Topic: Is the Bible the perfect source for morality? | |
Edited by
Wed 06/04/08 09:35 PM
God did Not AUTHORIZE Slavery...however..God KNEW man was going to do his OWN thang and have slaves God told how to live PEACEFULLY in the situation. So he knew that it was going to happen He didnt say "dont do it" He is omnipotent So, by default, he is culpable by association. Not telling someone to stop is the same as condoning it. Especially when you make up the rules |
Edited by
Wed 06/04/08 10:47 PM
![]() God did Not AUTHORIZE Slavery...however..God KNEW man was going to do his OWN thang and have slaves God told how to live PEACEFULLY in the situation. So he knew that it was going to happen He didnt say "dont do it" He is omnipotent So, by default, he is culpable by association. Not telling someone to stop is the same as condoning it. Especially when you make up the rules Belushi....this is from my heart ....and meant sincerely... read the whole bible....and also, get into a good bible study in a spirit filled group in your area....... preferably in a nondenominational church . Or watch some of the programs on TBN.ORG. Like T.D. Jakes. Joyce Meyers. Creflo Dollar. Paula White. I think this will help you find more of the answers you seek. Cause you are not going to be able to get all the answers on just a forum setting. ![]() |
Now Tribo....Just because God is Not a Religion, doesn't Mean the Bible Isn't the Inspired Word of God. When Christians meet together in fellowship, they are Lifting Up Jesus, not a Religion. BUT..we are Still Studying and Learning and Applying God's WHOLE WORD to our lives. (meaning..we DON'T leave out parts of God's Word, as has been implied by some on this forum). in a work called "book of truth's i have stated elsewhere on here a few weeks ago that quote - " organized religion is one of the greatest hindrences to mankind. It preaches consolidation but instead divides itself into a myriad of sectarian factions for selfish reason's as pride reign's king amongst both it's follower's and leaders. It preaches healing while it fester's with spiritual disease and corruption within. It preaches giving, sharing, and caring while accumulating vast wealth for itself and selfishly spends and hordes all that it procures on non-spiritual, non - essentials. It is the epitome' of self centeredness masked in the semblence of hope, love, charity, and unity. And god turns away from it all to keep the stench from his nostrils" you asked "did i know that god was not a religion- this is my answer to all religions. Though you and other's may believe that your basing your beliefs solely on your personal relationship with jesus, - i know better - i was an insider - thats not true - to base your entire belief in jesus' words you would have to do this - pick up your cross and follow him - i know of no born again christian that does that. 2) live in poverty,3) worship in places where no building or building funds are involved, 4) donot take up tithes, 5) and the list goes on - the biggest being this - living the same life as christ himself - and in like manner - speaking only by your holy spirits words only, not by writing's that are not of god but of man - i also write " never are lies more convincing than when hid among truth's" that is where i stand on the infallability of the "book of men's doing" commonly reffered to as the infallable "word of god." my sweet morningstar though i know you mean well - there are just "to many" outright and unbelievable things starting in the first book of your bible, and over a seventeen yr. period i could not find as much as one priest,pastor,or other that could give a reasonable explanation to why an almighty god with all knowledge and all power would say and act as he does within the confines of your book - if i was to today - publish a book and write what i see written there i would be laughed out of the business. after reading C.S. lewis and other apologist, the higherarchy of modern defenders of the faith, the only person that came close to answering the question of the word in genisis saying god told adam and eve to go forth and "REPLENISH" the earth was "billy graham" and he got all kinds of hell for believing as i had come to believe about that on my own years before. his/my answer to that was: (not a quote because i dont have his info anymore) That the world was populated before adam and eve and thats why god told them to - "replenish" - ""re- populate"" the earth - Now later the NIV version of the bible removed the word RE_POPULATE and to do that is blasphemy at its worst - why? because all christians state that the book is ""infallable"" if something is infallable and is said to be gods own words then man has no right to change the words whether he thinks he does or not due to new discoveries in greek grammer especially after almost 2 thousand yrs later!! Check it out yourself KJV - VS - NIV - how could repopulate stand for 1900+ yrs and then be wrong - the bible is full of mans blunders and dreamings up of ways to enslave the unwary, to put them under condemnation or fear, to lead the sheep to slaughter. all in the guise of love and eternal life. salvation, grace, do not work and cannot work, nor do they exsist - only in the minds of the "believers" no one needs "saved" what they need is to use "there god" given abilities to use common sense - read, rule out what cannot be reasonable, ponder and accept what may be truth - flush the rest and continue on. Only jesus appearing to me personally as he did with doubting thomas could ever change my mind on this - and i assure you that will not happen i dont even know if it hapened the first time for sure. you cant agree on whats what among you, and who cares if one believes in full emrsion baptism or sprinkling. neither one will get you to your heaven, there are no streets of gold, or most other things people picture heaven as - heaven is within - even jesus said that. most take what is plainly stated as truth and turn it in to things to be taken as symbolic and turn symbolic words to truth and no one agrees - the dallas theological "cemetary" with hagan and lindsey,allthe rest is a perfect example of that. and yet you say its a personal relation ship? with which jesus portrayed are you reffering, the catholic jesus? the jewish yeshua?, the moslem jesus, the reformed jesus, for they are all talked of differently. which do i give my faith and obedience to? and why would i do it blindly - jesus stated - count the cost - before you follow and believe - (paraphrase) - all christians that i have ever met have not, they have been fed the 4 spiritual laws the sinners prayer, asking for forgiveness blindly belief in his powers and asking him to dwell or live in their hearts - and then accepting by blind faith that this has taken place - "BLIND"? yes - why - how can you ask a stranger into your heart to guide you and love you and care for you unless you fully know him - trust takes time loving trust takes a real long time - you cannot know jesus in that way simply by reading or having someone state - for god so loved - so ill ask you now - if i came to you and stated i will be your savior and all you have to do is believe in me and accept me as your savior you wont go to hell but if you dont you will - what would your answer be? - jesus can prove himself no more than i - and if you made me your savior you would be just as wrong as you are now - that is ------ unless you tell me you have actually seen and spoken to jesus in the "flesh" and that you will bring him to me personally to meet in the flesh?? for anything less will not suffice. ![]() ![]() |
It's all about money, (indentured slaves) and conquest(prisoners) and property (people owning people.) It happened then and it is still happening today. Americans are indentured slaves to their credit cards today. JB |
