Lindyy's photo
Fri 05/30/08 07:39 AM

flowerforyou This makes me want to go out and buy a keffiyahflowerforyou


You have now been locked out of your allowance fund.

I love Michelle Malkin. She is one fiesty, will stand up to anyone and never backs down woman, who also is extremely intelligent and well versed and researched on whatever she writes/talks about.


MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:10 PM

flowerforyou This makes me want to go out and buy a keffiyahflowerforyou


You have now been locked out of your allowance fund.

I love Michelle Malkin. She is one fiesty, will stand up to anyone and never backs down woman, who also is extremely intelligent and well versed and researched on whatever she writes/talks about.

flowerforyou Do you agree with Michelle Malkin about Rachael Ray being a terrorist?flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:52 PM

flowerforyou This makes me want to go out and buy a keffiyahflowerforyou


You have now been locked out of your allowance fund.

I love Michelle Malkin. She is one fiesty, will stand up to anyone and never backs down woman, who also is extremely intelligent and well versed and researched on whatever she writes/talks about.

flowerforyou Do you agree with Michelle Malkin about Rachael Ray being a terrorist?flowerforyou

noway noway noway noway noway noway noway .

adj4u's photo
Fri 05/30/08 03:38 PM
now the anti racist groups a organizing a boycot of dunkin donuts yay

i wont be dunjin there donuts (just me tho) and i cant remember the last time i went to dunkin donuts anyway

but to pull a commercail for pressure of a scarf

come on now

lets get real

has there been any previous actions to suggest that she has been involved w/any terrorist group


pretty soon some one will say they where jeans as a protest for something to enlightin the mass'

and then will anyone that wears jeans suspect and convicted of being a sympathizer of said protest group

i think not

but hey what do i know

franshade's photo
Fri 05/30/08 03:51 PM
yes Rachel Ray is a terrorist, she wore that scarf on purpose. Anyway how do you think she can cook a whole meal in 30 minutes or less, she has things to blow up laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 05/30/08 04:01 PM

yes Rachel Ray is a terrorist, she wore that scarf on purpose.

Since when this scarf or any scarf is a symbol of anything at all to start with ????!.

franshade's photo
Fri 05/30/08 04:03 PM

yes Rachel Ray is a terrorist, she wore that scarf on purpose.

Since when this scarf or any scarf is a symbol of anything at all to start with ????!.

read entire post Sam - the scarf is what had her commercial pulled, because it resembles a keffiyah.

damnitscloudy's photo
Fri 05/30/08 04:16 PM
Lets all wear a black and white scarf and eat doughnuts! laugh

franshade's photo
Fri 05/30/08 04:18 PM

Lets all wear a black and white scarf and eat doughnuts! laugh

too hot for scarves but I'll have a glazed please drinker flowerforyou

damnitscloudy's photo
Fri 05/30/08 04:26 PM
And while i'm on the subject, Rachel Ray is just too cute to be a terrorist. I got something she can blow up in my pants devil

BTW glazed is the best ^.^

adj4u's photo
Fri 05/30/08 04:28 PM

And while i'm on the subject, Rachel Ray is just too cute to be a terrorist. I got something she can blow up in my pants devil

BTW glazed is the best ^.^

are you speaking of glazed eyes just after the drugs hit and they drive th bomb up to explode

just askin


franshade's photo
Fri 05/30/08 04:38 PM

And while i'm on the subject, Rachel Ray is just too cute to be a terrorist. I got something she can blow up in my pants devil

BTW glazed is the best ^.^

are you speaking of glazed eyes just after the drugs hit and they drive th bomb up to explode

just askin


blushing blushing you mean he meant something else blushing huh

adj4u's photo
Fri 05/30/08 04:42 PM
Edited by adj4u on Fri 05/30/08 04:43 PM

And while i'm on the subject, Rachel Ray is just too cute to be a terrorist. I got something she can blow up in my pants devil

BTW glazed is the best ^.^

are you speaking of glazed eyes just after the drugs hit and they drive th bomb up to explode

just askin


blushing blushing you mean he meant something else blushing huh

i do nut know
that is why asked as cruller as it may have been

no photo
Fri 05/30/08 04:47 PM

yes Rachel Ray is a terrorist, she wore that scarf on purpose. Anyway how do you think she can cook a whole meal in 30 minutes or less, she has things to blow up laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

watch out for the baked potatoes, could be hiding explosives....
laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 05/30/08 04:55 PM

yes Rachel Ray is a terrorist, she wore that scarf on purpose.

Since when this scarf or any scarf is a symbol of anything at all to start with ????!.

read entire post Sam - the scarf is what had her commercial pulled, because it resembles a keffiyah.

And what is a keffiyah ?. Is this English ?.

adj4u's photo
Fri 05/30/08 04:58 PM

yes Rachel Ray is a terrorist, she wore that scarf on purpose.

Since when this scarf or any scarf is a symbol of anything at all to start with ????!.

read entire post Sam - the scarf is what had her commercial pulled, because it resembles a keffiyah.

And what is a keffiyah ?. Is this English ?.

did you go to the link provided it works wonders sometimes

franshade's photo
Fri 05/30/08 04:59 PM

yes Rachel Ray is a terrorist, she wore that scarf on purpose.

Since when this scarf or any scarf is a symbol of anything at all to start with ????!.

read entire post Sam - the scarf is what had her commercial pulled, because it resembles a keffiyah.

And what is a keffiyah ?. Is this English ?.

Yes Sam it's English :smile:

Here's an excerpt of the news: Dunkin' Donuts, worried that its customers might think so, abruptly yanked an ad in which Ray wears a scarf that resembles a keffiyeh -- a traditional headdress worn by Arab men -- after conservative commentators became enraged by the ad and even threatened to boycott the company.

view the news link

adj4u's photo
Fri 05/30/08 04:59 PM
point of order

is not that article worn by the men

is rachel really a man


very interesting

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 05/30/08 05:02 PM

flowerforyou This makes me want to go out and buy a keffiyahflowerforyou


You have now been locked out of your allowance fund.

I love Michelle Malkin. She is one fiesty, will stand up to anyone and never backs down woman, who also is extremely intelligent and well versed and researched on whatever she writes/talks about.

flowerforyou Do you agree with Michelle Malkin about Rachael Ray being a terrorist?flowerforyou

noway noway noway noway noway noway noway .
laugh I dont believe thatlaugh

flowerforyou I was just asking Lindyyflowerforyou

franshade's photo
Fri 05/30/08 05:03 PM

point of order

is not that article worn by the men

is rachel really a man


very interesting

point well taken (I saw that too, but what do I know:wink:)

According to some of the masterminds who led the charge to have the commercial pulled, the keffiyeh is synonymous with terrorism.

did not know terrorism is synonymous with fashion apparel
huh huh