Topic: Serious people only...plz | |
Bipolar is a neurological imbalance that causes sudden mood swings, as well as prolonged depressed or euphoric states.
Specific incidents can set off a bout of bipolar, but just as often, a depressive or euphoric cycle begins for seemingly no reason at all. |
why don't you just hit the joke threads for bit. There's actually some pretty funny ones in there!
In a minute, hour or day it will pass. In the meantime
-call a bubbly friend and create a photo album of great smiles -remember an excellent time you had -go to the park, to the zoo, to the playground with a child or two and run around making smiles -get out of the house -go somewhere you've never been before -pray, in conversation - not ritual- with whatever power you recognize. tell all, let the down drain away from you -go for a walk -get out of the house -call every positive person in your telephone list, just to say hi -go to the gym -climb into a decadent snack and crawl into a very good book. if the book doesn't hold your attention, put it down and -get out of the house -strike up a conversation with a friendly stranger (in a public place of course - outside the house :) ) did i say get out of the house yet? Know that it'll pass, it always does. Know that people care. oh and get out of the house ![]() |
Seriously, in times like this it is best to have a serious and constructive hobby.
Do you like to write, paint, draw or anything of the sort? If not or if so, find something to keep your mind off of dwelling on problems that will soon come to pass. I know (being bi-polar myself), that sometimes you cannot help this. But just know that bi-polar is very common, as 1 out of every 5 Americans have this condition. Since you are already aware of it, try to either keep yourself busy or see a doctor for something you can take when you are in times like this. I recommend staying away from the heavy things, as you are young and would be tempted to socially drink with friends which can mess you up pretty bad. Zoloft is the best choice for someone as young as you, as other drugs possess addictive traits. Hope you feel better soon |
Edited by
Sun 06/29/08 05:24 AM
well I have been down today..nothing is seeming to cheer me up. I have bi-polar, but I can usually find something to cheer me up, nothing is helping me today... anyone got something you do to cheer yourself up? ![]() ![]() ![]() When my own depression is severe, I sometimes have to just focus on putting one foot in front of the other, opposing the condition. Often, just calling someone helps. If it's situational, just venting it often does the trick. If it's biological and I work against it, eventually it passes. In comparison, I'd likely be more concerned about you if you were manic or hypomanic, as we don't make good decisions during times like that. However, in that condition, usually I'm the one making people laugh, by saying exactly what I'm thinking. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() note to self. always check op date. -sigh- |
self pity, no i won't, i will pick myself up, and go to the nearest bar, and sit among the living and have myself a drink, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() As a rule, alcohol and bipolar disorder don't mix in a pretty way, fwiw. I have an alergic reaction to it myself. I break out in handcuffs. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Call up 3 people who you can cheer up for whatever reason and give them a pep talk. The adrenaline surge you get will make you feel better. If you don't know anyone you can cheer up call someone it is really hard to talk to and tell them something they need to hear like "I really care about you, just wanted to tell you". It makes you feel good to take on challenges and actually do them.
If you cannot do that then turn Comedy Central, laughter is good medicine. All these things do something inside your body chemistry. And put up some affirmations on your mirror and read them everyday!! |
well I have been down today..nothing is seeming to cheer me up. I have bi-polar, but I can usually find something to cheer me up, nothing is helping me today... anyone got something you do to cheer yourself up? ![]() ![]() ![]() Long walks are the cure for anything and everything here : you enjoy nature , see people around , hear and see the birds , get tired and enjoy a nice sleep ..........;is that heaven or what ?. ![]() ![]() |