Topic: THE GREEN DRAGON'S INN - part 9 | |
Their is a reason I'm not seen with other drow I don't associate with my own people b/c they wronged me long ago and for me to befriend my own kind is the hardest thing for me to do. I've fought drow before and i would fight drow again. Well the short version of my life is that a drow killed my father and drove my mother to suicide and has killed everyone close to me since. she has not tried to kill me yet. but has stolen my baby. I just recently got him back. ahh, well I had a brother whom i killed for he killed my bride nad i've never known my parents...I'm sorry for your losses and am glad that you've gotten your child back... |
I am Azareak nice to meet you
I am Azareak nice to meet you |
Their is a reason I'm not seen with other drow I don't associate with my own people b/c they wronged me long ago and for me to befriend my own kind is the hardest thing for me to do. I've fought drow before and i would fight drow again. Well the short version of my life is that a drow killed my father and drove my mother to suicide and has killed everyone close to me since. she has not tried to kill me yet. but has stolen my baby. I just recently got him back. ahh, well I had a brother whom i killed for he killed my bride nad i've never known my parents...I'm sorry for your losses and am glad that you've gotten your child back... Well if it wasn't for my friends here and those who have gone I would not be here nor have my child |
no I havent seen them around today
Their is a reason I'm not seen with other drow I don't associate with my own people b/c they wronged me long ago and for me to befriend my own kind is the hardest thing for me to do. I've fought drow before and i would fight drow again. Well the short version of my life is that a drow killed my father and drove my mother to suicide and has killed everyone close to me since. she has not tried to kill me yet. but has stolen my baby. I just recently got him back. ahh, well I had a brother whom i killed for he killed my bride nad i've never known my parents...I'm sorry for your losses and am glad that you've gotten your child back... Well if it wasn't for my friends here and those who have gone I would not be here nor have my child what is the name of this drow you speak of? |
no I havent seen them around today |
Their is a reason I'm not seen with other drow I don't associate with my own people b/c they wronged me long ago and for me to befriend my own kind is the hardest thing for me to do. I've fought drow before and i would fight drow again. Well the short version of my life is that a drow killed my father and drove my mother to suicide and has killed everyone close to me since. she has not tried to kill me yet. but has stolen my baby. I just recently got him back. ahh, well I had a brother whom i killed for he killed my bride nad i've never known my parents...I'm sorry for your losses and am glad that you've gotten your child back... Well if it wasn't for my friends here and those who have gone I would not be here nor have my child what is the name of this drow you speak of? Her name is Esane. Why do you ask? |
Her name is Esane. Why do you ask? I ask because from time to time i do join my people as a spy to see what they are up to. And generally i here stories. I've never encounterd her but i do know of her. Saddly my people i feel have been growing angry with me for some time and i dare say it is no longer safe for me to show my face in any undegground dwelling but my own... |
*lays her head down and begins to doze off*
Her name is Esane. Why do you ask? I ask because from time to time i do join my people as a spy to see what they are up to. And generally i here stories. I've never encounterd her but i do know of her. Saddly my people i feel have been growing angry with me for some time and i dare say it is no longer safe for me to show my face in any undegground dwelling but my own... YOu have heard of her? What have you heard? I know nothing about her. |
YOu have heard of her? What have you heard? I know nothing about her. All i know is that she usually gets what she wants, she doesn't fear anyone, but supposedly the cause of all she does is do to something that happened in her childhood. |
galadriel walks through the kitchen to check on it. she sees meals prepared for tomorrow. she cleans the few disshes that are left for calliope tomorrow knowing she will be busy. wipes the counter and table down and returns to the bar and pours herself a wine for the evening. checks to see what can be done there. checks on the ones weho are sitting in there. can i get anyone something to drink perhaps
YOu have heard of her? What have you heard? I know nothing about her. All i know is that she usually gets what she wants, she doesn't fear anyone, but supposedly the cause of all she does is do to something that happened in her childhood. She killed my father out of jealousy. Ripped his heart out and then left him for my mother to find. |
seeing everyone is engrossed in their own drinks and woes. galadriel finishes her wine and washes the glass. she heads toward the door of the in. i bid yall a goodnight and will see yall tomorrow. i am going to check on things and will return tomorrow. she softly closes the door behind her as she takes her leave.
*gets up* I must go.. Shagrath is not feeling to well.. still going through the change. *sigh* goodnight everyone *walks out the door*
good night azareak
*yawns* Tis time for me to return home, for my weaponry is still at their and it is not safe for me to be out without protection much later. *bids fairwell to those who reamain rushes out the door*
well Finwe we are all alone again
*Azareak walks in from the back, cloak draped over her hood covering her face, she sits at the darkest corner table*