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Topic: If you could make your living...
no photo
Tue 06/17/08 01:05 PM
Absolutely. I'd love to travel more. I can always visit family and friends.

joshyfox's photo
Tue 06/17/08 01:05 PM
That'd fit perfectly with a whim I had once to live out of an RV and travel the country for the rest of my life. It's a tough call between exploring America in a Rolling house or sitting still in my safe little hole in the ground (underground house).

I think when given a career that would involve me traveling like that, the decision would become clear. The only family that would tie be down could be brought along... most of the folks and I don't get along.

ljcc1964's photo
Tue 06/17/08 01:06 PM
I'm all over that!

adj4u's photo
Tue 06/17/08 01:09 PM

...traveling around the country, would you leave, home,family,friends, things all behind to do this?

been there done that

so, how'd it go?

well i did not go to jail cause i was not around my x lol

back now tho since the kidz are grown

it went ok i came back every 6-8 weeks to see the kids for a week or so

not sure if that disqualifies me from the situation you mentioned or not

and i kinda miss it now but did not have much of a life when gone tho but i liked the traveling

dungonmasterRJ's photo
Tue 06/17/08 01:09 PM
i have left my fam and traviel everyday off my life

no photo
Tue 06/17/08 01:16 PM

...traveling around the country, would you leave, home,family,friends, things all behind to do this?

Only for brief periods. This year's schedule includes New Zealand, Singapore, N. Ireland, Roebuck, SC and a few others, stateside. It'll be worse next year. After a while, you sorta get used to being in a flying rock. laugh laugh laugh laugh

tmay's photo
Tue 06/17/08 01:16 PM
hell yeah i would thats wut the internet and cell phones are for

lilangel2's photo
Tue 06/17/08 01:20 PM
I wouldn't have done it years ago...but, now with the invent of interent and lap tops, cell phones, really coool motorhomes and nice motorhome parks...yup, I am thinking real strong on them line.drinker drinker drinker

no photo
Tue 06/17/08 01:20 PM

I'm all over that!

Are you getting heavier? Is that what you're saying with that equation? Did gravity dun set in or what? laugh laugh laugh laugh

auburngirl's photo
Tue 06/17/08 01:57 PM

kitcat87's photo
Tue 06/17/08 01:58 PM

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