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Topic: Absolute MADDness
adj4u's photo
Mon 06/02/08 09:43 PM

omg i would so sue..

my thoughts exactly maybe not me personally

but can you imagine the emotional stress and the possibility of mental breakdowns this could cause

some one should go to the organiser of this idiotic event and they them the person they care for most in the world was shot by a car jacker

and then tell them they need to learn to keep the windows up in their car when driving (a few hours later of course)

adj4u's photo
Mon 06/02/08 09:44 PM

warning and advising student/ teens is one thing but to purposely set up friends of those students and create an environment which students are being deceived and lied to is wrong noway noway noway

it is enough to drive them to needing a drink


warmachine's photo
Mon 06/02/08 11:34 PM

Well it make be dranconian but if it scares enough kids to not drink or drive under the influence...so be it!

There are times where the ends most definitely do not justify the means. They terrorized these kids just to get a message out?

You don't have to strap a bomb to yourself to be a terrorist.

Ever heard of SCARED STRAIGHT? Tell to those hard core prisoners who never had anyone to show them the way.

Tell it to the same hardcore criminals who had every opportunity to change their ways and still committed some violent crime. Since all these tactics, Dare, Scared straight, Abstinence only in schools, all the things they have sought to stop have only increased. It conditions the mind, trauma based controls are failures... maybe it's time for some parents to start taking some responsibility and action. This Federal oversight of our school systems has been nothing short of catastrophic.

The Government can't even keep control of it's own finances, Congress and this Administration have been writing hot checks and borrowing this nation into a certain financial doom, but we're supposed to trust these morons, who spend multimillions to get a job that pays only six figures, to create social programs that guide the developing minds of our children?

daniel48706's photo
Sun 06/08/08 02:38 PM
Very well put War, very well put. I have to agree (been saying it for years), that the American family needs to disown its favorite uncle sam.
Government has absolutely no business in family lives, except as a last case issue in preventing harm and neglect (or if the family invites the government, aka police, in).

This being said, do not get me wrong. I agree with having a child protective service agency (and one for seniors). I do not agree however with uncle sam making all the rules and regulations regarding parenting. So long as a child is not being abused or neglected, uncle sam should have absolutely no say in anything to do with the upbringing and raising of our children.

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