Topic: Hello, profile help?? | |
Any suggestions how how to make it better? Thanks :D
do away with the dreads perhaps?
You have an excellent write up but you could always use more pictures about 17 more
Too long to hold my short attention span.
Just added some a picture, the other one was a bit old. I don't really want to cut my hair, I like it :p
keep the dreads... good job on the profile and slipknot hails!! \m/
u look like my heavy metal buddy and he is your height 2
o and about your profile the best thing i can tell u is just be yourself and welcome here |
I think it was a little long. You don't need to tell them everything. Maybe inject some more heroin.... I mean HUMOR.
Too long to hold my short attention span. Hello Dori Nimo here |
Too long to hold my short attention span. Hello Dori Nimo here |
Thanks everyone, I'll upload some more pics later.