![]() God did Not AUTHORIZE Slavery...however..God KNEW man was going to do his OWN thang and have slaves God told how to live PEACEFULLY in the situation. So he knew that it was going to happen He didnt say "dont do it" He is omnipotent So, by default, he is culpable by association. Not telling someone to stop is the same as condoning it. Especially when you make up the rules the whole bible....and also, get into a good bible study in a spirit filled setting.... preferably a nondenominational church in your area. Or watch some of the programs on TBN.ORG. I think this will help you find the answers you seek. TBN, 700 CLUB< and others are exactly why i got out of christianity - if your involved with their evil teaching the you need to be saved by us!!! they HAVE NO UNDERSTADING OF THE BIBLE AT ALL !! they are the ones i rail against!! they and all that are on there or invited on benny hinn, hal lindsey, and all the other name it and claim it gods a money machine outright lying bunch of hypocryts worse than the pharasees and scribes jesus called vipers and harlots, prophet killing aviodres of the truth - you my child are caught up in somethig so evil it will fall on you and kill you!!! They are the ones that brought me to the saying - "never are lies more convincing than when hid amongst the truths!!! get out of there lady M - you have been sucked into something far beyong your understanding- that theology and belief is exactly what god turns his face from - they will suffer all that they sow if your god is real to the fullest. |
Edited by
Wed 06/04/08 10:42 PM
Now Tribo....Just because God is Not a Religion, doesn't Mean the Bible Isn't the Inspired Word of God. When Christians meet together in fellowship, they are Lifting Up Jesus, not a Religion. BUT..we are Still Studying and Learning and Applying God's WHOLE WORD to our lives. (meaning..we DON'T leave out parts of God's Word, as has been implied by some on this forum). in a work called "book of truth's i have stated elsewhere on here a few weeks ago that quote - " organized religion is one of the greatest hindrences to mankind. It preaches consolidation but instead divides itself into a myriad of sectarian factions for selfish reason's as pride reign's king amongst both it's follower's and leaders. It preaches healing while it fester's with spiritual disease and corruption within. It preaches giving, sharing, and caring while accumulating vast wealth for itself and selfishly spends and hordes all that it procures on non-spiritual, non - essentials. It is the epitome' of self centeredness masked in the semblence of hope, love, charity, and unity. And god turns away from it all to keep the stench from his nostrils" you asked "did i know that god was not a religion- this is my answer to all religions. Though you and other's may believe that your basing your beliefs solely on your personal relationship with jesus, - i know better - i was an insider - thats not true - to base your entire belief in jesus' words you would have to do this - pick up your cross and follow him - i know of no born again christian that does that. 2) live in poverty,3) worship in places where no building or building funds are involved, 4) donot take up tithes, 5) and the list goes on - the biggest being this - living the same life as christ himself - and in like manner - speaking only by your holy spirits words only, not by writing's that are not of god but of man - i also write " never are lies more convincing than when hid among truth's" that is where i stand on the infallability of the "book of men's doing" commonly reffered to as the infallable "word of god." my sweet morningstar though i know you mean well - there are just "to many" outright and unbelievable things starting in the first book of your bible, and over a seventeen yr. period i could not find as much as one priest,pastor,or other that could give a reasonable explanation to why an almighty god with all knowledge and all power would say and act as he does within the confines of your book - if i was to today - publish a book and write what i see written there i would be laughed out of the business. after reading C.S. lewis and other apologist, the higherarchy of modern defenders of the faith, the only person that came close to answering the question of the word in genisis saying god told adam and eve to go forth and "REPLENISH" the earth was "billy graham" and he got all kinds of hell for believing as i had come to believe about that on my own years before. his/my answer to that was: (not a quote because i dont have his info anymore) That the world was populated before adam and eve and thats why god told them to - "replenish" - ""re- populate"" the earth - Now later the NIV version of the bible removed the word RE_POPULATE and to do that is blasphemy at its worst - why? because all christians state that the book is ""infallable"" if something is infallable and is said to be gods own words then man has no right to change the words whether he thinks he does or not due to new discoveries in greek grammer especially after almost 2 thousand yrs later!! Check it out yourself KJV - VS - NIV - how could repopulate stand for 1900+ yrs and then be wrong - the bible is full of mans blunders and dreamings up of ways to enslave the unwary, to put them under condemnation or fear, to lead the sheep to slaughter. all in the guise of love and eternal life. salvation, grace, do not work and cannot work, nor do they exsist - only in the minds of the "believers" no one needs "saved" what they need is to use "there god" given abilities to use common sense - read, rule out what cannot be reasonable, ponder and accept what may be truth - flush the rest and continue on. Only jesus appearing to me personally as he did with doubting thomas could ever change my mind on this - and i assure you that will not happen i dont even know if it hapened the first time for sure. you cant agree on whats what among you, and who cares if one believes in full emrsion baptism or sprinkling. neither one will get you to your heaven, there are no streets of gold, or most other things people picture heaven as - heaven is within - even jesus said that. most take what is plainly stated as truth and turn it in to things to be taken as symbolic and turn symbolic words to truth and no one agrees - the dallas theological "cemetary" with hagan and lindsey,allthe rest is a perfect example of that. and yet you say its a personal relation ship? with which jesus portrayed are you reffering, the catholic jesus? the jewish yeshua?, the moslem jesus, the reformed jesus, for they are all talked of differently. which do i give my faith and obedience to? and why would i do it blindly - jesus stated - count the cost - before you follow and believe - (paraphrase) - all christians that i have ever met have not, they have been fed the 4 spiritual laws the sinners prayer, asking for forgiveness blindly belief in his powers and asking him to dwell or live in their hearts - and then accepting by blind faith that this has taken place - "BLIND"? yes - why - how can you ask a stranger into your heart to guide you and love you and care for you unless you fully know him - trust takes time loving trust takes a real long time - you cannot know jesus in that way simply by reading or having someone state - for god so loved - so ill ask you now - if i came to you and stated i will be your savior and all you have to do is believe in me and accept me as your savior you wont go to hell but if you dont you will - what would your answer be? - jesus can prove himself no more than i - and if you made me your savior you would be just as wrong as you are now - that is ------ unless you tell me you have actually seen and spoken to jesus in the "flesh" and that you will bring him to me personally to meet in the flesh?? for anything less will not suffice. ![]() ![]() Tribo ..... the Word of God just won't make sense, until you are born again, my friend. After you become born again, then the Word WILL begin to make yuo grow in God's Word.....because the Holy Spirit will then open up your understanding to God's Word. But until then? The Word of God just Won't make sesne ..Period!! Tribo.....before I was born again , the Word of God did not makes sense to me either. So I do understand how you feel, Tribo. ![]() |
