Topic: Honestly...what would you do? | |
THIS is why men are AZZHEADS!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() so they are indigonous to Cali are they? |
I know I took almost 2 years after splitting up with my sons dad before i could date again...and even now being in a relationship can freak me out a bit. It scares me to give someone my heart, but you have to be so vulernable to experience love again. I dunno! My friends think Im being too nice. Thats the shrink in me I guess, always wanting to find the root of the problem and how to help fix it. They think it was pretty sh*tty of him to do to me, but its nice to get a guys opinion on this as well. That some of the men are saying that some guys dont do it to be mean, just to think. |
Were getting together tonight at 8:30...ugh, I'll let you guys know how it goes
it was just two whats the big deal? where you making wedding plans already?? did you hire the caterer and send out invitations?? It was just four weeks, not enough time to develop anything except having a few laughs... Lighten up, have a good time and dont worry about anything.. have a question for ya, when is the last time you spent any time with somone and be honest? that's not a fair question, to some people 2 months is an eternity, to others it's a drop in the bucket. It depends on how emotionally involved YOU got with the person, vs. how emotionally involved THEY got. For me, and based on what the OP describes they were very "close" so I might be a bit upset about it, but if she likes him, and is willing to give him another chance... Ok. but true, it was only 2 months, I've had longer relationships with telemarketers... ![]() ![]() I kinda disagree on if it's a fair question or not. Unless your heartless then yeah i can see the part about being droped. But there are not many on this form that are that way. it's easy to say AHH forget about it and have fun when your not the one goping through it and then some time down the line that same person that said it's no big deal is in the same situation or somthing like it, but its there turn now. So hpow how is it so easy to say things when your not in it but when you are it's a whoile different story? Of course its very easy to say things when you're not in it..the OP asked what would you do...not give me support because Im in love and got dumped...whats the big frigg'n deal here? Some people are more in control of their feelings than others and dont get so caught up in them as others, the replies on this thread give evidence to that neither is better than the other. If your getting up set over a simple reply. maybe you should move on. You replied to me. So i just asked a simple question. It's really not that big of a deal, but i'm going to answer it anyway ![]() |
you're young and beautiful, you are probably very smart and have a warm heart..dont be so willing to give yourself away so easily..if you're working harder at the relationship than he is, then its not worth it...whether its two hours, two weeks, two months or two years... ![]() |
OK GUYS, now I like this advice:
A good (guy) friend just told me another side. He was married too before. Anyway he said that maybe he got freaked out, not because I did anything wrong, but rather...I did everything RIGHT. Men after being married for so long, first have to get over their ex, then gain their independence back, then look forward to dating again. And MAYBE, JUST MAYBE look forward to the idea of finding Mrs. "Right" for real this time. Well me being his 1st girlfriend after the split, have a disadvantage. Men that have been married, as would i after a long relationship, look forward to dating around and taking my time in finding the RIGHT person. NOT hop right back into a SERIOUS relationship. So my friend says maybe when he put his line back in the water of the dating pool...he didnt think he would get a keeper on the first bite. Guys...I like this, can you see truth in this? Or is my friend just being nice? |
OK GUYS, now I like this advice: A good (guy) friend just told me another side. He was married too before. Anyway he said that maybe he got freaked out, not because I did anything wrong, but rather...I did everything RIGHT. Men after being married for so long, first have to get over their ex, then gain their independence back, then look forward to dating again. And MAYBE, JUST MAYBE look forward to the idea of finding Mrs. "Right" for real this time. Well me being his 1st girlfriend after the split, have a disadvantage. Men that have been married, as would i after a long relationship, look forward to dating around and taking my time in finding the RIGHT person. NOT hop right back into a SERIOUS relationship. So my friend says maybe when he put his line back in the water of the dating pool...he didnt think he would get a keeper on the first bite. Guys...I like this, can you see truth in this? Or is my friend just being nice? |
so maybe after 2 weeks he has decided he does miss me not being in his life?
so maybe after 2 weeks he has decided he does miss me not being in his life? it could be anything Twilights. Why don't you have a talk with him and go from there. you can get allkinds of opinions, but it won't make a bit of difference on anyhting till you talk to him. Go out and have a good time and wait for when you feel comfortable talking to him about it. |
so maybe after 2 weeks he has decided he does miss me not being in his life? |
well 2 weeks with out calling me? Im not a jeolous person, and Im not clingy...but after that amount of time and obviously avoiding me... that just leaves me to assume things, you know? Like is it another girl? Did he get back with his ex? Did I do something wrong? Kick him under the bus. You do not have to put up with that. Or you could make him BEG. Right now he owes you. Keep the upperhand. |
Ok, so i was dating this guy for almost 2 months. We clicked so well, and I had an absolute blast dating him. We'd spend hours laughing until our stomachs hurt, we could have long conversations, or we could both joke with each other we had the same sense of humor & personality, and oh yeah...there was a lot of physical attraction and awesome chemistry. My friends would tell me they were jeolous of how fast and well we hit it off. Well 2 weeks ago he just quit calling me, when I tried calling him he never returned my phone call. I was crushed! But mostly it left me wondering "What the FRENCHTOAST happened?" Anyway... Now he called me on tuesday to wish me happy birthday. I was dumbfounded. I basically said thanks and hung up. Then he called me again last night...we didnt have any "big talks" or anything small chit chat under 5 mins...then I said I had to get some sleep and was about to hang up when he asked if I wanted to hang out tomorow night (tonight). I, sure. Am I an idiot for saying yes? Im planning on not saying anything, let him do all the talking. I knida want to know what happened. What should I do? In short, don't even bother. Just go on with your life and forget the turd even existed. You'll be better off for it. And this comes from someone who's had to deal with this exact kind of malarkey, too. It's just not worth gettin' pissed off over some idiot's lack of punctuality. |
OK GUYS, now I like this advice: A good (guy) friend just told me another side. He was married too before. Anyway he said that maybe he got freaked out, not because I did anything wrong, but rather...I did everything RIGHT. Men after being married for so long, first have to get over their ex, then gain their independence back, then look forward to dating again. And MAYBE, JUST MAYBE look forward to the idea of finding Mrs. "Right" for real this time. Well me being his 1st girlfriend after the split, have a disadvantage. Men that have been married, as would i after a long relationship, look forward to dating around and taking my time in finding the RIGHT person. NOT hop right back into a SERIOUS relationship. So my friend says maybe when he put his line back in the water of the dating pool...he didnt think he would get a keeper on the first bite. Guys...I like this, can you see truth in this? Or is my friend just being nice? Yes, however, he was a jerk for standing you up, and should not have made plans if he had no intention of fulfilling them. He's a jerk, NEXT. |
Are you an idiot for saying yes? No, absolutely not. It would seem, you said yes, because you still feel something for him, perhaps mixed with some guilt and emotional stuff, deep inside you. Stick to him like glue, until such a time, that he stops communicating with you peramently, or ends the relationship himself. Don't even think of ending it, yourself. I think you did a good thing, girl.
First of all, the married guy (once married guy?) exaggerated.
All men are different, afterall, but that explanation doesn't cut it. If he freaked, it wasn't because you did everything right, it was because of his astonishment or your timing. Don't be taken in/manipulated by the exaggerations of men who were once married. It doesn't take very long, depending on circumstances, to get over an ex, Twilight. And I still think you were a good girl, for what you did. |