Topic: Prayer for a Teacher
mistyblue2012's photo
Mon 02/19/07 07:54 PM
I wasn't sure which section to post this under so here it goes.....I am
an ESL middle school teacher. My kids are from all over the world, but
most of them are hispanic, not all from Mexico. Texas is very test happy
and that is a whole other subject. Bottom line...some of my kids are
taking the writing TAKS test tomorrow (intended to test proficiency in
English grammar and conventions of writing) Most native English speaking
kids do great. My kids, well let's just say it is a crap shoot. I have
prepared them the best I can, BUT I did spend the first part of the year
teaching basic phonics, and how the structure of English is different
than their home countries. My sweeties do great to write in complete
sentences. It's not that they don't know impressive vocabulary, it's
just that they have a difficult time crossing back and forth between
languages. So please pray that they do well or at the very least have
blessed luck with their guessing. I know I have added value to their
learning but I can't say it was enough to jump through this hoop. Texas
doesn't understand the time it takes for language development. If you
have issues with illegal immigration, then at least pray for
me.......bottom line is their scores will reflect how the system views
PS.......Texas considers being enrolled in a school one day as a
year......please extra prayers for misty and the colorful, talented crew
she leads!!!

LAMom's photo
Mon 02/19/07 07:56 PM
Misty,,, God Bless you Sweetie and your Kids,,, My Prayers are with all
of you... flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 02/19/07 07:57 PM
Misty you ahve my prayers and GOD will watch over you and those
children, i know what youre going through im a child psychologist and
tring to get the medical drs to keep small kids of antidepressants is a
battle, so GOD BLESS

gardenforge's photo
Mon 02/19/07 07:59 PM
Misty my prayers are with you and your students.

no photo
Mon 02/19/07 08:01 PM
My prayers are with all of you :smile: flowerforyou

NYCgirl's photo
Mon 02/19/07 08:02 PM
I understated very well.
I am a 3rd grade teacher and my kids are ESL too.
They took the English Language Arts test last month and will take the
math test next month. So good luck to your students as I also pray for
yours and mine. flowerforyou flowerforyou

Marie55's photo
Mon 02/19/07 08:03 PM
Misty, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck tomorrow. I
know you did your best with your "little ones."

mistyblue2012's photo
Mon 02/19/07 08:05 PM
Thanks guys and thank you NYC.....I taught third grade for 5 years, then
fourth and now middle school. Tomorrow is going to be a LONG day!!!!!

Morena350's photo
Mon 02/19/07 08:07 PM
I am Hispanic, and understand exactly what your talking about
and yes it is hard, hope your kids do well on their test, and is so nice
of you to worry like that about them, some teachers just teach and
that's have your heart in your work and that makes you a winner
already in my book

I will pray for them and you...

mistyblue2012's photo
Mon 02/19/07 08:09 PM
Thanks Morena...I'm trying to learn Spanish. It's hard! I would like to
see Rick Perry, our gov, try and take a test in Spanish. Maybe then the
legislature could create a law that is fair to those of us trying to
make the world a better place.

kojack's photo
Mon 02/19/07 08:33 PM
Misty darlin, i hae total confidence in you. i know in my heart that no
matter the task. or the issue i can always count on you. i know that you
aim high and sometimes may fall short, but with this issue you will
excel beyond state expectations.
your an inspiration to all who know you, especially me. You always go
out of your way for others, Tomorrow is your day to shine darling, and
shine you will. I ve told you before how much you mean to me, i just
hope i didn t tell you to soon.