Now Tribo....Just because God is Not a Religion, doesn't Mean the Bible Isn't the Inspired Word of God. When Christians meet together in fellowship, they are Lifting Up Jesus, not a Religion. BUT..we are Still Studying and Learning and Applying God's WHOLE WORD to our lives. (meaning..we DON'T leave out parts of God's Word, as has been implied by some on this forum). in a work called "book of truth's i have stated elsewhere on here a few weeks ago that quote - " organized religion is one of the greatest hindrences to mankind. It preaches consolidation but instead divides itself into a myriad of sectarian factions for selfish reason's as pride reign's king amongst both it's follower's and leaders. It preaches healing while it fester's with spiritual disease and corruption within. It preaches giving, sharing, and caring while accumulating vast wealth for itself and selfishly spends and hordes all that it procures on non-spiritual, non - essentials. It is the epitome' of self centeredness masked in the semblence of hope, love, charity, and unity. And god turns away from it all to keep the stench from his nostrils" you asked "did i know that god was not a religion- this is my answer to all religions. Though you and other's may believe that your basing your beliefs solely on your personal relationship with jesus, - i know better - i was an insider - thats not true - to base your entire belief in jesus' words you would have to do this - pick up your cross and follow him - i know of no born again christian that does that. 2) live in poverty,3) worship in places where no building or building funds are involved, 4) donot take up tithes, 5) and the list goes on - the biggest being this - living the same life as christ himself - and in like manner - speaking only by your holy spirits words only, not by writing's that are not of god but of man - i also write " never are lies more convincing than when hid among truth's" that is where i stand on the infallability of the "book of men's doing" commonly reffered to as the infallable "word of god." my sweet morningstar though i know you mean well - there are just "to many" outright and unbelievable things starting in the first book of your bible, and over a seventeen yr. period i could not find as much as one priest,pastor,or other that could give a reasonable explanation to why an almighty god with all knowledge and all power would say and act as he does within the confines of your book - if i was to today - publish a book and write what i see written there i would be laughed out of the business. after reading C.S. lewis and other apologist, the higherarchy of modern defenders of the faith, the only person that came close to answering the question of the word in genisis saying god told adam and eve to go forth and "REPLENISH" the earth was "billy graham" and he got all kinds of hell for believing as i had come to believe about that on my own years before. his/my answer to that was: (not a quote because i dont have his info anymore) That the world was populated before adam and eve and thats why god told them to - "replenish" - ""re- populate"" the earth - Now later the NIV version of the bible removed the word RE_POPULATE and to do that is blasphemy at its worst - why? because all christians state that the book is ""infallable"" if something is infallable and is said to be gods own words then man has no right to change the words whether he thinks he does or not due to new discoveries in greek grammer especially after almost 2 thousand yrs later!! Check it out yourself KJV - VS - NIV - how could repopulate stand for 1900+ yrs and then be wrong - the bible is full of mans blunders and dreamings up of ways to enslave the unwary, to put them under condemnation or fear, to lead the sheep to slaughter. all in the guise of love and eternal life. salvation, grace, do not work and cannot work, nor do they exsist - only in the minds of the "believers" no one needs "saved" what they need is to use "there god" given abilities to use common sense - read, rule out what cannot be reasonable, ponder and accept what may be truth - flush the rest and continue on. Only jesus appearing to me personally as he did with doubting thomas could ever change my mind on this - and i assure you that will not happen i dont even know if it hapened the first time for sure. you cant agree on whats what among you, and who cares if one believes in full emrsion baptism or sprinkling. neither one will get you to your heaven, there are no streets of gold, or most other things people picture heaven as - heaven is within - even jesus said that. most take what is plainly stated as truth and turn it in to things to be taken as symbolic and turn symbolic words to truth and no one agrees - the dallas theological "cemetary" with hagan and lindsey,allthe rest is a perfect example of that. and yet you say its a personal relation ship? with which jesus portrayed are you reffering, the catholic jesus? the jewish yeshua?, the moslem jesus, the reformed jesus, for they are all talked of differently. which do i give my faith and obedience to? and why would i do it blindly - jesus stated - count the cost - before you follow and believe - (paraphrase) - all christians that i have ever met have not, they have been fed the 4 spiritual laws the sinners prayer, asking for forgiveness blindly belief in his powers and asking him to dwell or live in their hearts - and then accepting by blind faith that this has taken place - "BLIND"? yes - why - how can you ask a stranger into your heart to guide you and love you and care for you unless you fully know him - trust takes time loving trust takes a real long time - you cannot know jesus in that way simply by reading or having someone state - for god so loved - so ill ask you now - if i came to you and stated i will be your savior and all you have to do is believe in me and accept me as your savior you wont go to hell but if you dont you will - what would your answer be? - jesus can prove himself no more than i - and if you made me your savior you would be just as wrong as you are now - that is ------ unless you tell me you have actually seen and spoken to jesus in the "flesh" and that you will bring him to me personally to meet in the flesh?? for anything less will not suffice. ![]() ![]() Tribo ..... the Word of God just won't make sense, until you are born again, my friend. After you become born again, then the Word WILL begin to make yuo grow in God's Word.....because the Holy Spirit will then open up your understanding to God's Word. But until then? The Word of God just Won't make sesne ..Period!! Tribo.....before I was born again , the Word of God did not makes sense to me either. So I do understand how you feel, Tribo. ![]() dear lady - i have been born again - i was blind and now i see - and TBN, 700 club, and others are to be thanked for that - deception is no way to win lasting converts that are put under a spell. - unfortunately you are still blind - and i hope through circumstances you will be healed of your blindness also.I can't pray for that but maybe JB can - you are so caught up in the jesusness that you are no earthly good to you or others - though im sure you cannot see that as of now - but you will. i have faith in the god given ability to reason - and i believe if you start reading the bible with out influeces from others you will find the truth also good luck morning star - i hope you do - there is no doubt you have abilities that are needed to save others from mistakes weve made about god, jesus and the bible. sincerely - tribo |
Edited by
Thu 06/05/08 01:41 AM
Now Tribo....Just because God is Not a Religion, doesn't Mean the Bible Isn't the Inspired Word of God. When Christians meet together in fellowship, they are Lifting Up Jesus, not a Religion. BUT..we are Still Studying and Learning and Applying God's WHOLE WORD to our lives. (meaning..we DON'T leave out parts of God's Word, as has been implied by some on this forum). in a work called "book of truth's i have stated elsewhere on here a few weeks ago that quote - " organized religion is one of the greatest hindrences to mankind. It preaches consolidation but instead divides itself into a myriad of sectarian factions for selfish reason's as pride reign's king amongst both it's follower's and leaders. It preaches healing while it fester's with spiritual disease and corruption within. It preaches giving, sharing, and caring while accumulating vast wealth for itself and selfishly spends and hordes all that it procures on non-spiritual, non - essentials. It is the epitome' of self centeredness masked in the semblence of hope, love, charity, and unity. And god turns away from it all to keep the stench from his nostrils" you asked "did i know that god was not a religion- this is my answer to all religions. Though you and other's may believe that your basing your beliefs solely on your personal relationship with jesus, - i know better - i was an insider - thats not true - to base your entire belief in jesus' words you would have to do this - pick up your cross and follow him - i know of no born again christian that does that. 2) live in poverty,3) worship in places where no building or building funds are involved, 4) donot take up tithes, 5) and the list goes on - the biggest being this - living the same life as christ himself - and in like manner - speaking only by your holy spirits