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Topic: gentleman... why...?
ladyliz1417's photo
Tue 06/10/08 07:10 PM
I just posted about this a couple days ago asking the same thing. Still dont know the answers.

Tazz42's photo
Tue 06/10/08 07:15 PM

Ahh, I see. You can give it but you can't take it.

You really need to back off .......I won't be responsible for what all my other friends may write at you!

LMAO!! She's going to get her Cyber Gang after you laugh laugh
Does the gang have colors and special hand shake? laugh laugh laugh

Actually, it's not a gang....it's called having my back...And I meant the JSH police, which did interveen.drinker

michiganman3's photo
Tue 06/10/08 07:23 PM
Because they, previous Mutual Matches, did not respond to to e-mail. So unless I have already established some kind of contact, I delete them. I mean if I click "yes I am interested in meeting them, I assume they were offered the choice also. If I don't get a "match", my understanding is they are not interested in meeting me, so why e-mail them.

no photo
Tue 06/10/08 07:23 PM

Ahh, I see. You can give it but you can't take it.

AgedTramp, anyone can see you've got a winning personality! Dirtbags like you really piss me off! Why don't you learn how to be a man and stop harassing women?

LMMFAO!!!! I guess so, Blue.... laugh laugh laugh laugh

As you can tell Cyber Gangs normally sport glasses as part of their gear laugh laugh laugh laugh

glasses glasses glasses glasses glasses

And your point is?

laugh laugh laugh laugh

iatomcat's photo
Wed 06/11/08 07:50 AM

Why not email them first?

because i am not good at "ice breaking"

You're doing a good at it in the forums.

dirtyblonde007's photo
Wed 06/11/08 07:56 AM

Why not email them first?

because i am not good at "ice breaking"

You're doing a good at it in the forums.

the forums are easier because of the topics. what on earth are you going to say in an email?

iatomcat's photo
Wed 06/11/08 08:01 AM
As you can tell Cyber Gangs normally sport glasses as part of their gear laugh laugh laugh laugh

yawn smokin smokin

no photo
Wed 06/11/08 09:34 AM

if you know you have a mutual match, why don't you email her?
its not rhetorical. i am interested to know why don't you email ladies.

The lights might have been on, but my list is never online. It's likely that if someone does show up online, my first thread to them will be, "Back from the dead?" laugh laugh laugh

bobbyblue's photo
Wed 06/11/08 10:51 AM
Sometimes they don't appeal to me and I should at least acknowledge them but I don't. Just like when I email females to be friendly and they don't bother returning the emails.

Cambolaya65's photo
Wed 06/11/08 10:53 AM
Dang hoochies!grumble

Sweetnshy47's photo
Wed 06/11/08 10:57 AM
OOOOOOOOOh! what a crazy world we live in!!laugh

Redshirt's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:20 AM
I have e-mailed a number of them. Most do not write back. Several who have are now friends. Think some look at the distance and say, "No" even when they looking for friends.

SomebodyinChico's photo
Mon 06/16/08 04:12 PM
It's hard to explain, but it's difficult to choose one, when there are so many possible mutual matches. Plus, I really want someone whose where I am. Besides, if a woman can be unsure, when a man is sure, why can't a man be unsure?

BlueskyJ's photo
Mon 06/16/08 04:26 PM

if you know you have a mutual match, why don't you email her?
its not rhetorical. i am interested to know why don't you email ladies.

I currently have 20 mutual matches, used to have more but they deleted me after we talked some.....embarassed

What was the question?.....

indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent

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