Topic: Resume questions
Johncenawlife316's photo
Tue 06/10/08 09:38 AM
Edited by Johncenawlife316 on Tue 06/10/08 09:39 AM
I got this email a while back,about rewriting resumes anyways I thought why not try it and see what they said, it was free but I would have to pay them in order to fix any thing on it etc.

My question does those professional resumes re-writers really work ?

If so are there any free one's out there that might be able to help me out ?.

franshade's photo
Tue 06/10/08 09:41 AM
not sure if I've ever seen a free resume writer online or off.

there are plenty and numerous samples online that you can use as a reference.

good luck flowerforyou

Johncenawlife316's photo
Tue 06/10/08 09:44 AM

not sure if I've ever seen a free resume writer online or off.

there are plenty and numerous samples online that you can use as a reference.

good luck flowerforyou

Oh alright. Thanks.

lilith401's photo
Tue 06/10/08 09:53 AM
Edited by lilith401 on Tue 06/10/08 10:35 AM
Hey, I was almost free, last time I only charged lunch at TGIFridays!!! I'm a sucker for the Jack Daniel's sauce. :wink:

Hint: The resumes that are all chatty, with "goals" and "talents" as subheaders.... ditch that and go with a traditional and detailed resume that provides information in detail but also encourages questions and people wanting to learn about you as a person. Resumes are about experience and knowledge, not personality.

Oh, and if it can go on one page, all the better. Bullet points rock.

Good luck.

flame1cutie's photo
Tue 06/10/08 09:57 AM
Edited by flame1cutie on Tue 06/10/08 10:26 AM

I got this email a while back,about rewriting resumes anyways I thought why not try it and see what they said, it was free but I would have to pay them in order to fix any thing on it etc.

My question does those professional resumes re-writers really work ?

If so are there any free one's out there that might be able to help me out ?.

Go to Resume Wizard. It's free. When it comes up. Scan to Freeresume wizard. Click on it. It will help you to build a professional resume. I hope this helpsflowerforyou Also contact Michigan Works. They will help you for free.

Johncenawlife316's photo
Tue 06/10/08 10:31 AM
Edited by Johncenawlife316 on Tue 06/10/08 10:33 AM
Wow, Thanks for all of your help and use full information. happy

Johncenawlife316's photo
Tue 06/10/08 10:49 AM

I got this email a while back,about rewriting resumes anyways I thought why not try it and see what they said, it was free but I would have to pay them in order to fix any thing on it etc.

My question does those professional resumes re-writers really work ?

If so are there any free one's out there that might be able to help me out ?.

Go to Resume Wizard. It's free. When it comes up. Scan to Freeresume wizard. Click on it. It will help you to build a professional resume. I hope this helpsflowerforyou Also contact Michigan Works. They will help you for free.

I've tired that freeresume wizard and I don't know if I found the right site or not, but it looked like wanted to charge me or something and I didn't see anything about scan freeresume on there.

I had contact Michigan works before but they didn't seem very helpful at least not to me.

flame1cutie's photo
Tue 06/10/08 11:21 AM

I got this email a while back,about rewriting resumes anyways I thought why not try it and see what they said, it was free but I would have to pay them in order to fix any thing on it etc.

My question does those professional resumes re-writers really work ?

If so are there any free one's out there that might be able to help me out ?.

Go to Resume Wizard. It's free. When it comes up. Scan to Freeresume wizard. Click on it. It will help you to build a professional resume. I hope this helpsflowerforyou Also contact Michigan Works. They will help you for free.

I've tired that freeresume wizard and I don't know if I found the right site or not, but it looked like wanted to charge me or something and I didn't see anything about scan freeresume on there.

I had contact Michigan works before but they didn't seem very helpful at least not to me.
I'm sorry I didn't mean scan. I meant go down to it. I went back and checked it out. You have to sign up as a new user thats all. Do you have Microsoft office on your comp?

flame1cutie's photo
Tue 06/10/08 11:26 AM
With Michigan Works, you have to go down to them and register with them. Then tell them what you need.

Johncenawlife316's photo
Tue 06/10/08 11:37 AM

I got this email a while back,about rewriting resumes anyways I thought why not try it and see what they said, it was free but I would have to pay them in order to fix any thing on it etc.

My question does those professional resumes re-writers really work ?

If so are there any free one's out there that might be able to help me out ?.

Go to Resume Wizard. It's free. When it comes up. Scan to Freeresume wizard. Click on it. It will help you to build a professional resume. I hope this helpsflowerforyou Also contact Michigan Works. They will help you for free.

I've tired that freeresume wizard and I don't know if I found the right site or not, but it looked like wanted to charge me or something and I didn't see anything about scan freeresume on there.