words only, not by writing's that are not of god but of man - i also write " never are lies more convincing than when hid among truth's" that is where i stand on the infallability of the "book of men's doing" commonly reffered to as the infallable "word of god." my sweet morningstar though i know you mean well - there are just "to many" outright and unbelievable things starting in the first book of your bible, and over a seventeen yr. period i could not find as much as one priest,pastor,or other that could give a reasonable explanation to why an almighty god with all knowledge and all power would say and act as he does within the confines of your book - if i was to today - publish a book and write what i see written there i would be laughed out of the business. after reading C.S. lewis and other apologist, the higherarchy of modern defenders of the faith, the only person that came close to answering the question of the word in genisis saying god told adam and eve to go forth and "REPLENISH" the earth was "billy graham" and he got all kinds of hell for believing as i had come to believe about that on my own years before. his/my answer to that was: (not a quote because i dont have his info anymore) That the world was populated before adam and eve and thats why god told them to - "replenish" - ""re- populate"" the earth - Now later the NIV version of the bible removed the word RE_POPULATE and to do that is blasphemy at its worst - why? because all christians state that the book is ""infallable"" if something is infallable and is said to be gods own words then man has no right to change the words whether he thinks he does or not due to new discoveries in greek grammer especially after almost 2 thousand yrs later!! Check it out yourself KJV - VS - NIV - how could repopulate stand for 1900+ yrs and then be wrong - the bible is full of mans blunders and dreamings up of ways to enslave the unwary, to put them under condemnation or fear, to lead the sheep to slaughter. all in the guise of love and eternal life. salvation, grace, do not work and cannot work, nor do they exsist - only in the minds of the "believers" no one needs "saved" what they need is to use "there god" given abilities to use common sense - read, rule out what cannot be reasonable, ponder and accept what may be truth - flush the rest and continue on. Only jesus appearing to me personally as he did with doubting thomas could ever change my mind on this - and i assure you that will not happen i dont even know if it hapened the first time for sure. you cant agree on whats what among you, and who cares if one believes in full emrsion baptism or sprinkling. neither one will get you to your heaven, there are no streets of gold, or most other things people picture heaven as - heaven is within - even jesus said that. most take what is plainly stated as truth and turn it in to things to be taken as symbolic and turn symbolic words to truth and no one agrees - the dallas theological "cemetary" with hagan and lindsey,allthe rest is a perfect example of that. and yet you say its a personal relation ship? with which jesus portrayed are you reffering, the catholic jesus? the jewish yeshua?, the moslem jesus, the reformed jesus, for they are all talked of differently. which do i give my faith and obedience to? and why would i do it blindly - jesus stated - count the cost - before you follow and believe - (paraphrase) - all christians that i have ever met have not, they have been fed the 4 spiritual laws the sinners prayer, asking for forgiveness blindly belief in his powers and asking him to dwell or live in their hearts - and then accepting by blind faith that this has taken place - "BLIND"? yes - why - how can you ask a stranger into your heart to guide you and love you and care for you unless you fully know him - trust takes time loving trust takes a real long time - you cannot know jesus in that way simply by reading or having someone state - for god so loved - so ill ask you now - if i came to you and stated i will be your savior and all you have to do is believe in me and accept me as your savior you wont go to hell but if you dont you will - what would your answer be? - jesus can prove himself no more than i - and if you made me your savior you would be just as wrong as you are now - that is ------ unless you tell me you have actually seen and spoken to jesus in the "flesh" and that you will bring him to me personally to meet in the flesh?? for anything less will not suffice. ![]() ![]() Tribo ..... the Word of God just won't make sense, until you are born again, my friend. After you become born again, then the Word WILL begin to make yuo grow in God's Word.....because the Holy Spirit will then open up your understanding to God's Word. But until then? The Word of God just Won't make sesne ..Period!! Tribo.....before I was born again , the Word of God did not makes sense to me either. So I do understand how you feel, Tribo. ![]() dear lady - i have been born again - i was blind and now i see - and TBN, 700 club, and others are to be thanked for that - deception is no way to win lasting converts that are put under a spell. - unfortunately you are still blind - and i hope through circumstances you will be healed of your blindness also.I can't pray for that but maybe JB can - you are so caught up in the jesusness that you are no earthly good to you or others - though im sure you cannot see that as of now - but you will. i have faith in the god given ability to reason - and i believe if you start reading the bible with out influeces from others you will find the truth also good luck morning star - i hope you do - there is no doubt you have abilities that are needed to save others from mistakes weve made about god, jesus and the bible. sincerely - tribo Tribo....when I last watched TBN, I saw and heard many annointed teachings. Jan and Paul Crouch are very careful to make sure that the Word of God is preached on their network. However, I don't neccessarily agree with everything on TBN, but it doesn't mean they aren't preaching the Word of God. Lately, I have been listening to a christian radio station of denominational preachers...and am hearing the word preached also..even if they are just denominational preachers...and don't speak in tongues as I do. They are still preaching the Word of God.... And I enjoy their ministry too. But God will let us christians know when we are hearing something that is not lining up with the word of God..or if something being preached is just man's opinion. When we hear something that is not quite right , we chuck it....cause we know even the best preachers will make mistakes. That is why we christians should always make sure that what we hear, lines up with the Word of God, at all times. See Tribo ,the Holy Spirit in us is our teacher....not man. If we hear something preached that is not right, the Holy Spirit in us christians will let us know. In fact, I just hear a spirit filled preacher sunday in church, and something was said that did not quite agree with my spirit...but normally, he is a good point is...I chucked the part that is not quite right, and listen to the rest(which was fine). BUT, if this preacher were to say something ALL the time ,that did not line up with the Word of God? Well...Then I would have to move on and find another preacher to listen to. Tribo...God's Sheep are able to recognize the Shepherd's Voice Speaking . But we also know that because man is not perfect ,man will sometimes make mistakes. Including even the best preachers. That is why Christians need to always follow NOT after man, but after God. Be Blessed Now, Tribo. ![]() |
Is the Bible the perfect source for morality? If you believe it is, why does it guide you? If you think its a load of rubbish, how do you know? Have you read it, if you have, then why did you read it? |
I could not help but note that at least you've dropped your argument present in your previous responses that insisted that the Bible did not authorize slavery--as it clearly does. Now you've switched arguments and begun to suggest that we should make peace with our enemies (a terribly immoral proposition in its own right) no matter who is in charge--even if they are our captors. Standard christian response. Get proved wrong by using their own "word" then change the subject. .. and I think the Stockholm Syndrome is the description of this .... make peace with our enemies (a terribly immoral proposition in its own right) no matter who is in charge--even if they are our captors.
