Topic: Funny... | |
Three men were met by St. Peter at the pearly gates. He says to the three men,"I will ask each of you a question about your life. Your answer will depend on what type of car you will be given. You will need a car, given the fact that Heaven is so big." He asks the first man,"How did you treat your wife in your lifetime?" The first man replies,"Well, I cheated on her quite often but I really do feel horrible about it." St. Peter says to the man,"That's not what I was wanting to hear. Here is a Buick for you to drive." He asks the second man the same question and he replies,"Well, in the beginning I cheated on her a couple times but we finally got over it and moved on." St. Peter says,"That's better but still not quite what I was looking to hear. Here is a Camaro for you to drive." St. Peter then asks the third and final man the same question. He replies,"I treated my wife like a queen. I never cheated on her. I gave her everything she ever wanted and more." St. Peter says,"Now that's what I like to hear, my friend! Here is a Viper for you to drive!" Later on, the first two men saw the third at the gates terribly upset with tears flooding his face. They asked,"What's the matter? You are driving a Viper around these golden streets of Heaven. What could possibly be wrong?" The third man replied,"I just saw my wife! She was on a skateboard!"