Topic: China Earth Quakes | |
Here is another installment of ineptitude from the District of Columbia.
Helping others. It sounds nice to help someone does it not? Sure it does. There are suffering people everywhere you go and in the States it seems everyone has it good. The land of milk and honey. The facts don't like though. We have our own issues here: rotting inner city minorities that don't even have computers in classrooms, leaders that corner their own soldiers to stay in the military, natural disasters, an older generation's social security being slowly taken back to pay for a CEO's time share at an exotic resort, crippling prices at the pumps, a predicted 20 trillion dollar deficit that is growing, and natural resources that are predicted to be gone by the year 2050; including drinkable water. The list goes on. So why send money to land oversees? That's like giving your neighbors the last jar of baby food in your fridge then watching your own children starve. Not only is it not smart, it is just plain stupid. But these decisions are being made by people that the general public has placed in position. The majority. If you're feeling like me then you are probably feeling like a minority. I'm not a survivalist either. I just wish we could take care of our own. I'm also not a person that feels we need to "take the country back". This place was never ours to begin with so the best thing a squatter can do is just keep the place up and running, right? Apparently not. Our leaders continue to make bad decisions for the sake of public opinion while jeopardizing the very things that make this country free. The best thing we can do is to lead by example. Help others around the world to be more like us by wanting to. Instead, we place cameras on all our street corners and send money and supplies out of the country. Something just does not sound right about that. Especially since we need everything we have. Could it be worse? Yes, but it could be a helleva lot better to. Islam needs our help. I've fought overseas and those people have worse problems than a bad dictator. Iraqi's are not living in prosperity if you haven't noticed. The climate is bad, no rain, bad transportation, bad health care, bad education system. When I was there just over 3 years ago they were still using horses to get around town. These are issues only they can fix. They have to want to. The Iraqi guard that is being trained by us; they don't even want to fight. So instead of killing all the innocents to get the 5 bad guys that are over there we should have just used all of our money and resources to air drop food and supplies for 5 years straight. Americans do not have to wage a war every time a crazy terrorist wants to blow something up. As the most technologically advanced country the best answer we have come up with is to send troops over to butcher and kill in the name of freedom. But who cares because I'm voting McCain. VOTE MCCAIN AND SAY YES TO ARMEGEDDON! |
that is a lot to read at 1130 at night....
Hello cutie! Your right, I am addicted.
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people might disagree with me on this but you ask why we're giving them money?well we did borrow billions of dollars from China to help fund the war,so i guess you can say we're paying off our debt.i'm not taking China's side on this but i'm just saying we shouldn't borrow money and think they won't want it back
I agree, we shouldn't. But it seems stupid to pay them back with credit. Sort of like paying citibank with a discover card.
Dumb. |