Topic: 10 simple questions | |
This is most excellent. Sorry about the end of this video, if I could have just printed the question and answers I would have. But you HAVE TO ADMIT it makes a lot of sense. Watch this video. OH, also there is a website On it the questions go into much more depth – to really hone those critical thinking skills. So what do you all think? |
I will check it out later
Thanks for the post.
I watched the video. I do in fact have what I consider to be a logical answer to all of these questions. Maybe later, when I am not so sleepy I'll come back and list them out. But the main thing that I get from this video is that the author, is trying to rationalize God and His Word from a mere human , or carnal point of view. God is Spirit. Man is flesh. That which is spirit is spirit and that which is flesh is flesh. Only those that have received the spirit can comprehend spiritual things. Why doesn't God heal amputess? Who is to say that He hasn't? Unbelief plays a major part of this. Jesus could not perform miracles in his own home town because of their unbelief. Some third-world countries see physical manifistations of healings in phenominal numbers. I believe this is mainly because they have not been taunted by so much contradiction and unbelief as we have. Sata is the prince and power of the air and we certainly have no lack of means fr him to communicate, this forum included. As far as people going hungry. It's sad, very sad. But God commanded us to go feed the hungry. Praying for a raise at work or a new car is just completely self-centered and is not what we are commanded to do. God gave authority over this earth to us. We are supposed to be healing the sick and feeding the poor. Why does God cause innocent people to die? God is not in the assasin business. People mistakenly die because we live in a fallen world. I get sick of people blaming God for everything bad that happens. Truth is, we open ourselves up to the works of the devil. Yes, in the old covenant God did kill a lot ofm people and do some aweful things. But sin was so rampid in the world that it was like a cancer. Sometimes, like in a case of gangreen, you may have to lop off an arm or something to preserve the rest of the body. But that old covenant has long since been put to rest. God no longer deals with us under the new covenant like he did in the old. Apparently the author of this video does not understand that. Maybe he should be an engiuneer or a doctor or a lawyer. Ha! Work on certain days anf God forbids us? Again, Old testament. The new covenent says we are set free from observing Holy days. Everyday is Holy. Not trying to argue with you at all. It just bothers me when people who claim to be intelligent have no idea what te bible actually says. I do not claim to have all the answers, shoot, I do not even know all the questions, but I do have revelation to certain things. These questions are meant for unbelievers to convince them to remain unbelievers. God is a good God. The problem is we are a lazy selfish people and we expect God to be doing everything for us. He gave us dominion over this earth. He told us to rule it and subdue it. He gives us the power to accomplish these things, but we have a responsibility. God loves you too my friend! |
But wait. God is never changing right? Why then would there be an old testament telling us one thing then turn right around and change it in the new one? We can't eat pork. We can eat pork. We couldn't do this or that. But, now we can?
The new testament worries me. Kat |
Oh look, TLW show us a post from another website where Spider has responded to the 10 questions. Here I'll post it with a couple of my own comments.