I had contact Michigan works before but they didn't seem very helpful at least not to me.
I'm sorry I didn't mean scan. I meant go down to it. I went back and checked it out. You have to sign up as a new user thats all. Do you have Microsoft office on your comp?

No I do not. Simply because it cost over well over $100 bucks to get.

able_69's photo
Tue 06/10/08 11:38 AM
I spent 17 years in HR and I know what makes a good resume'. However there is no magic formula that fits all situations. It largely depends on what type of job you are looking for and who you are sending your resume' to. (i.e. Hr Manager, CEO, dept Manager, etc..) The most important part of your Resume' is the 1st 33% if page 1. It many cases, this is all that get's read initially! This sections should contain the most important information you want the reader to see.

Johncenawlife316's photo
Tue 06/10/08 11:38 AM

With Michigan Works, you have to go down to them and register with them. Then tell them what you need.

I do know and understand that part.

I've been to there website and know how they work.

To me it doesn't seem they do much, other then have you search on a pc which I already am and have been doing for jobs etc, they kinda do not make no since at least to me. But then again I might be misunderstanding something.

Johncenawlife316's photo
Tue 06/10/08 11:41 AM

I spent 17 years in HR and I know what makes a good resume'. However there is no magic formula that fits all situations. It largely depends on what type of job you are looking for and who you are sending your resume' to. (i.e. Hr Manager, CEO, dept Manager, etc..) The most important part of your Resume' is the 1st 33% if page 1. It many cases, this is all that get's read initially! This sections should contain the most important information you want the reader to see.

Yeah and that's understandable and all but I'm not to sure how to fix what might need to be fix over all. After sending it to one website and they cost over $200 bucks just to re write things and what not. I don't know.

I'm just trying to get it nearly perfect so I can get more job offers is all, etc.

flame1cutie's photo
Tue 06/10/08 11:45 AM

I spent 17 years in HR and I know what makes a good resume'. However there is no magic formula that fits all situations. It largely depends on what type of job you are looking for and who you are sending your resume' to. (i.e. Hr Manager, CEO, dept Manager, etc..) The most important part of your Resume' is the 1st 33% if page 1. It many cases, this is all that get's read initially! This sections should contain the most important information you want the reader to see.

Yeah and that's understandable and all but I'm not to sure how to fix what might need to be fix over all. After sending it to one website and they cost over $200 bucks just to re write things and what not. I don't know.

I'm just trying to get it nearly perfect so I can get more job offers is all, etc.

Let me do some checking for you on some things. I'll get back with you in a little while. I'm really trying to help.

nicetim1971's photo
Tue 06/10/08 07:18 PM
Seek help from the career development office at the school you're attending or graduated from.

Moondark's photo
Tue 06/10/08 07:20 PM
There are some fantastic resume sample books out there. Give all sorts of samples for the best styles for many different careers and jobs. And samples for people in a field just out of school with no experience, with years of experience, or with lots of experience in other fields and transferring to the new career.

Just flip through some at the store and pick a good one for you.

Johncenawlife316's photo
Tue 06/10/08 08:23 PM

I spent 17 years in HR and I know what makes a good resume'. However there is no magic formula that fits all situations. It largely depends on what type of job you are looking for and who you are sending your resume' to. (i.e. Hr Manager, CEO, dept Manager, etc..) The most important part of your Resume' is the 1st 33% if page 1. It many cases, this is all that get's read initially! This sections should contain the most important information you want the reader to see.

Yeah and that's understandable and all but I'm not to sure how to fix what might need to be fix over all. After sending it to one website and they cost over $200 bucks just to re write things and what not. I don't know.

I'm just trying to get it nearly perfect so I can get more job offers is all, etc.

Let me do some checking for you on some things. I'll get back with you in a little while. I'm really trying to help.

Thank you.

Johncenawlife316's photo
Tue 06/10/08 08:24 PM
Edited by Johncenawlife316 on Tue 06/10/08 08:25 PM

Seek help from the career development office at the school you're attending or graduated from.

Only problem with that is I don't know of too many career development offices around my area, and although I was going back to school for some time last year some things came up and I had to stop, But I am looking into maybe trying to take an online classic or something.

Johncenawlife316's photo
Tue 06/10/08 08:27 PM

There are some fantastic resume sample books out there. Give all sorts of samples for the best styles for many different careers and jobs. And samples for people in a field just out of school with no experience, with years of experience, or with lots of experience in other fields and transferring to the new career.

Just flip through some at the store and pick a good one for you.

I know some online sites have them but I get kinda lost when running through them.

As far as stores goes I am not to sure what stores might carry such information.

Thanks for your help, along with every body else's here. drinker