Drew???!!! Quickstepper did NOT change her argument .....sorry you just misread her once more.... what she just shared here with you. Drew..... NOWHERE in the bible does it say that God AUTHORIZED Slavery. HOWEVER, God ALLOWED man to have FREE WILL make their own CHOICES...including having slaves. But God did NOT AUTHORIZE Slavery. MorningSong: If, as you have stated many times, the Bible is the Divine and Inspired Word of God, then how is it that you are now arguing that in the case of slavery, those parts of the Bible are not endorsed but simply a reflection of God allowing man to have free will? That is anti-logic. When the bible states "Slaves, obey your master" is that simply not part of God's Word? If that is the case, which parts of the Bible are God's word and which parts are God taking a break and man taking over? And if your argument is correct, if God really did NOT endorse or allow or approve of slavery then why, in the entire Word of God is there not one, not a single passage that condemns it? How hard would it have been to add an 11th Commandment? "No graven images" is prominent but an all-powerful, compassionate God could not be bothered to say something like "All people are to be treated with dignity and no one made to serve man in an undignified way." And if your argument is correct, that God just knew what man would do anyway, so he told them how to deal with slaves--I mean, since they were going to do it anyway, then such a God would not only be unworthy of worship but a feckless thug who instead of just calling something wrong, just told people how to find peace with being abused. God was the father--he was supposed to instruct. If you are a parent and you are going to be gone for a weekend and don't want your child to have a party what would you say? Most would argue that you would talk to your child and explain the rules--explain that you do not want anyone at the house, that you do not approve of any parties, that absent an adult no gatherings are to take place. Or, you could say something like: "If you have party, make sure that everyone has enough to drink, that they are inside and that they keep the noise down to some extent. Make sure everyone pays a bit for the food and drink, make sure that the party does not go past 3:00 AM. Make sure that people have a place to sleep." If you were to leave that note, go away, and come back to evidence of a party having taken place would you be upset? Or would argue that you really did not want the party to occur but because you know how kids will be kids and how they have free will, you just set up some guidelines. Think that analogy is off? It isn't. If something is not called wrong, how are people supposed to behave? If instructions are given, how do they know it is wrong? Well, we do know it is wrong. But not because of the Bible. The Bible never calls slavery wrong. Mental gymnastics not withstanding, it just doesn't. -Drew |
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Thu 06/05/08 08:23 AM
Slaves probably don't realize that they are slaves.
The God of Abraham did endorse slaves. Indeed he had slaves. He called them "my people." These chosen people are his slaves. They are supposed to serve him and obey him. Sometimes they would get unruly and disobey. That was called "sin." It was a sin to disobey the master. The punishment for the sin of disobedience was death. A pretty severe punishment for disobedience, but then they were only slaves after all. I believe the god of Abraham may have been a non-human alien. The aliens of orion and the other dimensions do believe in slaves and take slaves all the time when they conquer other planets and worlds. It is part of their culture. They see nothing wrong with it. Humans are an evolving compassionated race endowed with more emotion and compassion than the alien races. They eventually realized that slavery is wrong, although some still practice it, they have made it illegal. Religions teach that if you follow and obey and worship your god, you will be taken care of now and after your death. After your death you will be taken to "heaven" where you will serve your master for eternity. Heaven is that great plantation in the sky. Jeannie |
Again abra.....I think you either need to re-read or understand what you are reading.
Masterbation is not a sin if you are doing so as a physical release....What makes it a sin is a heart condition if you fantasize about someone especially a married woman, then of course it would be a sin.....I masterbate and I can do it just for the physical release or if I think of anyone it is my husband. We can also play with toys, and have phone sex....not a sin. Matthew 5: 27-28 27 “You have heard the commandment that says, ‘You must not commit adultery.’[k] 28 But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Now out of wedlock sex is a sin. But hey you can do will and live with the consequences of doing so. If you are single and you have sex out of is a sin, and you can put whatever spin you want to justify it...but it is what it is. Because it is a heart condition to say for kids to be able to get off without actual intercourse is no different as far as in Gods might as well have the intercourse. For God wants your body to be a temple, a place that is sacred and given to your soulmate. But again abra it comes down to sacrafice and what your willing to do for God. I think also that anything sexually people know in their heart of hearts what is wrong or right in the eyes of the Lord. I also think that a lot of the diseases that are running rampant are the consequence of doing as you please. jmo. And as a parent to even think to have my daughter have any type of sexual gratification without having intercourse is insane......And as much as you would want this to happen...It will always lead to having intercourse and if you think not...well you my sweet are having delusions. And jmo again....When Clinton totally denied and stated..."I did not have intercourse with Monica." Do you think honestly that just because they had oral sex got him off the hook, either with Hillary or with God........Nope......And in no way shape or form does God think sex in dirty.....It's a beautiful wonderful thing when shared by two people who love each other. As far as gay people......I love the people but hate the sin...and no matter how you slice it....It is a sin....It clearly states it in the Bible....And if God wanted Adam & Steve then that is what would of been. And I too have alot of gay, lesbian and transexual friends. They know where I stand, but it doesn't mean I don't love them and they are not my friends....Again love them but hate the sin.....and again their choice.... And it basically comes down to for me.....Is that no matter what man is going to sin...It doesn't matter how hard we try....we will sin....But to justify the sin is just stupid. You can be in control and make all the decisions, and then live with the decisions you make. For me, myself, and I.....I gave my life to Christ and he is in charge......and the Bible is a tool to use for how he intended our life to be. I can't tell you how many times I ask Father God for answers and get my bible and let it fall where it may.......and 99.9% of the time it is what I need for that precise moment. My mentors and teachers hate when I do it...giggle......but It works for me. |
Edited by
Thu 06/05/08 10:53 AM
"Sin" is a concept that is only defined within religious doctrine.