1.Why won't God heal amputees? God wishes us to believe through faith. Any miracle which is not plausibly deniable would remove the need for faith. (And the purpos of the Bible would be?) 2. Why are there so many starving people in our world? Because we let them starve. God commanded us to feed the hungry, starvation exists because humanity doesn't follow God's commands. (ok critical thinking here - this has been going on since before mass media or mass transportation. Before the world knew how many were starving. And they still starved? why?) 3. Why does God ask for the deaths of innocent people...Shotgun argumentation, so I will not answer. Questions should be specific. (the rest of the quetion is: as in the Biblical passages Isaiah ch 13 Jeremiah Ch 49 v 20 Hosea Ch 13 Deuteronomy Ch 3 and the great flood.) 4. Why does the Bible have anti-science nonsense? Shotgun argumentation, so I will not answer. Questions should be specific.(the rest of the question is:as in Jonah swallowed by a whale, as in a world wide flood, as in the earth being 6000 years old, as in the universe being created in 6 days as in Adam made from dust) 5. Why is God such a huge proponent of slavery in the Bible? Examples? (and Moses told the Pharoh Let my people go. Come on who can’t see slavery in the bible?) 6. Why do bad things happen to good people? There are no good people, everyone has fallen short of God's measure of good. But specifically, God loves all people, so God blesses all people. God also allows bad things to happen to all people. This is allowed to test our faith, make us stronger and generally make us better people. (Well that a cherry thought - I bless you here have a miserable existence! Anyway this is more of why innocent children suffer for no apparent reason – not only that, but there must be some good people or who will go to heaven? So let’s ask it this way. Why do some some people live in misery and squalor their entire lifes while others get to chat on dating forums? And why is a test faith necessary, doen’t God know how you feel?) 7. Why didn't any of Jesus' miracles in the Bible leave behind evidence? See the answer for question 1. (then what’s the purpose of the Bible? Apparentley you don't need it.) 8. How do we explain the fact that Jesus has never appeared to you? See the answer for question 1. (well this one is subjective depending on the dilusional nature of one's belief, I suspect) 9. Why would Jesus want you to eat his body and drink his blood. He doesn't it was a metaphor. To the Hebrews, blood symbolized life and flesh symbolized the makeup of someone. Jesus was saying that unless you accept me, you will not have life. The word Jesus used was "zoe", which means "of the absolute fulness of life". When Jesus gave his disciples wine, he said "this is my blood". Wine symbolized happiness and freedom. When Jesus gave his disciples bread, he said "this is my flesh". To the Hebrews, bread symbolized salvation. (But for some reason even today people feel the need to portray this metaphor as reality. I Grok you!) 10. Why do Christians get divorced at the same rate as non-Christians? The statistics are faulty, because it lumps all Christian denominations together. Several segments of the Christian population are much less likely to get a divorce: evangelicals and Catholics are two examples. Divorce rates are also effected by race and education. But in the end, all Christians are people. Why does the video assume that God should take the effort out of marriage for Christians? (obviously the point of the answer is that some religiouns must be stronger than others. Actually - The point of the question is a marriage is a ritual preformed in the sight of God and family and friends, who are gathered together TO PRAY for the wellbeing of this “holy union”. So What – the prayers just didn’t happen to work at the same percentage of non-christian marriages ???) So you see, one must acturally create a lot irrelevent and irrational thought patterns to answer the questions. |
I'm sorry, didnt mean to ignore MichaelATL
Only those that have received the spirit can comprehend spiritual things.
This is just as illogical as any other statment because there is not way to know when someone is infested with this spirit. Sorry, that just blew your whole responce out of the water. |
Oh look, TLW show us a post from another website where Spider has responded to the 10 questions. Here I'll post it with a couple of my own comments. 1.Why won't God heal amputees? God wishes us to believe through faith. Any miracle which is not plausibly deniable would remove the need for faith. (And the purpos of the Bible would be?) 2. Why are there so many starving people in our world? Because we let them starve. God commanded us to feed the hungry, starvation exists because humanity doesn't follow God's commands. (ok critical thinking here - this has been going on since before mass media or mass transportation. Before the world knew how many were starving. And they still starved? why?) 3. Why does God ask for the deaths of innocent people...Shotgun argumentation, so I will not answer. Questions should be specific. (the rest of the quetion is: as in the Biblical passages Isaiah ch 13 Jeremiah Ch 49 v 20 Hosea Ch 13 Deuteronomy Ch 3 and the great flood.) 