Topic: Things to do today
DestinysDream's photo
Mon 06/09/08 12:41 AM
Empty the vacuum prior to use.
Hang the pictures.
Mount the picture.
Go to store for groceries.
Contact girl....scratch that.
Contact girl.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 06/09/08 12:43 AM

Empty the vacuum prior to use.
Hang the pictures.
Mount the picture.
Go to store for groceries.
Contact girl....scratch that.
Contact girl.

:smile: busy schedule:smile:

Dangerous_Kitchen's photo
Mon 06/09/08 12:45 AM
i take it you didn't "contact girl"? :tongue:

DestinysDream's photo
Mon 06/09/08 12:46 AM
I'd like everyone to add their own things to do. Life can get so confusing sometimes.

DestinysDream's photo
Mon 06/09/08 12:49 AM

i take it you didn't "contact girl"? :tongue:

I have to check my balance first. :wink: laugh
Actually she sleeps late so I need to give her enough time to wake up. :smile:

Bexter's photo
Mon 06/09/08 01:01 AM

I'd like everyone to add their own things to do. Life can get so confusing sometimes.

Summers are MUCH easier!!

Wake up (hopefully AFTER 4am)
Take allergy medicine
Take shower
Make breakfast
Wake wee one
Dry hair
Make sure she washes, dresses, eats.
Get dressed
Make bed
Put in laundry
Put away laundry from yesterday
Do dishes
Go to work (wee one comes along)
Indescriminate amount of time spent practicing insanity
Rush home
Meet daughter/take grandbabies
Wash, change, dress, feed, water, nap, cuddle, play, laugh
Do homework
Prepare for class
Dinner for wee one
Meet daughter/deliver grandbabies
Get wee one to sitter
Go to class
Four hours of incarceration w/a sentance of total boredom.
Collect wee one
Rush home (please God!)
Make sure she washes, brushes, changes, etc
Prepare for following day
Read required selection(s) for bedtime story
Kiss, hug, cuddle
Do homework/fall asleep on k/b
Collapse in bed wishing there was more time in a day