Religious doctrine was created by false alien gods who laid down rules and laws for their people. (Their chosen ones, the slaves) These chosen ones were genetically engineered for a specific purpose. It became a sin to disobey your master. The punishment was death. Your master had the right to kill you if you disobeyed. or he could choose to have mercy on you. The slaves would wail, "Have mercy on me dear lord, for I have sinned and fallen short of your glory." and: "The wages of sin is death." Sin is to disobey your lord and master. He has control over your life and death. He will allow you to sin and tell you that you have the choice to do so, but he is within his rights to take your life because of your sins. Because his law is: "The wages of sin is death." So beg for mercy and ask for forgiveness for your sins and promise to obey and serve. Your Lord will show you mercy if you do the things that please him and if you worship him and love him and accept his blood sacrifice. You are one of the chosen ones. You are the property of your Lord and master. You are a slave. He only wants those who will follow him and obey without question. Jeannie |
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Thu 06/05/08 10:57 AM
First off you have to put the servant/slavery in context of the day. You have to know the 613 Laws of God to even understand all. For the most part yes slavery was wrong, having servants/slaves was how it was. But understand also that for the most part the Jews treated their slaves/servants very well. Even when the servant had done what was asked and were allowed to leave....they did not....they stayed and were also great believers of God (converted)
Now just like with any person even now...Some of the Jews did not listen to God and treat the servant/slaves as they were supposed to...but understand that also at that time the nation was in rebellion and they were the task masters. Isaiah 58 True and False Worship 1 “Shout with the voice of a trumpet blast. Shout aloud! Don’t be timid. Tell my people Israel[a] of their sins! 2 Yet they act so pious! They come to the Temple every day and seem delighted to learn all about me. They act like a righteous nation that would never abandon the laws of its God. They ask me to take action on their behalf, pretending they want to be near me. 3 ‘We have fasted before you!’ they say. ‘Why aren’t you impressed? We have been very hard on ourselves, and you don’t even notice it!’ “I will tell you why!” I respond. “It’s because you are fasting to please yourselves. Even while you fast, you keep oppressing your workers. 4 What good is fasting when you keep on fighting and quarreling? This kind of fasting will never get you anywhere with me. 5 You humble yourselves by going through the motions of penance, bowing your heads like reeds bending in the wind. You dress in burlap and cover yourselves with ashes. Is this what you call fasting? Do you really think this will please the Lord? 6 “No, this is the kind of fasting I want: Free those who are wrongly imprisoned; lighten the burden of those who work for you. Let the oppressed go free, and remove the chains that bind people. 7 Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help. 8 “Then your salvation will come like the dawn, and your wounds will quickly heal. Your godliness will lead you forward, and the glory of the Lord will protect you from behind. 9 Then when you call, the Lord will answer. ‘Yes, I am here,’ he will quickly reply. “Remove the heavy yoke of oppression. Stop pointing your finger and spreading vicious rumors! 10 Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon. 11 The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring. 12 Some of you will rebuild the deserted ruins of your cities. Then you will be known as a rebuilder of walls and a restorer of homes. 13 “Keep the Sabbath day holy. Don’t pursue your own interests on that day, but enjoy the Sabbath and speak of it with delight as the Lord’s holy day. Honor the Sabbath in everything you do on that day, and don’t follow your own desires or talk idly. 14 Then the Lord will be your delight. I will give you great honor and satisfy you with the inheritance I promised to your ancestor Jacob. I, the Lord, have spoken!” 505-522 of God's Commandments Not to sell him as a slave is sold Lev. 25:42 Not to work him oppressively Lev. 25:43 Not to allow a non-Jew to work him oppressively Lev. 25:53 Not to have him do menial slave labor Lev. 25:39 Give him gifts when he goes free Deut. 15:14 Not to send him away empty-handed Deut. 15:13 Redeem Jewish maidservants Ex. 21:8 Betroth the Jewish maidservant Ex. 21:8 The master must not sell his maidservant Ex. 21:8 Canaanite slaves must work forever unless injured in one of their limbs Lev. 25:46 Not to extradite a slave who fled to (Biblical) Israel Deut. 23:16 Not to wrong a slave who has come to Israel for refuge Deut. 3:16 The courts must carry out the laws of a hired worker and hired guard Ex. 22:9 Pay wages on the day they were earned Deut. 24:15 Not to delay payment of wages past the agreed time Lev. 19:13 The hired worker may eat from the unharvested crops where he works Deut. 23:25 The worker must not eat while on hired time Deut. 23:26 The worker must not take more than he can eat Deut. 23:25 |
Now Tribo....Just because God is Not a Religion, doesn't Mean the Bible Isn't the Inspired Word of God. When Christians meet together in fellowship, they are Lifting Up Jesus, not a Religion. BUT..we are Still Studying and Learning and Applying God's WHOLE WORD to our lives. (meaning..we DON'T leave out parts of God's Word, as has been implied by some on this forum). in a work called "book of truth's i have stated elsewhere on here a few weeks ago that quote - " organized religion is one of the greatest hindrences to mankind. It preaches consolidation but instead divides itself into a myriad of sectarian factions for selfish reason's as pride reign's king amongst both it's follower's and leaders. It preaches healing while it fester's with spiritual disease and corruption within. It preaches giving, sharing, and caring while accumulating vast wealth for itself and selfishly spends and hordes all that it procures on non-spiritual, non - essentials. It is the epitome' of self centeredness masked in the semblence of hope, love, charity, and unity. And god turns away from it all to keep the stench from his nostrils" you asked "did i know that god was not a religion- this is my answer to all religions. Though you and other's may believe that your basing your beliefs solely on your personal relationship with jesus, - i know better - i was an insider - thats not true - to base your entire belief in jesus' words you would have to do this - pick up your cross and follow him - i know of no born again christian that does that. 2) live in poverty,3) worship in places where no building or building funds are involved, 4) donot take up tithes, 5) and the list goes on - the biggest being this - living the same life as christ himself - and in like manner - speaking only by your holy spirits words only, not by writing's that are not of god but of man - i also write " never are lies more convincing than when hid among truth's" that is where i stand on the infallability of the "book of men's doing" commonly reffered to as the infallable "word of god." my sweet morningstar though i know you mean well - there are just "to many" outright and unbelievable things starting in the first book of your bible, and over a seventeen yr. period i could not find as much as one priest,pastor,or other that could give a reasonable