4. Why does the Bible have anti-science nonsense? Shotgun argumentation, so I will not answer. Questions should be specific.(the rest of the question is:as in Jonah swallowed by a whale, as in a world wide flood, as in the earth being 6000 years old, as in the universe being created in 6 days as in Adam made from dust) 5. Why is God such a huge proponent of slavery in the Bible? Examples? (and Moses told the Pharoh Let my people go. Come on who can’t see slavery in the bible?) 6. Why do bad things happen to good people? There are no good people, everyone has fallen short of God's measure of good. But specifically, God loves all people, so God blesses all people. God also allows bad things to happen to all people. This is allowed to test our faith, make us stronger and generally make us better people. (Well that a cherry thought - I bless you here have a miserable existence! Anyway this is more of why innocent children suffer for no apparent reason – not only that, but there must be some good people or who will go to heaven? So let’s ask it this way. Why do some some people live in misery and squalor their entire lifes while others get to chat on dating forums? And why is a test faith necessary, doen’t God know how you feel?) 7. Why didn't any of Jesus' miracles in the Bible leave behind evidence? See the answer for question 1. (then what’s the purpose of the Bible? Apparentley you don't need it.) 8. How do we explain the fact that Jesus has never appeared to you? See the answer for question 1. (well this one is subjective depending on the dilusional nature of one's belief, I suspect) 9. Why would Jesus want you to eat his body and drink his blood. He doesn't it was a metaphor. To the Hebrews, blood symbolized life and flesh symbolized the makeup of someone. Jesus was saying that unless you accept me, you will not have life. The word Jesus used was "zoe", which means "of the absolute fulness of life". When Jesus gave his disciples wine, he said "this is my blood". Wine symbolized happiness and freedom. When Jesus gave his disciples bread, he said "this is my flesh". To the Hebrews, bread symbolized salvation. (But for some reason even today people feel the need to portray this metaphor as reality. I Grok you!) 10. Why do Christians get divorced at the same rate as non-Christians? The statistics are faulty, because it lumps all Christian denominations together. Several segments of the Christian population are much less likely to get a divorce: evangelicals and Catholics are two examples. Divorce rates are also effected by race and education. But in the end, all Christians are people. Why does the video assume that God should take the effort out of marriage for Christians? (obviously the point of the answer is that some religiouns must be stronger than others. Actually - The point of the question is a marriage is a ritual preformed in the sight of God and family and friends, who are gathered together TO PRAY for the wellbeing of this “holy union”. So What – the prayers just didn’t happen to work at the same percentage of non-christian marriages ???) So you see, one must acturally create a lot irrelevent and irrational thought patterns to answer the questions. I've got a "head-a-gake". ![]() Kat |
Edited by
Thu 05/22/08 07:39 AM
So you see, one must acturally create a lot irrelevent and irrational thought patterns to answer the questions. Just as rude and abrasive as ever, I see. SpiderCMB said... 1.Why won't God heal amputees? God wishes us to believe through faith. Any miracle which is not plausibly deniable would remove the need for faith. Redykeulous said... (And the purpos of the Bible would be?) The Bible isn't absolute proof. The Bible is plausibly deniable, regrowing limbs is not. SpiderCMB said... 2. Why are there so many starving people in our world? Because we let them starve. God commanded us to feed the hungry, starvation exists because humanity doesn't follow God's commands. Redykeulous said... (ok critical thinking here - this has been going on since before mass media or mass transportation. Before the world knew how many were starving. And they still starved? why?) Well...critical thinking here... Partially answer #6. Bad things happen. Sometimes there are famines. But mostly, this answer is still correct. If there is a starving family in town, couldn't you feed them? Why do you need a media blizt to know that someone is hungry next door. See their sunken cheeks and eyes, that means "HUNGRY". SpiderCMB said... 3. Why does God ask for the deaths of innocent people...Shotgun argumentation, so I will not answer. Questions should be specific. Redykeulous said... (the rest of the quetion is: as in the Biblical passages Isaiah ch 13 Jeremiah Ch 49 v 20 Hosea Ch 13 Deuteronomy Ch 3 and the great flood.) That is shotgun argumentation. Each of those verses needs to be addresses specifically, they may or may not all of the same answer. Therefore, I choose to ignore such questions unless they are specific. SpiderCMB said... 4. Why does the