Topic: IRAQ, STAY OR GO | |
i hope when they come back bush shuld be dead
Why start the same thread over? Answer remains the same. Stay till the
job is done. Go in once, do it once, get it done and over with. |
they send this soldiers to iraq for nothing
Responded in other thread. Tell that to Taliban and Al-Queda.
Never should have been there in the first place. The longer we stay,
the more Americans die needlessly, just to feed the ego of a lunatic mass murderer. |
i agree
3 TIMES. |
Are you too young to remember Viet Nam? If so, here's how it works: Go
halfway around the world to a country that means absolutely nothing to us and get plenty of our kids killed. (Make sure the war is unwinable.) Piss off as many people and countries as possible, especially the country you're "liberating." We're really doing a good job this time because we're making enemies of every Islamic fundamentalist nutball in the world. If things don't seem depressing enough, make it so a Marine who fought on Iwo Jima can't light up at the V.F.W. That's what we did here in Ohio, land of the free. |
Actually I do remember Viet-Nam. A war that was winnable if left in the
hands of the military. But civilians in the White House were issuing target lists (which did not include strategic targets such as Haiphong Harbor or the rail yards of Hanoi) and promised Ho that these targets would not be hit. Also the cutting of troop morale by those saying the war was wrong. Hmmmm sounds kinda like now. Why not just support the troops and let them do their job. |
We are making enemies in the Arab world faster than we can kill them.
You are also making friends by building schools, hospital, water
systems, etc. |
You say you remember Viet Nam. That may be, but you sure didn't learn
anything from it. That war--like this war--was NOT winnable. As far as troop morale goes, the troops also showed patriotism by coming home and marching in the streets against the Viet Nam war. One of the most poignant moments of the era was the Mother of a dead soldier who marched with us during Moratorium. She was heartbroken that her son had died for no reason, and didn't want it to happen to anybody else's Mother. Go to iTunes, buy "Universal Soldier" by Donovan, and get radical. It's the only way to end this madness. |
Why should it be the job of US troops to meddle in a country we know
nothing about and the only beneficiaries are big war profiteers like Haliburton and Bechtel? If we spent half of the money we've spent in Iraq on developing renewable energy resources in this country we could stop using foreign oil entirely, start reversing air polution that causes tens of thousands of premature deaths every year and help reverser global warming. Is our outlook so limited and so negative that we think American ingenuity cannot find a better way than total dependence on Big Oil? There is a far better energy future in new companies and new jobs developing new energy sources right here in this country. We have nothing to gain in Iraq and everything to lose. And spreading democracy has nothing to do with it. Democracy is on the ropes in this country and we should be spending our efforts to help people learn what real democracy is. |
Had politicians let the military do as it was trained to do and not
given in to Ho Chi Mihn then the war would have gone to North Viet-Nam and ended. All deals made with The People's Republic of Vietnam were forgotten by the Viets when the Americans left. Where are the M.I.A.'s? Where are the P.O.W.'s? Let the military do it's job and support your troops instead of cutting them off at the legs. Otherwise prepare to lose even more to terror attacks. |
Spent 2 years over there ...EX Military and I honestly think we should
definatly stay...We would be ****** if we came home |
Thank you for your service Farmboy01.
I must Say i agree with Curious Well put. |
Your enemies know that you have one of the best fighting forces in the
world. A force which will stop at nothing to complete its mission. They also know that the American people don't have the guts for it and that by holding on they will win. Prepare for more body bags in your streets, more emergency triage centers, more dead fireman and policemen, more dead civilians. This is what you face if your troops are not permitted to complete their mission. |