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Topic: At least 40,000 have post-traumatic stress
Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/29/08 09:12 PM

Wars postings give me post traumatic stress.laugh
Next he will tell you he is conservative.
Just like ole John McCain.
But he is the lesser of evil compared to the other crap...........now a pause while war shouts and yells about my response on how witty and how smart he is.

Since you've got nothing more to contribute than personal attacks, please, tell everyone, exactly what you think Conservatism is supposed to be?
Because I'm telling everyone here that John McCain is NOT representitive of true conservatism. He pretends he is conservative and his supporters are 1 of 3 things: Brainwashed, Morons or also faking at conservatism.
Personal attacks? And yours are not? You say your conservative but I have yet to see you say or post anything derogatory about the democrats. Wow. Did you think you told me something new about the democrat in republican clothing John McCain? I also know for a fact that the consensus in the Army is they want to stay in Iraq and Afghanistan. Did I take a survey? Nope. Just the amount of people I have talked to in the Army. Blacks are voting for Obama because he's black. Women are voting for Hillary because she's a woman. I am voting for the one who is the lesser piece of crap. As far as a woman president. I don't have a problem voting for someone like Margaret Thatcher or Condy Rice. Last one kills two birds with one stone. I just can't figure out your mindset and why you feel the desire to post politics everyday on a dating site. It baffles me that you have that much free time. I place you in the category of dragon and madman. Now I'm pi@@ed that I've wasted my time talking with someone that doesn't give a damn about my response because he convinced he's already right. And for you mirror. I have seen most of you responses to anything is a smiley face. Your weak.

You would for vote for Condy Rice?!noway

Actually, black people aren't voting for Obama because he's black and women aren't voting for Hillary because she is a woman.

The demogaphics are showing that it's more of an age difference - not a color/sex difference.

Its hope!
Something our current policies offer none of!drinker

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 05/29/08 09:15 PM

Wars postings give me post traumatic stress.laugh
Next he will tell you he is conservative.
Just like ole John McCain.
But he is the lesser of evil compared to the other crap...........now a pause while war shouts and yells about my response on how witty and how smart he is.

Since you've got nothing more to contribute than personal attacks, please, tell everyone, exactly what you think Conservatism is supposed to be?
Because I'm telling everyone here that John McCain is NOT representitive of true conservatism. He pretends he is conservative and his supporters are 1 of 3 things: Brainwashed, Morons or also faking at conservatism.
Personal attacks? And yours are not? You say your conservative but I have yet to see you say or post anything derogatory about the democrats. Wow. Did you think you told me something new about the democrat in republican clothing John McCain? I also know for a fact that the consensus in the Army is they want to stay in Iraq and Afghanistan. Did I take a survey? Nope. Just the amount of people I have talked to in the Army. Blacks are voting for Obama because he's black. Women are voting for Hillary because she's a woman. I am voting for the one who is the lesser piece of crap. As far as a woman president. I don't have a problem voting for someone like Margaret Thatcher or Condy Rice. Last one kills two birds with one stone. I just can't figure out your mindset and why you feel the desire to post politics everyday on a dating site. It baffles me that you have that much free time. I place you in the category of dragon and madman. Now I'm pi@@ed that I've wasted my time talking with someone that doesn't give a damn about my response because he convinced he's already right. And for you mirror. I have seen most of you responses to anything is a smiley face. Your weak.
laugh laugh laugh laugh

laugh laugh laugh Im weaklaugh laugh laugh

Belushi's photo
Thu 05/29/08 09:25 PM
PTSD has affected John McCain so much, he thinks he is the Prez .. laugh laugh laugh

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