Bible have anti-science nonsense? Shotgun argumentation, so I will not answer. Questions should be specific. Redykeulous said... (the rest of the question is:as in Jonah swallowed by a whale, as in a world wide flood, as in the earth being 6000 years old, as in the universe being created in 6 days as in Adam made from dust) See the answer above. SpiderCMB said... 5. Why is God such a huge proponent of slavery in the Bible? Examples? Redykeulous said... (and Moses told the Pharoh Let my people go. Come on who can’t see slavery in the bible?) How exactly is Moses demanding the Jews are freed from slavery proof that God is a proponent of slavery? It's actually just the opposite. SpiderCMB said... 6. Why do bad things happen to good people? There are no good people, everyone has fallen short of God's measure of good. But specifically, God loves all people, so God blesses all people. God also allows bad things to happen to all people. This is allowed to test our faith, make us stronger and generally make us better people. Redykeulous said... (Well that a cherry thought - I bless you here have a miserable existence! Anyway this is more of why innocent children suffer for no apparent reason – not only that, but there must be some good people or who will go to heaven? So let’s ask it this way. Why do some some people live in misery and squalor their entire lifes while others get to chat on dating forums? And why is a test faith necessary, doen’t God know how you feel?) Sarcasm, how nice. You don't like the answer, so you respond with sarcasm (as if it's a rebuttal) and then you pose more questions. Sarcasm isnt' a rebuttal, it's a response that is used when you have no arguements to make. Asking more questions isn't a rebuttal, it's a way of trying to save face. SpiderCMB said... 7. Why didn't any of Jesus' miracles in the Bible leave behind evidence? See the answer for question 1. Redykeulous said... (then what’s the purpose of the Bible? Apparentley you don't need it.) Answer #1. The Bible is not undeniable proof of God's existance. To the believer, it supports their faith, to the non-believer, it is laughable. If the non-believer were to open the Bible and not be able to deny God's existance then their freewill would have been impinged. SpiderCMB said... 8. How do we explain the fact that Jesus has never appeared to you? See the answer for question 1. Redykeulous said... (well this one is subjective depending on the dilusional nature of one's belief, I suspect) An insulting remark! Once again, not a rebuttal. It's just sad that you feel that in an honest disagreement you must call those with whom you disagree "delusional". SpiderCMB said... 9. Why would Jesus want you to eat his body and drink his blood. He doesn't it was a metaphor. To the Hebrews, blood symbolized life and flesh symbolized the makeup of someone. Jesus was saying that unless you accept me, you will not have life. The word Jesus used was "zoe", which means "of the absolute fulness of life". When Jesus gave his disciples wine, he said "this is my blood". Wine symbolized happiness and freedom. When Jesus gave his disciples bread, he said "this is my flesh". To the Hebrews, bread symbolized salvation. Redykeulous said... (But for some reason even today people feel the need to portray this metaphor as reality. I Grok you!) Only among Catholics and the majority of other Christians deny that belief. I think it's blantantly obvious from the Bible that the bread and wine aren't Jesus flesh and blood. The fact that the bread still tastes like bread when you put it in your mouth is proof that it doesn't turn into flesh, wouldn't you say? What does Heinlein have to do with this question? I believe he was an atheist. SpiderCMB said... 10. Why do Christians get divorced at the same rate as non-Christians? The statistics are faulty, because it lumps all Christian denominations together. Several segments of the Christian population are much less likely to get a divorce: evangelicals and Catholics are two examples. Divorce rates are also effected by race and education. But in the end, all Christians are people. Why does the video assume that God should take the effort out of marriage for Christians? Redykeulous said... (obviously the point of the answer is that some religiouns must be stronger than others. Actually - The point of the question is a marriage is a ritual preformed in the sight of God and family and friends, who are gathered together TO PRAY for the wellbeing of this “holy union”. So What – the prayers just didn’t happen to work at the same percentage of non-christian marriages ???) And how would God grant those prayers? By removing the husband and wife's freewill? And did you even bother to read my response? The more religious someone is, the more likely they are to stay together. But there are many many Christians who are Christian in name only. Why would God help a marriage stay together if the two couple were only paying lip service? |
Why doesn't God heal amputess? Who is to say that He hasn't? youtube |
I HATED EVERY SECOND OF THAT VIDEO. And I did not rationalize the questions I ANSWERED THEM! With Gods word! |