Topic: The atheist and the marine | |
It very well could shock the class. And I don't like Jehovah's witnesses coming to my house and interrupting my dinner but that doesn't mean I get to assault them.
Edited by
Fri 05/30/08 09:44 AM
No, but I would stand up to them. Although this is an extreme it doesn't make the fact that he stood up for what he believe at the time was right. If UCLA is a public school, then the professor is even more wrong. Separation of church and state, it should be KEEP your beliefs out of an educational class room. Besides, I don't sequester you in a class room than mock your beliefs. It is enough to make a lot of people upset. Did the marine go too far, yes. Was the professor right in hijacking an educational environment to preach his personal belief, no. While I will admit that the marine was wrong, but that doesn't mean the professor was totally inocent either
has anyone considered the fact that maybe
just maybe mind you he was speaking the truth maybe he was there for the simple reason as to knock him off the stool after all the guy did open the opportunity for it to happen (and he obviously thought that is why he was there so hey it happened) just a thought (and a possibility) but hey what do i know |
He may have been right. It depends on whether you think god actually sent him.
maybe he was there for the simple reason as to knock him off the stool after all the guy did open the opportunity for it to happen (and he obviously thought that is why he was there so hey it happened)
just a thought (and a possibility) This is all we need,... for Christians to start thinking that God wants them to go around punching non-believers in the face. Hasn't Christianity done enough of that already over the ages? |
maybe he was there for the simple reason as to knock him off the stool after all the guy did open the opportunity for it to happen (and he obviously thought that is why he was there so hey it happened)
just a thought (and a possibility) This is all we need,... for Christians to start thinking that God wants them to go around punching non-believers in the face. Hasn't Christianity done enough of that already over the ages? Standing up for ones beliefs is not a bad thing. |
Standing up for ones beliefs is not a bad thing. Standing up for ones beliefs, and punching other people in the face for theirs are two entirely differnt things. ![]() |
yep next thing ya know their will be car bomb fanatics going around blowing up others that do not believe the same as they do
what a sorry bunch of worthless ones they will be |
yep next thing ya know their will be car bomb fanatics going around blowing up others that do not believe the same as they do what a sorry bunch of worthless ones they will be or flying planes into there a christian joke for that? |
Standing up for ones beliefs is not a bad thing. Standing up for ones beliefs, and punching other people in the face for theirs are two entirely differnt things. ![]() You would be surprised (or not) how often beliefs and violence coincide..... |
maybe he was there for the simple reason as to knock him off the stool after all the guy did open the opportunity for it to happen (and he obviously thought that is why he was there so hey it happened)
just a thought (and a possibility) This is all we need,... for Christians to start thinking that God wants them to go around punching non-believers in the face. Hasn't Christianity done enough of that already over the ages? Standing up for ones beliefs is not a bad thing. You are right--standing up for a personal belief (including religion) is not a bad thing. But the right to stand up ends where physical violence begins. God did not send the Marine in this story to punch the professor--that was an uninspired and felonious human decision and action. But the scariest part is the thought that God might have. If so, what a weak and feeble God we would then be dealing with. A perfect powerful God being so upset by the rantings of one man that he motivated someone to hit him. But then I guess the virtue of turning the other cheek really is only a part time vocation, right? -Drew |
A United States Marine was attending some college courses between assignments. He had completed missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of the courses had a professor who was an avowed atheist and a member of the ACLU. One day the professor shocked the class when he came in. He looked to the ceiling and flatly stated, 'God, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly 15 minutes.' The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop. Ten minutes went by and the professor proclaimed, 'Here I am God. I'm still waiting.' It got down to the last couple of minutes when the Marine got out of his chair, went up to the professor, and cold-cocked him; knocking him off the platform. The professor was out cold. The Marine went back to his seat and sat there silently. The other students were shocked, stunned, and sat there looking on in silence. The professor eventually came to, noticeably shaken, looked at the Marine and asked, 'What the heck is the matter with you? Why did you do that?' The Marine calmly replied, 'God was too busy today protecting America’s soldiers who are protecting your right to say stupid stuff and act like an idiot. So, He sent me.' In all my college course I never heard of a professor ever talking about his or her personal religious beliefs. I thought the story was kind of funny-albeit ridiculous which is part of what makes it funny. It never really happens... I think it's really weird that it mentions that the professor "is a member of the ACLU". The American Civil Liberties Union seeks to protect the constitution of the United States of American- the document that founded our country. Why would that ever be a negative? Loving the constitution is wrong? The constitution is the basis of our freedom. It's the only thing that seperates us from many other nations. It's what those soldiers are fighting for. Peace, joy and love for the constitution of the united states of america and all those who work to protect it. ![]() |
Q: Why do atheists have so much anger towards Christians? In the story the "christian" was physically violent towards the "atheist". How is that not a tremendous amount of anger? And the self-proclaimed "christians" here thought it was hilarious that the "other" was injured. That's a tremendous amount of anger towards atheists. Does that not answer your questions? Peace and joy. ![]() (if not then heres a hint: like attracts like. there is anger towards christians when they put out anger towards others. there is love towards christians who put out love towards others). |
maybe he was there for the simple reason as to knock him off the stool after all the guy did open the opportunity for it to happen (and he obviously thought that is why he was there so hey it happened)
just a thought (and a possibility) This is all we need,... for Christians to start thinking that God wants them to go around punching non-believers in the face. Hasn't Christianity done enough of that already over the ages? Standing up for ones beliefs is not a bad thing. You are right--standing up for a personal belief (including religion) is not a bad thing. But the right to stand up ends where physical violence begins. God did not send the Marine in this story to punch the professor--that was an uninspired and felonious human decision and action. But the scariest part is the thought that God might have. If so, what a weak and feeble God we would then be dealing with. A perfect powerful God being so upset by the rantings of one man that he motivated someone to hit him. But then I guess the virtue of turning the other cheek really is only a part time vocation, right? -Drew did not god send the troops to jerico and does that make god weak and feeble |
Edited by
Fri 05/30/08 04:39 PM
yup, a part time vocation indeed.
