Topic: Awareness
Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Fri 05/30/08 05:43 AM
Turned inward
Thoughts gather
Dissipating like mists
Turning outward
Reaching out of the shell
Light filters in
Blinding at first
Eyes slowly adjust
Time seems to stand still
Kicking free from the remains of the shell
Stepping out, looking around
Breathing in deeply
Contemplating this reality
Look to the left
Look to the right
Nothing in sight
Refusing to look behind
Looking ahead
A mountain to climb
In the far off distance
Tentative steps taken at first
A long journey lies ahead
Mustering up the courage and strength
Onward she walks
Towards the mountain she must climb
One foot in front of the other
Whistling a tune softly now
Knowing the mountain is really just a hill

LAMom's photo
Fri 05/30/08 07:09 AM

Turned inward
Thoughts gather
Dissipating like mists
Turning outward
Reaching out of the shell
Light filters in
Blinding at first
Eyes slowly adjust
Time seems to stand still
Kicking free from the remains of the shell
Stepping out, looking around
Breathing in deeply
Contemplating this reality
Look to the left
Look to the right
Nothing in sight
Refusing to look behind
Looking ahead
A mountain to climb
In the far off distance
Tentative steps taken at first
A long journey lies ahead
Mustering up the courage and strength
Onward she walks
Towards the mountain she must climb
One foot in front of the other
Whistling a tune softly now
Knowing the mountain is really just a hill

A hill you shall climb,, when you reach the top,, sit and reflect the climb,,, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I so love this side of
you,,,, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm well i do love all of you,,,
