Topic: What do you think this means? | |
Looking for some help. You will find below a chapter from the Bible; Romans 14 verses 1-23. Can you tell me what you think it means?
I have gotten some other opinions as well, and I will post them as a reply to this opening post. So you can see if any of those meanings fit with your own ideas. PLEASE REPLY with your interpretation BEFORE reading the others. THANKS so much for your help. Romans 14 The Weak and the Strong While this chapter may seem to be talking about food, it is discussing matters much greater. I would like to tell you how I interpret this passage. Please feel free to correct me if I err. 1.Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. 2. One man’s faith allows him to eat everything, but another man , whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. 3. The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him. 4. Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand. 5. One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. 6. He who regards one day as special does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. 7. For none of you lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. 8. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. 9. for this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living. 10.You , then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. 11. It is written: “As surely as I live, ‘ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.’” 12. So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. 13 Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way. 14 As one who is in the Lord Jesus, I am fully convinced that no food is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean. 15. If your brother is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy your brother for whom Christ died. 16. Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil. 17. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, 18. because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men. 19 Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. 20 Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. 21. It is better not to eat meat or to drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall. 22. So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves. 23 But the man who has doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin. |
concerning coming to God first and learning from God's one on one direction. God, in Christ, does very much honor the written record and inspires within it's confines lest more be added to complicate the original intent to trust God and seek His righteousness ; and not our own. Verse 15 says, "But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died." Meaning, we each must examine oureslves and our liberties and also consider the abridgement of our fellowship with one another in accord with pleasing God and ourselves in our mutual embrace of the things of God, in Christ. Are you doing all that you can to be affirmed in the family of friends called brothers and sisters? Likewise, not grieving others? First and foremost the scriptures speak to us before speaking to how others judge us. We must exercise charitable judgement over our own displays and liberties with the intent to bridge differences. In verse 18 it says, "For he that in these things serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved of men." Do our liberties glorify Christ or ourselves? Are we justifying ourselves before God and man, or are we mindful that none is justified by the deeds of the flesh? Are we applying a spiritual value to our judgements or a carnal one? Once again, this verse asks us to examine ourselves for that which is known to bear fruit or not by our own example and personal walk in the spirit, not after the flesh. It is important to acknowledge that we all must remain vigilant in the things needful for the flesh, but not in opposition to the bountiful prosperity and abundance of spiritual truth and joy and clarity within ourselves. In closing the chapter, verse 23 says, "And he that doubts is damned if he eat, because he eats not of faith ; for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.(error or mistaken)" |
“The Lord loves all....there is no doubt about it.....but he will never love the sin that all of us partake in.” This just means that my whole being is given to God.......with everything from the time I open my eyes to the time I close them all the glory to God. I always no matter what belong to the Lord....And again this is where my unrelenting faith comes in....Because for me it's a no brainer, whereas for someone else.....they can't comprehend this. And this does not mean every day things or not being able to work, drive, play, whatever....of course we do things...but for me behind everything I do...He is there...watching, guarding, protecting. I almost lost my oldest daughter, her best friend and my dear neighbor and husband to a house fire....By all accounts they all should of been blown up.....but they were not....why? because the Lord my God was watching over them I ask daily for him to do. You can't expect God to answer if you don't ask. Christ died so that I may live......and have everlasting life...This means that I have confessed with my tongue that he is my Christ and I have given my life to him (born again) When the Lord says the above about every knee will bow before him. When Christ comes back every single human being will know his name and who he is and he will come back and reign forever and every. And in the end every single human being will stand before judgement and God will have well pleased me....or you have not....the choice is this doesn't mean we don't sin.....we just is an account of