Topic: I'm your night...
Etrain's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:44 PM
Friends, JSHers, Countrymen....lend me your votesdrinker

MYheartACHES4u's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:44 PM

Free booze and valium for everyonedrinker

got my vote

Etrain's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:45 PM

Free booze and valium for everyonedrinker

got my vote

knew I'd get you sooner or laterdrinker

Etrain's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:46 PM

Night stalker huh?? Well at least Im getting some attention..Altho i will admit when the pic of manson says it makes it a lil creepier then normal!!

You can be my Minister of Kansas...and tornadosdrinker

missy51970's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:47 PM

Night stalker huh?? Well at least Im getting some attention..Altho i will admit when the pic of manson says it makes it a lil creepier then normal!!

You can be my Minister of Kansas...and tornadosdrinker

YAY!!!! I have an official title.. WOOHOO!!!

lgo's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:48 PM

Friends, JSHers, Countrymen....lend me your votesdrinker
I've got the teamsters manhandling the voters in California for ya.

Etrain's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:49 PM

Friends, JSHers, Countrymen....lend me your votesdrinker
I've got the teamsters manhandling the voters in California for ya.

I'll take care of it...I know some peopledevil devil devil

feistybaby's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:49 PM
We need a secretary to keep a list of all these positions E is handing out lol..

irad8you's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:50 PM
Your vice president has arrived sir drinker

Etrain's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:51 PM

We need a secretary to keep a list of all these positions E is handing out lol..

Mirror will handle that....and the regular Monica Lewinsky stuff he was assigned

lgo's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:51 PM

Friends, JSHers, Countrymen....lend me your votesdrinker
I've got the teamsters manhandling the voters in California for ya.

I'll take care of it...I know some peopledevil devil devil
Thanks boss laugh drinker

Etrain's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:51 PM

Your vice president has arrived sir drinker

Is...Mirror with you???

missy51970's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:52 PM

Your vice president has arrived sir drinker

OoOoO youre VP?? So does that mean Im serving under you???bigsmile

irad8you's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:52 PM

Your vice president has arrived sir drinker

Is...Mirror with you???
no hes out putting up e train for president signs up

Etrain's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:52 PM

Your vice president has arrived sir drinker

OoOoO youre VP?? So does that mean Im serving under you???bigsmile

Why don't you two get a room...drinker drinker drinker

irad8you's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:53 PM

Your vice president has arrived sir drinker

OoOoO youre VP?? So does that mean Im serving under you???bigsmile
explain serving laugh

Etrain's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:53 PM

Your vice president has arrived sir drinker

Is...Mirror with you???
no hes out putting up e train for president signs up

at least I got him to stop humping my legdrinker

irad8you's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:53 PM

Your vice president has arrived sir drinker

OoOoO youre VP?? So does that mean Im serving under you???bigsmile

Why don't you two get a room...drinker drinker drinker
yes sir mr. president

irad8you's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:54 PM

Your vice president has arrived sir drinker

Is...Mirror with you???
no hes out putting up e train for president signs up

at least I got him to stop humping my legdrinker

Etrain's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:54 PM

Your vice president has arrived sir drinker

OoOoO youre VP?? So does that mean Im serving under you???bigsmile

Why don't you two get a room...drinker drinker drinker
yes sir mr. president

Mirror will be filming...I need to keep him busy