Topic: McDictator
warmachine's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:01 PM
Monday, June 2nd, 2008
John McCain just hired the Weekly Standard�s Michael Goldfarb to be his number-two communications guy. Glenn Greenwald points out that this isn�t a particularly encouraging sign when it comes to reining in executive power. Goldfarb has written (falsely, by any reasonable reading of the Constitution, Federalist Papers, or diaries of the Constitutional Convention) that the founders believed the president should have "near dictatorial" powers when it comes to war and foreign policy.

Hmmmm... Lets see if I can find exactly what Goldfarb said.

Bill Kristol today proudly announces that one of his Weekly Standard staff members, Michael Goldfarb, was just named the Deputy Communications Director of the McCain campaign. Last April, this newest McCain official participated in a conference call with former Senator George Mitchell, during which Mitchell advocated a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq. Afterwards, this is what Goldfarb wrote about what he thinks are the powers the President possesses in our country:

Mitchell�s less than persuasive answer [to whether withdrawal timetables �somehow infringe on the president�s powers as commander in chief?�]: �Congress is a coequal branch of government�the framers did not want to have one branch in charge of the government.�

True enough, but they sought an energetic executive with near dictatorial power in pursuing foreign policy and war. So no, the Constitution does not put Congress on an equal footing with the executive in matters of national security.


Where, in any honest interpretation of the Constitution does it say: "During war, the President should be granted DICTATOR like powers"?

Can we expect a member of the press to ask Sen. McCain if he agrees with his new Communications employees assessment of dictatorial powers? I bet not.

IamMewhoRU's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:03 PM
I thought it was a Burger in honor of Hitler or Mussolini laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

huh noway I really need to call my therapist

warmachine's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:08 PM

I thought it was a Burger in honor of Hitler or Mussolini laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

huh noway I really need to call my therapist

burger in honor of hitler... You couldn't put that on a menu with freedom fries could you?

Okay, call that therapist, maybe we can get a rate cut for a group session.


Funny aside, Gollum McCain has all kinds of issues in his campaign, lets not forget that while McCain has been calling for divestment in Iran, another Lobbyist he has working his campaign was in fact running a company that's been doing business in Tehran.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:10 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Mon 06/02/08 04:10 PM
laugh He's a no good liarlaugh

laugh laugh Unfortunately,he's probably gonna be the first McPresidentlaugh laugh

laugh laugh John McSamelaugh laugh

wouldee's photo
Mon 06/02/08 09:19 PM
Edited by wouldee on Mon 06/02/08 09:21 PM
Bush's brain is on the job too.

Don't forget about that.

He stepped out of the executive offices of the White House just to play it forward.

uhhh, pay it forward?laugh

This is going to ba a dramatic November to remember.

Anybody noticed the huge left tilt that is projected to be coming to Congress?:wink:

The whole country is going to be like Cali without the weather.laugh laugh laugh

wouldee's photo
Mon 06/02/08 09:20 PM
Edited by wouldee on Mon 06/02/08 09:21 PM

oops. dbl post

Lindyy's photo
Mon 06/02/08 10:19 PM

Monday, June 2nd, 2008
John McCain just hired the Weekly Standard�s Michael Goldfarb to be his number-two communications guy. Glenn Greenwald points out that this isn�t a particularly encouraging sign when it comes to reining in executive power. Goldfarb has written (falsely, by any reasonable reading of the Constitution, Federalist Papers, or diaries of the Constitutional Convention) that the founders believed the president should have "near dictatorial" powers when it comes to war and foreign policy.

Hmmmm... Lets see if I can find exactly what Goldfarb said.

Bill Kristol today proudly announces that one of his Weekly Standard staff members, Michael Goldfarb, was just named the Deputy Communications Director of the McCain campaign. Last April, this newest McCain official participated in a conference call with former Senator George Mitchell, during which Mitchell advocated a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq. Afterwards, this is what Goldfarb wrote about what he thinks are the powers the President possesses in our country:

Mitchell�s less than persuasive answer [to whether withdrawal timetables �somehow infringe on the president�s powers as commander in chief?�]: �Congress is a coequal branch of government�the framers did not want to have one branch in charge of the government.�

True enough, but they sought an energetic executive with near dictatorial power in pursuing foreign policy and war. So no, the Constitution does not put Congress on an equal footing with the executive in matters of national security.


Where, in any honest interpretation of the Constitution does it say: "During war, the President should be granted DICTATOR like powers"?

Can we expect a member of the press to ask Sen. McCain if he agrees with his new Communications employees assessment of dictatorial powers? I bet not.

I love Billy Kristol!! Mature, intelligent, fair and open minded, easy going, does not let the leftie libbers get to him!!

Does somebody have a problem with Jews?