explanation to why an almighty god with all knowledge and all power would say and act as he does within the confines of your book - if i was to today - publish a book and write what i see written there i would be laughed out of the business. after reading C.S. lewis and other apologist, the higherarchy of modern defenders of the faith, the only person that came close to answering the question of the word in genisis saying god told adam and eve to go forth and "REPLENISH" the earth was "billy graham" and he got all kinds of hell for believing as i had come to believe about that on my own years before. his/my answer to that was: (not a quote because i dont have his info anymore) That the world was populated before adam and eve and thats why god told them to - "replenish" - ""re- populate"" the earth - Now later the NIV version of the bible removed the word RE_POPULATE and to do that is blasphemy at its worst - why? because all christians state that the book is ""infallable"" if something is infallable and is said to be gods own words then man has no right to change the words whether he thinks he does or not due to new discoveries in greek grammer especially after almost 2 thousand yrs later!! Check it out yourself KJV - VS - NIV - how could repopulate stand for 1900+ yrs and then be wrong - the bible is full of mans blunders and dreamings up of ways to enslave the unwary, to put them under condemnation or fear, to lead the sheep to slaughter. all in the guise of love and eternal life. salvation, grace, do not work and cannot work, nor do they exsist - only in the minds of the "believers" no one needs "saved" what they need is to use "there god" given abilities to use common sense - read, rule out what cannot be reasonable, ponder and accept what may be truth - flush the rest and continue on. Only jesus appearing to me personally as he did with doubting thomas could ever change my mind on this - and i assure you that will not happen i dont even know if it hapened the first time for sure. you cant agree on whats what among you, and who cares if one believes in full emrsion baptism or sprinkling. neither one will get you to your heaven, there are no streets of gold, or most other things people picture heaven as - heaven is within - even jesus said that. most take what is plainly stated as truth and turn it in to things to be taken as symbolic and turn symbolic words to truth and no one agrees - the dallas theological "cemetary" with hagan and lindsey,allthe rest is a perfect example of that. and yet you say its a personal relation ship? with which jesus portrayed are you reffering, the catholic jesus? the jewish yeshua?, the moslem jesus, the reformed jesus, for they are all talked of differently. which do i give my faith and obedience to? and why would i do it blindly - jesus stated - count the cost - before you follow and believe - (paraphrase) - all christians that i have ever met have not, they have been fed the 4 spiritual laws the sinners prayer, asking for forgiveness blindly belief in his powers and asking him to dwell or live in their hearts - and then accepting by blind faith that this has taken place - "BLIND"? yes - why - how can you ask a stranger into your heart to guide you and love you and care for you unless you fully know him - trust takes time loving trust takes a real long time - you cannot know jesus in that way simply by reading or having someone state - for god so loved - so ill ask you now - if i came to you and stated i will be your savior and all you have to do is believe in me and accept me as your savior you wont go to hell but if you dont you will - what would your answer be? - jesus can prove himself no more than i - and if you made me your savior you would be just as wrong as you are now - that is ------ unless you tell me you have actually seen and spoken to jesus in the "flesh" and that you will bring him to me personally to meet in the flesh?? for anything less will not suffice. ![]() ![]() Tribo ..... the Word of God just won't make sense, until you are born again, my friend. After you become born again, then the Word WILL begin to make yuo grow in God's Word.....because the Holy Spirit will then open up your understanding to God's Word. But until then? The Word of God just Won't make sesne ..Period!! Tribo.....before I was born again , the Word of God did not makes sense to me either. So I do understand how you feel, Tribo. ![]() dear lady - i have been born again - i was blind and now i see - and TBN, 700 club, and others are to be thanked for that - deception is no way to win lasting converts that are put under a spell. - unfortunately you are still blind - and i hope through circumstances you will be healed of your blindness also.I can't pray for that but maybe JB can - you are so caught up in the jesusness that you are no earthly good to you or others - though im sure you cannot see that as of now - but you will. i have faith in the god given ability to reason - and i believe if you start reading the bible with out influeces from others you will find the truth also good luck morning star - i hope you do - there is no doubt you have abilities that are needed to save others from mistakes weve made about god, jesus and the bible. sincerely - tribo Tribo....when I last watched TBN, I saw and heard many annointed teachings. Jan and Paul Crouch are very careful to make sure that the Word of God is preached on their network. However, I don't neccessarily agree with everything on TBN, but it doesn't mean they aren't preaching the Word of God. Lately, I have been listening to a christian radio station of denominational preachers...and am hearing the word preached also..even if they are just denominational preachers...and don't speak in tongues as I do. They are still preaching the Word of God.... And I enjoy their ministry too. But God will let us christians know when we are hearing something that is not lining up with the word of God..or if something being preached is just man's opinion. When we hear something that is not quite right , we chuck it....cause we know even the best preachers will make mistakes. That is why we christians should always make sure that what we hear, lines up with the Word of God, at all times. See Tribo ,the Holy Spirit in us is our teacher....not man. If we hear something preached that is not right, the Holy Spirit in us christians will let us know. In fact, I just hear a spirit filled preacher sunday in church, and something was said that did not quite agree with my spirit...but normally, he is a good point is...I chucked the part that is not quite right, and listen to the rest(which was fine). BUT, if this preacher were to say something ALL the time ,that did not line up with the Word of God? Well...Then I would have to move on and find another preacher to listen to. Tribo...God's Sheep are able to recognize the Shepherd's Voice Speaking . But we also know that because man is not perfect ,man will sometimes make mistakes. Including even the best preachers. That is why Christians need to always follow NOT after man, but after God. Be Blessed Now, Tribo. ![]() OK MS - HERES THE POINT - tRINITY BROADCASTING NETWORK, CBN, AND THE REST LIKE BENNY HINN HAL LINDSEY, AND ALL THE OTHERS FROM THE DALLAS THEOLOGICAL CEMETERY HAGAN,ETC.. ARE FAKES,FOOLS AND LIARS - TO STATE THAT YOU HEAR THEM "OCASSINALLY MAKE MISTAKES - IS LIKE SAYING YOU HAVE A POINT OF ACCEPTACE OF LIES AND THAT IF THAT ACCEPTANCE LEVEL IS EXCEEDED THEN YOU WILL NOT LISTEN TO ANYMORE OF THEIR LIES?? iN MY CASE IF I HEAR SOME ONE WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE TELLING THE