Topic: -Snapped-
Gaia_Moonchilde's photo
Tue 05/27/08 10:00 PM

Hooked me in
Lies spun until they are absolute truth
You are nothing with out me
Uttered,shouted, screamed, burned into my psyche
Until I believe
Until my eyes are sewn shut to the reality that I have become
Until my mouth is sewn shut so that I may no longer speak
Brainwashed into believing your lies spun into absolute truth
Bound to you now, no escape, no way out
Chains binding me tightly,shackled to conformity
Something bound to tightly eventually snaps
Freeing the enslaved,new light dawns
And this is how I roll
Now I scream,I shout, hear me now
Listen up
I am everything without you
I am all that you will never be
I fly free, no jar can hold me
No prison cell can hold me
No chains can bind me
So take your useless words, your useless actions
Take your anger and hate
Your thoughts of ownership, take them all
For you see I am a butterfly, broken free from the caccoon
That once held me, from the chains that once bound me
I am not what you thought I was, I am not who you thought I was
I fly free

catchme_ifucan's photo
Tue 05/27/08 10:03 PM
(((((((((Sissy))))))))))):heart: You rawk gurlie!!! drinker

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 05/27/08 10:05 PM
flowerforyou niceflowerforyou

no photo
Wed 05/28/08 02:14 AM
well i'll be durned--

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 05/28/08 07:33 AM
Awww words of freedom do ringbigsmile