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Topic: New Woman from Oklahoma!
Nursenell76's photo
Thu 06/12/08 11:57 PM
I'm a newbie from Oklahoma. This website is really cool. I'm enjoying the forums and all of the personalities.

Queene123's photo
Thu 06/12/08 11:58 PM
welcome to the :tongue: family and join in the laugh and the sad and have a drinker flowerforyou

and dont forget to add your credit card

darkowl1's photo
Thu 06/12/08 11:58 PM
greetings from new orleans, have fun here,drinker drinker drinker

wraithme66's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:00 AM
Thank you... I like you already.

guyguy1225's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:00 AM
welcomedrinker flowerforyou

seahawks's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:00 AM
hi n welcome.!flowerforyou

lgo's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:01 AM
welcome :smile:

boneyjoe's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:02 AM
yep all kind of flavories

MrTangerineSpeedo's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:02 AM
Cheers drinker

higlander's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:04 AM
welcomeflowerforyou flowerforyou

Nursenell76's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:10 AM
Well thank ya, thank ya

JaceKnows's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:18 AM
Welcome to JSH/O+U! Have fun in the forums, post often, smile a lot, and start drinking heavily... (=

flowerforyou flowerforyou drinker drinker

Spaceman2008's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:51 AM

I'm a newbie from Oklahoma. This website is really cool. I'm enjoying the forums and all of the personalities.

Welcome from the "Land down under!" LOL! laugh laugh

transientmind's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:53 AM
Well I'm an oldie from Oklahoma, welcome to the crewdrinker

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:55 AM
welcome to the looney bin ! laugh flowerforyou

livelife68's photo
Fri 06/13/08 12:56 AM
welcome..enjoy the show. flowerforyou

Sweetnshy47's photo
Fri 06/13/08 01:20 AM
lived there for a few years,loved it,Howdy and welcome!!flowerforyou :smile:

tearsofblood666's photo
Fri 06/13/08 02:04 AM
i should relocate lol

brooke007's photo
Fri 06/13/08 02:05 AM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 06/13/08 02:20 AM

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