what you have done with your life....and as sad as this seems for me it just is. And I know that when I stand before the Lord My God....He will be very pleased....... For me pretty much anyone in the religion threads or anything that detours me from what God wants is a stumbling block. I as all my Chrisitian brothers and sisters are not here to judge but to just give the Lords word and leave it up to the ones it is given do with it as they wish. And basically I serve God and not man........and all I do is in His name.... Basically with most of the above scriptures I look at them as set the and drink the word of God and no one else. I do believe that God knows each of our hearts. And the above is saying that my relationship with God is personal between him and myself. However it also says very clearly that be fishers of men.......There is no other way for all people of this world to hear about God but through people like me.......So I do believe strongly that I am on jsh to do just that. But I promise you I have never judged or told anyone what they could or should believe. |
No matter the level of faith you perceive in another, you should not allow what you believe to guide others actions or beliefs. “Who are you to judge someone else’s servant?” meaning we are all God’s servants and only he can determine the sins and pass judgment against those servants; Not you! Each person is ultimately accountable only to one master and whether he stands or falls is not for you to decide. FAITH is strongest in the mind of one who is fully convinced that they are act righteously for themselves and not for others. This Chapter(14) is an explanation of why the old laws are not good, why we are not to judge based on “OLD DOGMA”. One believes the Sabboth is Holy, another believes every day is Holy. One believes eating meat is bad another that eating meat makes no differeance (like us, you and me, believing something to be a sin or not) Then the verse goes on to say, it doesn’t matter, these old laws, if thanks is given to God for the day, or for the meat. Each of us must make up our own minds not to place stumbling blocks in our brother path. Let me clarify that. Each of us must walk our own path. That path must not be hindered by anyone elses ideas, ‘interpretations’, bias, or judgments. WE ARE to serve man, by making sure we don’t offend, we don’t judge and we don’t obstruct their individual life journey, BECAUSE all life journies are ULTIMATELY to God and are not for us to impede. As a metaphor we can imagine that what an individual considers a sin is only a sin for themselves. If you think something is a sin for everyone you are destroying the work of God, because only God/Jesus will determine what is a sin for every individual. Judgment day is a reckoning an individual accounting – that can only mean that sin is not the same for everyone or judgment would be done in mass – Jesus supposedly came to stop that from happening. In the end what Romans 14 conveys is that you can not dictate what YOU believe others should do or how they should act, in so doing you’re showing your faith to be weak. Further you are obliged NOT to place stumbling blocks in your brothers path, for all of your paths will ultimately lead to God’s judgment alone. At that time you will be asked to account for your actions and you must answer for your gay brothers and sisters who suffered for the obstacles of discrimination you refused to remove from their path. SUMMATION: This chapter tells me a Homosexual can truly believe that the words in the Bible have been misinterpreted and that the love and commitment between same-sex couples is not a sin. If in all things they are led by faith and live “ in God” then for them there is no sin. The sin can only be committed by one who believes it is a sin. So if in homosexuality there is no choice, if genetics makes a person that way, and YOU make them see themselves as sinful, YOU are putting a stumbling block in their path. One last thing; if you judge homosexuality to be a sin, and you fail to support anti-discrimination efforts to correct the law, when it is pointed out to you that it is in error, you have committed several sins. You have judged, you have acted upon that judgment and finally your actions have done a disservice to man (the servant of God). The sin is yours because you have eaten of something that has caused your brother to stumble on his journey to God. The sin is not with the homosexual, not unless God judges it so and that will be when you stand side by side with every other person and account for your actions in this life. Will you remove the stumbling blocks from the path of your brother or will you hinder the journey of your brother to God? How will you answer when you are asked? |
AN INTERPRETATION OF ROMANS 14 No matter the level of faith you perceive in another, you should not allow what you believe to guide others actions or beliefs. “Who are you to judge someone else’s servant?” meaning we are all God’s servants and only he can determine the sins and pass judgment against those servants; Not you! Each person is ultimately accountable only to one master and whether he stands or falls is not for you to decide. FAITH is strongest in the mind of one who is fully convinced that they are act righteously for themselves and not for others. This Chapter(14) is an explanation of why the old laws are not good, why we are not to judge based on “OLD DOGMA”. One believes the Sabboth is Holy, another believes every day is Holy. One believes eating meat is bad another that eating meat makes no differeance (like us, you and me, believing something to be a sin or not) Then the verse goes on to say, it doesn’t matter, these old laws, if thanks is given to God for the