TRUTH ACCORDING TO GOD'S "INFALLABLE WORD" - THEN THEY ARE LIARS - PERIOD. I DONT NEED TO HEAR THEM STATE SEVERAL LIES IN ORDER TO COME TO THAT CONCLUSION. LIES ARE LIES - AND WHEN ITS LIES BASED ON THE "WORD OF GOD" THEN THEY ARE UNFORGIVABLE BY ME.aNYONE WHO PERVERTS THE "WORD OF GOD SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THE MINISTERIES AT LEAST OR BY GOD'S STANDARDS STONED TO DEATH!! tHE MERE FACT THAT YOU NOW HAVE STATED YOU SPEAK IN TONGUES TELLS ME YOU ARE IN SO DEEP YOU CANT SEE THE FOREST FOR THE TREES =- SPEAKING IN TONGUES BY THE HOLY SPIRIT ENDED WITH ACTS AND THE FIRST CENTURY CHRISTIANS, I SUPPOSE YOU'VE ALSO BEEN SUCKERED BY THOSE WHO PUT FORTH THE AWAITED RETURN OF CHRIST, THE "RAPTURE" ??? MORE HOGWASH BY THE CEMETARIANS - GET YOUR NOSE OUT OF THE BIBLE LONG ENOUGH TO RESEARCH WHAT YOU BELIEVE AS I HAVE AND WHERE THESE CONCEPTS CAME FROM - THROUGHOUT MY SEARCH FOR TRUTH'S - WHEN DEALING WITH RELIGIONS IN GENERAL - I HAVE MADE IT MY PRIORITY TO GO TO THE CORE SOURCE OF "WHY" THE RELIGION EXSIST - FOR AT IT'S CORE - YOU WILL FIND THE TRUTH - IF IT'S OF MAN - IT WILL BE SEEN CLEARLY - IF IT'S OF GOD - THEN IT WILL BE SEEN CLEARLY - "ALL RELIGION'S ARE OF MAN" NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME DIFFERENTLY - MOHHAMED. JESUS, BUDDHA, CONFUSCIOUS, AND THE MYRIAD OF OTHERS ALL HAVE ONE THING IN COMMON - THE TEACHINGS ARE OF THEIR AND THIER FOLLOWERS DOING - THERE IS NO TRUTH IN THE RELIGION OF MEN!! THERE IS NO TRUTH IN THE WORDS THEY SPEW FORTH NOR HARMONY WITHIN THE TEACHINGS. AS FOR SPEAKING IN TONGUES, HEALINGS,THE POWER OF PRAYER, YOU ALL ARE LOOKING FOR A HIGH MUCH AS DRUG ADDICTS DO. AND WHEN YOU CANT GET THAT HIGH FROM THE SERVICES YOU ATTEND YOU GO ELSEWHERE TO SEEK WORDS THAT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL HIGH AGAIN - IT IS AN ADDICTION - HERE'S A TRUTH STATED BY MARX " RELIGION IS THE OPIATE OF THE MASSES" AND HERE'S ANOTHER - MINE - NEVER ARE LIES MORE CONVINCING THEN WHEN HID AMONG TRUTH'S" AND THAT IS YOUR AND EVERY OTHER CHRISTIANS PROBLEMS YOU DONT SEE THE LIES OR YOU DONOT LET THEM AFFECT YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE SO "SURE" OF YOUR IDIOTIC BELIEFS.SOME FORCE GAVE ME COMMON SENSE, THE ABILITY TO LOGICAL THINK - WHAT EVER FORCE THAT BE I GIVE THANKS TO - IF IT IS THE GOD SPOKEN ABOUT IN THE BIBLE THAT IS PORTRAYED WRONGLY THEN I GIVE THANKS TO HIM, IF IT IS jb'S OR ABRA'S THEN I GIVE THANKS TO THEM OR IT, IF ITS UNKNOWN THEN I STILL GIVE THANKS. BUT I CANNOT GIVE THANKS TO MANS MADE UP GOD OF SCRIPTURE. THAT GOD IS TO HUMAN NOT BIG ENOUGH FOR ME TO GIVE THANKS TO. USE YOUR COMMON SENSE - SEARCH THE BEGININGS OF WHAT YOU NOW BELIEVE MS, AND I WILL PRAY TO MY GOD THAT HE LEADS YOU TO THE TRUTH ABOUT HIM/HER/IT - I DONT NEED A DADDY - I NEED THE TRUTH.aND NEITHER YOU OR THE OTHER CHRISTIANS HAVE IT - A RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST?? BEEN THERE DONE THAT - A LIE. |
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Thu 06/05/08 02:48 PM
kumbaya my lord kumbaya .... what the hell does kumbaya mean anyway? ![]() "kumbaya" = "come by here" the song asks that god be with the singer. I believe it is supposed to be the gullah dialect- I used to live in NC and the gullahs are NC, SC and Georgia island people but I never went to any of those islands and they rarely come to the mainland. i have heard the song sung in both english and gullah. ![]() Sorry- I'm way late to this particular party today and see Redy has already answered quite thoroughly... ![]() |
JB is VERY interested in Christianity. I see her alot on this site. Why would someone come here to irritate,unless their real purpose for being here was to find out why some are able to have so much faith and she cannot? It is a sad excistence to think that this is all there is to life. I know that no matter how hard things may seem on Earth, at the end I will spend eternity surrounded by love and happiness. your post makes the assumption that christianity is the only path to faith and an afterlife when in fact there are literally hundreds such paths.... this assumption that non-christian have no faith is quite insulting to those of us, myself included, who are of other faiths. |
I have defended JB numerous times. Then, I come back online and it sounds like she is Christian bashing. I am not sure why she is here. Like I said, maybe she is just curious. But, I have non-religious friends that I have seen get on these forums just to irritate people. They think it is amusing. I have friends of all sorts of faiths, but I would never go onto their forums unless I was there to educate myself on their beliefs. That does not mean I will believe what they do, but I will have a better understanding. I was irritated because I defended her and then she sounded like some of my friends. By the way, I have told them it is not amusing and they should just listen to some music or something while they are drinking if they are that freakin bored. I don't hate JB though, just irritated. but this is not a christian site, or a christian forum or even a christian thread. JB is here because she is interested in religion. Religion does not equal christianity. |
JB, I don't need you to make me question my beliefs. I am not a robot, I am a human being. Fine, you think I live a fantasy life? That's my problem. I NEED to believe! You know what you are doing. I am not an idiot. Like I said on previous posts. I have gone to Wiccan ceremonies and such for various reasons. But, none to make them question their beliefs. You don't have to agree. Just talk to people. Gheez, this world can be so demanding and ugly. I come to a Christian forum to talk nice. The conversation does not have to be about faith, but it is my choice other than: let's say: " My booty call last night and such,,," I have seen the ugliest things in life and so have many other people on this forum. Peace for once....PLEASE! I miss my husband in California. Everytime I get back from a deployment is he leaving for his. I worry about him so much and I get so lonely. I am a truck driver and he is a pilot. I need to trust that God will take care of him. I need to believe that all this will end good. I just want a normal life. I think I live in Iraq more than here. In fact, that is the case. I pray every night. I should not have tried to committ suice upon my last return. I was a lost soul. I pray for Gods forgiveness everyday. This sounds silly, but to pay Him back I have adopted an abused dog, I am fostering a kitty cat and I am volunteering at the Salvation Army. I don't pat myself on the back....I just need redemption from God. Please let me have that JB. ![]() I still don't know why you think this is a christian forum. It's not. It clearly states it is not. I pray for all the soldiers every day- those I know and those I don't- and I pray you and your family stay safe. ![]() |
JB is VERY interested in Christianity. I see her alot on this site. Why would someone come here to irritate,unless their real purpose for being here was to find out why some are able to have so much faith and she cannot? It is a sad excistence to think that this is all there is to life. I know that no matter how hard things may seem on Earth, at the end I will spend eternity surrounded by love and happiness. your post makes the assumption that christianity is the only path to faith and an afterlife when in fact there are literally hundreds such paths.... this assumption that non-christian have no faith is quite insulting to those of us, myself included, who are of other faiths. I guess you are offended. Oh, well. ![]() |