo
Thu 09/14/06 11:06 AM
that still dont ancer the ? on the minds of all the ladies here and

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Thu 09/14/06 11:39 AM
its a secret. i wont let any1 know till i know 4 sure and if she wants
ppl to know until then its a secret

no photo
Thu 09/14/06 02:05 PM
Dear tired, your just too darn good looking to be single, have u been
holding out on us?? (giggles!) and to be honest, keep your lady to
yourself, its better that way and the relationship can grow, in privacy
and maybe later on in intamcy as well. But good luck, get off the net,
call her, make some good talk, and keep in close contact with her, dont
lie or cheat or sneak around playing the field if ur totally interested
in her. Men need to know, there are those of us out there who have old
fashioned values and thoughts and we do like our privacy. I am very glad
you have found someone, if she is genuine she will return her feelings
about you in due time, just be patient. Most men are in a hurry. Good
things come to those who wait and are patient, honest, loyal and have
great lips! ( teasing!) Take this time, to really know her, let her get
to know u and please, for god's sake, dont keep secrets from her, and
don't lie about your past or what is going on with you right at this
moment in always remember............making love comes
last in any relationship, you gotta be BEST FRIENDS first, then
companions, then lovers..................thats when the whole
relationship comes together finally. Then u are truely blessed!!! GOOD
LUCK!!!! I hope I gave u some insight! And I hope when she too reads
this.........shes smiling, just knowing that there is one more female
out there, who has a mind, and a good kind heart.


no photo
Thu 09/14/06 02:09 PM
I am behind you 100percent tired..You go man! WILL

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