day, or for the meat. Each of us must make up our own minds not to place stumbling blocks in our brother path. Let me clarify that. Each of us must walk our own path. That path must not be hindered by anyone elses ideas, ‘interpretations’, bias, or judgments. WE ARE to serve man, by making sure we don’t offend, we don’t judge and we don’t obstruct their individual life journey, BECAUSE all life journies are ULTIMATELY to God and are not for us to impede. As a metaphor we can imagine that what an individual considers a sin is only a sin for themselves. If you think something is a sin for everyone you are destroying the work of God, because only God/Jesus will determine what is a sin for every individual. Judgment day is a reckoning an individual accounting – that can only mean that sin is not the same for everyone or judgment would be done in mass – Jesus supposedly came to stop that from happening. In the end what Romans 14 conveys is that you can not dictate what YOU believe others should do or how they should act, in so doing you’re showing your faith to be weak. Further you are obliged NOT to place stumbling blocks in your brothers path, for all of your paths will ultimately lead to God’s judgment alone. At that time you will be asked to account for your actions and you must answer for your gay brothers and sisters who suffered for the obstacles of discrimination you refused to remove from their path. SUMMATION: This chapter tells me a Homosexual can truly believe that the words in the Bible have been misinterpreted and that the love and commitment between same-sex couples is not a sin. If in all things they are led by faith and live “ in God” then for them there is no sin. The sin can only be committed by one who believes it is a sin. So if in homosexuality there is no choice, if genetics makes a person that way, and YOU make them see themselves as sinful, YOU are putting a stumbling block in their path. One last thing; if you judge homosexuality to be a sin, and you fail to support anti-discrimination efforts to correct the law, when it is pointed out to you that it is in error, you have committed several sins. You have judged, you have acted upon that judgment and finally your actions have done a disservice to man (the servant of God). The sin is yours because you have eaten of something that has caused your brother to stumble on his journey to God. The sin is not with the homosexual, not unless God judges it so and that will be when you stand side by side with every other person and account for your actions in this life. Will you remove the stumbling blocks from the path of your brother or will you hinder the journey of your brother to God? How will you answer when you are asked? .....listen, i read the bible. i do remember the part about adam and eve.........not adam and steve! |
![]() ![]() ![]() I'm sorry "old" do you really think God will be amused especially if you are the 1 millionth person to say it in a day? I think you better come up with something original... |
Well, it's Friday and a holiday week-end. I guess I'll just have to push this thread up at a later date. I'm sure a lot of poeple are out of town.
But just in case you're afraid to answer, don't be. That's why I showed the other interpretations. To show you that there are differences and your's don't have to match. I'm just wondering how they will vary, how other view the chapter and versus here. |
![]() ![]() ![]() I'm sorry "old" do you really think God will be amused especially if you are the 1 millionth person to say it in a day? I think you better come up with something original... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
they all know I'm Redykulous, but awe he ll why stand on precident just call me Redy like everyone else.
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1 If it is about scripture that does not go against it then leave him be and be gentle as a dove for he is on milk.
2 again speaking of a new believer. The meat though is what is consecrated by Yahweh. Clean foods 3 same these are not to be disbuted if allowed. 4 as it says.. Servents would go buy stuff and others would try and control him. It’s not your business 5 Speaking of Fasting as some believe 2 times a week and some 3. 6 fasting abstaining from eating 7 you are to be each others friends as Yahshua said. 8 do not worry about today it will take care of itself 9 Yahshua died with faith keep the faith he did 10 they were having clicks or grouping and not associating with other brethern. Seeing them as less 11 Talking about v10 all will give account 12 see v11 13 stop judging and treat each other alike 14 They had disputes where this is talked about elsewhere about clean meat that was offered to Idols some thought it wrong to eat it. Other places it says what is that idol to u it means nothing so the meat is ok. So if u think it is wrong do not eat it. This goes back to before judging your brother. 15 Speaking of v14 if a weak brother thinks it is wrong then do not eat it and help your brother 16 Be a good steward of the word that it is not spoke badly of because of you 17 your faithfullness serves Yahweh 18 stay peaceful gentle as a dove wise a serpent 19 explaining more about getting along 20 as before all clean consecrated food is ok but if it causes your brother to stumble do not eat it..talking about clean foods offered to idols which the idol means nothing to u 21 same be all things in peace 22 just because your brother believes the meat offered to an idol is wrong to eat. Just leave it alone so your brother will grow.. But to u it is not sin 23 Your brother if he eats the food sacrificed to an idol you will cause him to sin as he believes he should gentle as a dove Ok Hope u like it Blessings..Miles |