Topic: Gays in Pro Sports | |
Blaw blaw blaw blaw....
The question was should gays play pro sports? I don,t think that anyone is stopping them from it. I bet if the most popular guy in sports announced that he was gay he.d still be on the team. |
What's the difference if they are gay or not...they aren't there to check each other out...they are there to play the game!
I totally disagree with you on that.
If I was in a dressing room full of naked women I,d check them out. Gay men like *ick,s, so why would you think they would not? |
i dont think there is anything wrong with gays playing. thats just a dumb question, but with all the homophobia out there, keeping it in the closet so to speak is probably a wise idea. and kid, i agree, they probably notice a well hung teammate with a nice ass!
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they should be allowed
I agree with the kid.
non gay men would be very unconfortable under those circumstances. |
Have y'all ever heard of "just say no". Not every gay man is a man-whore on the lose ya know nor do they all think and act with their ****s.
it is possible to be around members of the opposite sex without checking them out.
that just don,t cut the mustard with us.
we don,t want to be take the chance that we,ll be the 1 in a million group with the sex crazed gay guy. |
kingbreeze if you were in a locker room full of naked cheerleaders you would check them out.
i can honestly say that i wouldn't. it's called common courtesy and respecting them.
Redmond, I didn't realize you were a pro athlete and this was a personal issue for you. I still agree that a professional athlete is going to have their mind on the game and respect for their teammates be they Bi-Gay-Straight-or any other variation that may exist I haven't mentioned due to being unaware of such preference.
Well said Different....
You are not a man and this is really a men,s issue! Women often take sides with gays because they seem to have more in common. But you women don,t have a clue about these type of issues, yet you act like you do. I,m not a pro athelete, but I know that its not just about ability to play the sport. Having a gay man would likely cause a disruption and make for a bad and uncomfortable enviroment in most cases. It would filter down to the fans and sponsers and ultimately affect the sport. Look at whats happened to soccer! So my final answer is no. Gays should not be allowed in Pro Sports. |
I repeat what I said right at the beginning of this thread.
Why? If they can play the sport of their choice and they're good at it what's the difference? Nobody knows how many professional athletes are gay yet there's never been any complaints. There have no doubt been gays in sports for years. The trust is in the other guy being able to play the game, do his best for the team. When I was in the service our medic was gay. I could care less as long as he could patch me up. |
there is always the exception but i think the problem is more with the straight players being uncomfortable than the gay player being too "friendly".
You are correct I am not a man. Neither was Billy Jean King; however, she was an athlete. As this appears to be an issue for some people, guess what Junior, not all sports are played by men and guess what again, not all athletes are gay men, some are Lesbian women so don't give me this is an All Male Issue and Women have no clue what they're talking about. Tell me the difference in how this issue can only be an issue in sports and not any other field of BUSINESS. It can't and it smacks of sex discrimination all the way around and that is the bottom line. |
Okay, SurfCity, I've walked around and cooled off. Needless to say being told I do not have a right to have an opinion is one of my buttons. I apologize for snapping your head off.
Here's my theory. Gays in ProSports are what you are having a problem with. Are you watching them have sex? My guess would be no, that's not what you're paying to watch them do or enjoying on TV or however you are observing the sport, which is NOT sex. Since his sexual orientation has no bearing on his playing of the sport and you are strictly watching him for his ability in his sport - what does it matter. Let's take it down to sex. You, I'm assuming, are a hetero male. You have just gone into a place of business to enjoy a female dancer. Are you going to enjoy her dance any less, knowing you couldn't pay her enough to actually have sex with you, as she is a Lesbian. My theory is if this stripper does her job and her performance well - you are NOT going to care. I believe it is the same with ProSports. Have a great day. |
LOL...Sick him Dif!!...LOL. Kid is just afraid he might drop the soap in the shower of the locker room!!..LOL He thinks someone might jump him and stamp his butt!!! LOL
![]() ![]() If the gay bastard can throw a ball and run the team...make him the quarterback. He\she will be the most caring person in the huddle!!LOL ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |