Topic: Struggle
BeatnikChik's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:19 PM
I am a struggling Christian and I am just curious if this is strange or
not. A year or so back...I got my heart broken, my newly married folks
started falling apart...and I lost sight of Christ. I still have my
core beliefs...but somethings I think and feel don't line up with the
conventional well as something I can't make a definitive
choice homosexuality and heaven and hell. If anyone has
any insight...I would love it. Some of my best friends are gay...I just
want to know where to go from here. Praying feels foreign...I just feel

mistyblue2012's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:38 PM
Well here are my thoughts and this is what I live by. I consider the
bible to be a great "guide" to leading a respectful God filled life. In
my opinion, God does not make mistakes. I truly believe heart and soul
that people who are gay (and all the variations of) are BORN that way.
No one CHOOSES a life where nothing but harrassment and hatred
awaits......I am a school teacher and I see boys as young as 7 years old
say they enjoy dressing up in girl's clothes. I see both sexes that I
know in my heart will soon find their way out of the closet. I decided
LONG AGO to let judging others be 100% God's responsibilty. What if he
put gays, handicapped and just plain frustrating people here on earth as
a test to what we are made of on the inside? I mean think about all the
things, events etc. that get us agitated during the course of the day or
in our lifetime .......the true test is how we approach those situations
and how we ACT not REACT. Ask yourself if your actions compliment the
greater good in this world. You can only be responsible for you and the
goodness in you and more importantly the goodness you share with others.
I promise you that God, the angles and the universe will handle the
rest. Your back is covered......soooooooooo...go out there and make the
world a better place! It is ok to trip along the path of life....but you
need to get back up and be the person that God and the universe intended
you to be!!!! Hope this helps you in some way. I will pray that you find
peace in your heart soon!

mistyblue2012's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:39 PM
oops...angels not angles..some teacher huh?

no photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:49 PM
It's not strange at all to find yourself questioning your beliefs in
times of trouble -- and it sounds like you've had more than your share
of personal and family problems in the recent past.

When I started questioning the whole concept of God and religion, I
realized I simply didn't know enough to make any kind of informed
assessment. I read the Bible cover to cover 7 times, I looked into
other religions, I read Flavius Josephus and Asimov's Guide to the Bible
and whatever else I could get my hands on. And it took awhile, but I
eventually got to the point where I felt comfortable coming to a
conclusion that I could live with....right or wrong.

The issues you raise, such as having gay friends, are going to be
problematic. Many religions consider homosexuality a sin, so you may
have to make some choices between adhering to a particular belief or
keeping those friends. Some people have an ability to believe without
trying to impose their beliefs on others; others see this as a copout, a
failure to try to convert or change those around them.

Where to go from here? No easy answer. You need to know more, know
yourself, know what's important to you, know what you can deal with,
know who you can trust, who you can listen to....

We all feel lost sometimes, that's normal. Sometimes you have to find
yourself before anybody else can find you....

You will find a lot of good and caring people here on JSH, I am sure
they will be more than willing to help and listen and offer advice,
suggestions, and personal reflections....

For now, jump into some of the forums and get yourself known and
involved here! If nothing else, you'll have some new topics to think
about, and new friends to talk to....

krowraven7's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:52 PM
Look I'm a fallen christian too..I was in the ministry for 3 yrs on the
west coast and the east coast..old time pentecostal and also in the
epicscopalian church,lots of churches..Very Involved and left..

just remember this.god sees you from his point of view.
we see god from our point of view.

just be like him.
what would jesus do?

its very simple.

BeatnikChik's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:54 PM
Thanks so very much! I too feel like judgement shoul dbe left totally
up to God...but it still rips holes through me...just gotta keep on
keepin on I suppose. Thanks for the insight...and it's off to more
forums I go!

redmange420's photo
Wed 02/21/07 03:03 AM
I too am confused as to what religion of beliefs I actually have. I have
several gay friends, several friends that do drugs but don't hurt
anybody, and known several "religious" people who have hurt people,
either physically of mentally. I have no doubt that there are spirits
and guardian angels, but after that, I don't really know. You're not

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 02/22/07 02:24 PM
So I'm a little late adding my two cents so just call it a halfpenny.
I liked what LexFonteyne had to say. I began questioning religion when
I was 10. I've actually been asked to leave many churches just for
asking questions. I was told I was put on some Anathema list by the
Jehova's Witnesses The sweet ladies who told me this, I was a wise and
questioning 17 year old at the time, took their spiritual beliefs in
hand when they continued checking up on me till I moved. They too began
to question their own religious dogma when their elders would not or
could not answer my questions. Like LexFonteyne, I read the Bible at
least 7 times through, I even read three versions of the Book of Morman
from the LDS church. I became interested at that point in history and
archeology and to this day I read, watch and listen for the latest
finds. IN THE END, we all make our own decisions about our beliefs. If
I am ever asked such quesitons as you have posed, I always plead, PLEASE
take the time to look into all the possible realities of religion. Why
are there so many, why has the Christian church split into so many
various sectors, and what truth does history have to offer us.
Example: think about this - Every living creature on this planet exists
for one reason, they reproduce. In ancient times, whole villages were
virtually a singe family with a distant cousin or wife from another
tribe. The family flourished when babies were abundant and woman who
were baren where some how less of a woman, stricken by God. Is it any
wonder that some man would have written that homosexuality is a sin.
As if that's not enough, history tells us that in Jewish society, it was
not a sin to be homosexual, as long as you also had a spouse and you
both contributed to having and supporting children. How did that change
when Christianity came along????

MikeMontana's photo
Thu 02/22/07 09:39 PM
You all have a role to play. Jesus said "the Kingdom of Heaven is at
hand". Its not far away, its not in the clouds, its not magic, its not
in a book. Its you. YOU are part of that Kingdom. You have the power to
make life heavenly for the ppl around you.

If you feel that being welcoming to gay persons will make their lives
more pleasant than you are doing your part to make their/your lives more
heavenly. You dont need to pray about it - you just need to recognize
the power you already have.

Think about it - think about it literally. When you make someone smile,
when you help someone through a tough time, when you are really
uplifting that other person - you are literally, in a small tiny way,
making a spark of heaven right here on earth. By that guide you will
make the right choices in your walk.

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 02/23/07 01:57 PM
Nice Mike - another thought, if I may add one at this late date!
In keeping with Mike's last statement, as a society we judge only when
it is necessary to protect society. That judgement must be fair to the
individual and equally doled to each offender. The issue is, when do we
make a judgement, why have we judged and what is the correct way to
proceed or act on that judgement. That is where Mike's thoughts are
most important. Now the question. Is it wrong to live a homosexual
life style? If religion says so, why? Why would love and the wish to
share the joy of that love as freely as any other couple be something
harmful to our "civil" code? If ANYONE can come up with a negative
responce please fill me in. So, maybe it's an ethical question,
strictly a religious moral. Again, why would any religion offer love as
an afront to a loving, merciful, spiritual congregation of folks? If
there is an answer and it seems to make sense - we are at that catch 22
point, is it a crime against the civil code, is it in adversity to
society? Once again, if there is a solid yes answer, please fill me
in. However, if one believes they must consider it worthy of some
judgement, who will be the judge and what will be the punishment? It
is this very thing that is holding back all citizens of this US or A
from equal rights. There is some question of "ethical" proportion which
people are afraid to seperate from their religious roots. It must me
seperated and in so doing, it will be only be the various religions
doleing out the penance due. And to be honest, a new religious order is
not that difficult to start. Ah ha! - Are the old religions possibly
afraid of loosing their flock to greener pastures?
Be kind to all, speak your piece or peace, and judge only yourself, but
not too harshly for when taking account of your downfalls, you also have
the ability to Change, for the better.

FedMan's photo
Fri 02/23/07 02:44 PM
Christianity doesn't teach us to hate gays or anyone else for that
matter. Like Misty stated it is something God will have to judge them
for as well as we all we be judged for our own lives.

dontbeajo's photo
Sun 02/25/07 01:57 AM
7 Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my
servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left,
that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Do not let this Book of
the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that
you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be
prosperous and successful. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and
courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD
your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1 (7:9)
In times of trouble I find great comfort in the book of life it's self.
Tonight I'll pray for your faith.

no photo
Sun 02/25/07 12:59 PM
HI,hope this does not offend anyone as I am a very caring and God
fearing person. I believe you are born into being gay why would God
allow someone tocome that way? look he was straight and righteous but
was still treated badly and shunned. So he knows how it feels to be
treated that way and He is a good God and would not want that for
anyone. I was raised as a baptist and still am but when people ask me
what religion are you? I answer CHRISTIAN as I have my own belifs but I

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 02/26/07 10:03 PM
I'd like to point out that we must be VERY careful when "reading" the
bible. There is more that makes up the book than the book itself. For
example, dontbeajo printed a peice that stems from the Old Testament.
The Old Testament origins are Jewish. In the Hebrew faith, it was
THOUGHT, WORD AND DEED on which people would be judged, which make the
ten commandments the most powerful and important way to assure that you
were thinking, acting and speaking correctly AND if your mind was always
studying and meditating on THE WORD, how could you go wrong.... Then
comes the New Testament. It is no long thought word and deed there is
only ONE THING that must be done and one thing only, "believe the Jesus
is the only begotten son of god, that he lived to die for your sins.
What we think, what we say and how we act are up to us OUR FREE WILL.
It is not our to understand God, only to act in accordance with our
heart, with love and kindness and to believe in Jesus. THAT'S ALL IT
WRITES PEOPLE, ya can't read anymore into it.