Yea for Billy Kristol:smile: :heart:


warmachine's photo
Mon 06/02/08 11:23 PM
William the Bloody, son of Irving Kristol, widely accepted to be one of the fathers of the most destructive political platforms of all time, NeoConservatism. I have no respect for those who advocate the principles of perpetual war.

warmachine's photo
Tue 06/03/08 12:07 AM
Let me quote Glenn Greenwald here:

"Until the Bill Kristols and John Yoos and other authoritarians of that strain entered the political mainstream, I never heard of prominent Americans who describe the power that they want to vest in our political leaders as "near dictatorial." Anyone with an even passing belief in American political values would consider the word "dictatorial" -- at least rhetorically, if not substantively -- to define that which we avoid at all costs, not something which we seek, embrace and celebrate."

tim20721's photo
Tue 06/03/08 04:56 AM
The truth be known the closest this country has ever come to dictatorship was under a democrat white house. There was rationing of everything from food to fuel. The press was censored and People were told how many hours they could have their lights on in their houses, and concentration camps held US citizens without trial or recourse. That sounds like a dictatorship to me.

Of course most of the far left loons that moan about Bush day and night, and search the web for more of their left field mentality to repeat to each other over look the "war time acts" imposed by FDR!

Lindyy's photo
Tue 06/03/08 07:16 AM

William the Bloody, son of Irving Kristol, widely accepted to be one of the fathers of the most destructive political platforms of all time, NeoConservatism. I have no respect for those who advocate the principles of perpetual war.

warmachine, you cannot be an expert and an authority on everyone, everything, object, entity, philosophy, religious faith, and on and on and on.

I matters NOT who or what you respect. I myself and I am sure many others do not base our ideals, what is right and what is wrong on YOUR respect for whom/whatever.

I am beginning to think you have no respect for anything, and that is a shame, because you do, somewhere in your mind have an intellect of decent reasoning, at times, that is. No one is perfect.

But for some reason, lately you seem to find fault with everything, and I do not understand that warmachine, because when I first started reading your posts I enjoyed them. Now I feel like someone stole the old warmachine and replaced it with this pessimistic one.

I used to feel like I was learning when I read your posts, now I just cannot understand you or your posts. There just is not anything to learn from you anymore.


mnhiker's photo
Tue 06/03/08 03:43 PM

Monday, June 2nd, 2008
John McCain just hired the Weekly Standard�s Michael Goldfarb to be his number-two communications guy. Glenn Greenwald points out that this isn�t a particularly encouraging sign when it comes to reining in executive power. Goldfarb has written (falsely, by any reasonable reading of the Constitution, Federalist Papers, or diaries of the Constitutional Convention) that the founders believed the president should have "near dictatorial" powers when it comes to war and foreign policy.

Hmmmm... Lets see if I can find exactly what Goldfarb said.

Bill Kristol today proudly announces that one of his Weekly Standard staff members, Michael Goldfarb, was just named the Deputy Communications Director of the McCain campaign. Last April, this newest McCain official participated in a conference call with former Senator George Mitchell, during which Mitchell advocated a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq. Afterwards, this is what Goldfarb wrote about what he thinks are the powers the President possesses in our country:

Mitchell�s less than persuasive answer [to whether withdrawal timetables �somehow infringe on the president�s powers as commander in chief?�]: �Congress is a coequal branch of government�the framers did not want to have one branch in charge of the government.�

True enough, but they sought an energetic executive with near dictatorial power in pursuing foreign policy and war. So no, the Constitution does not put Congress on an equal footing with the executive in matters of national security.


Where, in any honest interpretation of the Constitution does it say: "During war, the President should be granted DICTATOR like powers"?

Can we expect a member of the press to ask Sen. McCain if he agrees with his new Communications employees assessment of dictatorial powers? I bet not.

This country is out of control.

Thank goodness for term limits, or Bush Jr. would become the next Mussolini.

Check this out:

If you want to get an idea of how much we're spending on the military budget compared to everything else, check out this link:

warmachine's photo
Tue 06/03/08 11:04 PM

William the Bloody, son of Irving Kristol, widely accepted to be one of the fathers of the most destructive political platforms of all time, NeoConservatism. I have no respect for those who advocate the principles of perpetual war.

warmachine, you cannot be an expert and an authority on everyone, everything, object, entity, philosophy, religious faith, and on and on and on.

I matters NOT who or what you respect. I myself and I am sure many others do not base our ideals, what is right and what is wrong on YOUR respect for whom/whatever.

I am beginning to think you have no respect for anything, and that is a shame, because you do, somewhere in your mind have an intellect of decent reasoning, at times, that is. No one is perfect.

But for some reason, lately you seem to find fault with everything, and I do not understand that warmachine, because when I first started reading your posts I enjoyed them. Now I feel like someone stole the old warmachine and replaced it with this pessimistic one.

I used to feel like I was learning when I read your posts, now I just cannot understand you or your posts. There just is not anything to learn from you anymore.


