Topic: Do you remember? | |
remember when.... they gave apples ,carmel apples, and popcorn balls out
for treats on halloween? |
yes!!! and then some sickie put a razor blade in apple and blew the
whole thing.. |
Mouths watering while our parents had to check very piece of candy we
got. |
yes!!!!! they would spread it out on the table..
and pick out the bad |
Hey Krow, I was at the store after we talked this morning and they had a
glass pop machine. The funny thing is the price was still 25c. I thought about growing up and all the neighborhood kids would walk a mile just for a pop. |
wow 25 cents!! I remember in the late 70's..I got about 20 of
those glass bottles and buried them in my yard..I bet there still there today/.. |
if things were only as simple now as they were back then.
yea... I hear ya
buffalo bob..hmm i think I do..
k-tels tv magic cards..
batons turn tables lava lamps cassettes |
yep... i love all the old stuff.
yeaaa...tree forts
I do remember slinkies and battleship I were once good in battleship
kill my brothers when they play me LOL |
wax lips
brownies sleep overs transistor radios |
ist Moon landing?
Apollo 13? Disco Halls? Bag Phones? Watergate? |
bag phones? hmm
how about yoyo's I had the glow in the dark one.. etch-a-scetch I remember I use to play catch all the time.. dam long time ago.. |
someone forget 8 tracks?