![]() Let me guess...... no one has ever insulted a believer yet, until this professor did? right? how many insults can be hurled? How many temptations and taunts can be hurled with impunity? seventy times seven? innumerable, is my guess. ![]() carry on defending the athiest. he is just one guy and oddly mistaken for being a stereotypical hater. Such assumptive retribution by the Marine is despicable, right? So much for fear. Doesn't the athiest have every right to exploit the believers? Why shouldn't he? He doesn't believe in God at all. Let him taunt, I say. Every day and all day. May his class be full and overflowing with likeminded students. I am sure the institutions of higher education wouldn't mind a bit as long as paying customers are treated with extracurricular and off topic tests of manners all in the name of fun. Yes, we should be tolerant of that, yes indeed. Wwe should all applaud his right to taunt anything. Who are we to judge his liberties? Who are we to even be offended by such ridicule? On the other hand..... It is absurd to taunt God that has given no indication of ever intervening in the life of any that chooses not to believe. ![]() God doesn't taunt or tempt any man, but men tempt and taunt God out of the same heart that accredits God with man's attributes. Yeah, right. get a clue. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
yup, a part time vocation indeed. ![]() Let me guess...... no one has ever insulted a believer yet, until this professor did? right? how many insults can be hurled? How many temptations and taunts can be hurled with impunity? seventy times seven? innumerable, is my guess. ![]() carry on defending the athiest. he is just one guy and oddly mistaken for being a stereotypical hater. Such assumptive retribution by the Marine is despicable, right? So much for fear. Doesn't the athiest have every right to exploit the believers? Why shouldn't he? He doesn't believe in God at all. Let him taunt, I say. Every day and all day. May his class be full and overflowing with likeminded students. I am sure the institutions of higher education wouldn't mind a bit as long as paying customers are treated with extracurricular and off topic tests of manners all in the name of fun. Yes, we should be tolerant of that, yes indeed. Wwe should all applaud his right to taunt anything. Who are we to judge his liberties? Who are we to even be offended by such ridicule? On the other hand..... It is absurd to taunt God that has given no indication of ever intervening in the life of any that chooses not to believe. ![]() God doesn't taunt or tempt any man, but men tempt and taunt God out of the same heart that accredits God with man's attributes. Yeah, right. get a clue. ![]() ![]() ![]() Maybe god was testing the marine by "taunting" him with the atheist. Maybe god was using the atheist as a tool to see if the marine would defend his faith without violence... Jesus never preached violence... although the old testament is certainly chock full of it... |
Maybe god was testing the marine by "taunting" him with the atheist. Maybe god was using the atheist as a tool to see if the marine would defend his faith without violence... Jesus never preached violence... although the old testament is certainly chock full of it...
You make an excellent point DD. Besides the marine's faith wasn't even being challenged! The marine had no need to defend anything. The professor didn't even address the marine at all. The marine was totally out of line no matter how you look at it. Even when I was a Christian I would have said that the Christian thing to do is to just ignore the professors behavior. I wouldn't even laugh at the professor or anything. His relationship with God is between him and God, and my relationship with God is between me and God. There is absolutely no need to ever defend a religous belief unless someone is actualy asking you to partake in something you strongly disagree with on religious grounds. They you should refuse to participate. At the very worst, the marine should have gotten up and walked out of the classroom and went though the proper channels if he had a complaint. People who back up violence in the name of religion aren't religious people at all. They are just people who use religion as an excuse to be violent. ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 05/30/08 05:22 PM
did not god send the troops to jerico
and does that make god weak and feeble You must be new here to this forum. ![]() Do you really want to open that Jericho can of worms? I don't think you really do. ![]() I don't think any "God" sent troops into Jericho to murder men women and children. That is a bald faced lie. If you would worship such a God, shame on you. Do you sanction genocide? But to answer your question, if your evil "God" was behind that, then yes, that makes him weak and feeble. JB |
Jeannie- I don't think DJ is afraid to open wormy cans! ![]() ((((Abra)))) |