I see you are still having a hard time understanding my pain when I look at the prevailing ideals in the party that claims to be the conservative bunch.
I found a very good way to explain my political thoughts without error. I'm going to post it because it's going to help all these conservatives who are extremely critical of my words to get a feel for what it's like looking at the abomination that the G.O.P. has become.

I never have said I have all the answers, but if I feel like I can provide content on some of them, I don't see why thats a problem. Is anything I've posted about Kristol or the guy McCain hired been untruthful?

In fact, Fanta and I went rounds over Prescott Bush and everytime we answered something, from either side of the arguement, we came up with more questions, more posting of evidence until I reached a wall, because Prescott mananged to get off on his charges, regained his financial wealth and used it to launch a career in politics, eventually becoming a Senator.

I've still not been able to come up with anything new and unless I can, Fanta, by the evidence has me whipped, I blame it on the lack of a conviction, but what do you do, since thats just speculation. If you don't like what I post, prove me wrong, show me where I'm wrong, but don't take it personal if I can show evidence to bust a debunking or I have a different view. My personality and my views are my own, nobody on has to like it, but come at me with evidence, don't respond by questioning my character.

therooster's photo
Wed 06/04/08 12:54 PM

William the Bloody, son of Irving Kristol, widely accepted to be one of the fathers of the most destructive political platforms of all time, NeoConservatism. I have no respect for those who advocate the principles of perpetual war.

warmachine, you cannot be an expert and an authority on everyone, everything, object, entity, philosophy, religious faith, and on and on and on.

I matters NOT who or what you respect. I myself and I am sure many others do not base our ideals, what is right and what is wrong on YOUR respect for whom/whatever.

I am beginning to think you have no respect for anything, and that is a shame, because you do, somewhere in your mind have an intellect of decent reasoning, at times, that is. No one is perfect.

But for some reason, lately you seem to find fault with everything, and I do not understand that warmachine, because when I first started reading your posts I enjoyed them. Now I feel like someone stole the old warmachine and replaced it with this pessimistic one.

I used to feel like I was learning when I read your posts, now I just cannot understand you or your posts. There just is not anything to learn from you anymore.


laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh SO STOP POSTING laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Fanta46's photo
Wed 06/04/08 02:27 PM

William the Bloody, son of Irving Kristol, widely accepted to be one of the fathers of the most destructive political platforms of all time, NeoConservatism. I have no respect for those who advocate the principles of perpetual war.

warmachine, you cannot be an expert and an authority on everyone, everything, object, entity, philosophy, religious faith, and on and on and on.

I matters NOT who or what you respect. I myself and I am sure many others do not base our ideals, what is right and what is wrong on YOUR respect for whom/whatever.

I am beginning to think you have no respect for anything, and that is a shame, because you do, somewhere in your mind have an intellect of decent reasoning, at times, that is. No one is perfect.

But for some reason, lately you seem to find fault with everything, and I do not understand that warmachine, because when I first started reading your posts I enjoyed them. Now I feel like someone stole the old warmachine and replaced it with this pessimistic one.

I used to feel like I was learning when I read your posts, now I just cannot understand you or your posts. There just is not anything to learn from you anymore.


I see you are still having a hard time understanding my pain when I look at the prevailing ideals in the party that claims to be the conservative bunch.
I found a very good way to explain my political thoughts without error. I'm going to post it because it's going to help all these conservatives who are extremely critical of my words to get a feel for what it's like looking at the abomination that the G.O.P. has become.

I never have said I have all the answers, but if I feel like I can provide content on some of them, I don't see why thats a problem. Is anything I've posted about Kristol or the guy McCain hired been untruthful?

In fact, Fanta and I went rounds over Prescott Bush and everytime we answered something, from either side of the arguement, we came up with more questions, more posting of evidence until I reached a wall, because Prescott mananged to get off on his charges, regained his financial wealth and used it to launch a career in politics, eventually becoming a Senator.

I've still not been able to come up with anything new and unless I can, Fanta, by the evidence has me whipped, I blame it on the lack of a conviction, but what do you do, since thats just speculation. If you don't like what I post, prove me wrong, show me where I'm wrong, but don't take it personal if I can show evidence to bust a debunking or I have a different view. My personality and my views are my own, nobody on has to like it, but come at me with evidence, don't respond by questioning my character.

Id call that one a draw war!

Not enough solid information from either perspective to claim a victory by either side on that one.
It could be true, it just cant be proved.drinker
I was actually rooting for your point. I dislike Bush with a passion!!grumble laugh laugh

warmachine's photo
Wed 06/04/08 04:37 PM
A draw... I'll concede to that point! laugh

It all ends when you get the fact that he wasn't convicted, which is no big surprise, but from there, it's all speculation.

By the by, I sure hope the media or even Obama takes McCain to task for hiring Goldfarb, the guy who advocates to give the President dictatorial powers.