FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 05/21/08 12:19 PM
Move to Canada!drinker

I wish I could move to Canada.indifferent

whtsugar2008's photo
Wed 05/21/08 12:24 PM
**** that

no photo
Wed 05/21/08 04:03 PM

ok guys it just me...or is it yall that dont like the thick iowa....cuz i have had the worst luck so whats up

My BMI is right in the normal range, and that's what I prefer in the women I date. Call it superficial if you like, but it's just the facts. I want looks and brains. When it comes to friendships, my attitude is different. I can fully accept that some of my options are cut off as I've been smoking for 28+ years and many prefer non-smokers, but we all have positives and negatives. Pain is the great motivator, and what greater pain than that of loneliness to be used as a motivation for self-improvement, whatever the issue.

chuck366's photo
Wed 05/21/08 04:04 PM
boys rule, girls drool!

LadyOfMagic's photo
Wed 05/21/08 04:05 PM

ok guys it just me...or is it yall that dont like the thick iowa....cuz i have had the worst luck so whats up

Most guys don't like a girl that has ANYTHING different about her..

nonchalantwendy's photo
Wed 05/21/08 04:07 PM

boys rule, girls drool!

only sometimes......depends on the laugh laugh laugh laugh

Lily0923's photo
Wed 05/21/08 04:08 PM
Wow, I have never found that in my life, I've been everything from a size 18 down to a size 5, and am currently a size 9... Maybe it's the attitude that you portray?

grkboy's photo
Wed 05/21/08 04:08 PM

ok guys it just me...or is it yall that dont like the thick iowa....cuz i have had the worst luck so whats up

I wrote a longer, more detailed explanation in the "skinny girls" topic in General Discussion, but I'll sum it up to my key point:

Most men just want a woman of a HEALTHY WEIGHT.

We're not looking for skinny fashion models. Some guys do like larger women, my two friends are among them. Some guys are just very shallow and demand their women look young, skinny, and perfect. Most men (including me) though just like women of a healthy weight and lifestyle.

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 05/21/08 04:10 PM

**** that

Don't like Canada?

I don't care what size a lady is, as long as she is confident, intelligent, and independant.

LadyOfMagic's photo
Wed 05/21/08 04:10 PM
Bigger don't always mean unhealthy.

rainysky39's photo
Wed 05/21/08 07:27 PM
Funny thing is, large people can/do lose weight. UGLY people stay ugly. (Ugly doesnt always mean on the outside)

michiganman3's photo
Wed 05/21/08 07:53 PM
Online its a little different than face to face. Ususally its the looks that grab the attention, then go from there. I have been attracted to plus size women after a period of time, usually working with them, getting to know them with frequent daily face to face contacts, which you can't get online so..............

whow's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:55 PM
Edited by whow on Wed 05/21/08 10:58 PM
This is an interesting discussion. A couple thoughts:

Take any partner. Under what circumstances would you not want that exact same partner, only a little healthier? Only a little happier? Only a little richer? The only case I can think of is if they have already reached a ceiling of relevance in any given category.

Consider that the only reason a person breaks up with another is because they think they can do better. This concept extends to the mate selection process. So preference may be disproportionately tilted toward a particular body type, and that may not be favorable, but so could it be the case if a guy were into the "thick" scene and was no longer interested after somebody he was with lost weight. So it all comes down to preference and everybody has their lists, and particularly being a member of the gender societally expected to approach rather than be approached, it quickly becomes abundantly clear that you are going to be [dis]qualified through the most cursory evaluation, and it will further be weighted as compared to the same cursory evaluation of other candidates nearby.

If nothing else, these feelings can be constructively approached by seizing the opportunity to take control and focus on ways to make oneself more appealing to whatever demographic is ideal or preferred. How can you lose?

no photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:57 PM
My best friend is prolly 250 lbs and gorgeous!!! She has never had a problem finding men!!! I think its her infectious laugh and great attitude that gets the guys.........though she gets some real lossssssssssssssers!!!noway noway noway

jp4023's photo
Wed 05/21/08 11:12 PM
lol walter (jeff dunham) used to say it pretty damn good instead of women being like fine wine they are more like rotten milk lol j/k

EtherealEmbers's photo
Wed 05/21/08 11:14 PM

boys rule, girls drool!

I'll drool all over you if you let me. laugh

Kleisto's photo
Thu 05/22/08 12:02 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Thu 05/22/08 12:03 AM
I would say it's the culture, it's nothing against you or any other such sized women. It's just that the way women have been sexualized in the media, men have been taught that to be sexy or pretty enough you have to be below a certain weight, or have a certain chest size, etc. Doesn't make it right of course, much less true, but it is what it is.

I'm sure there are guys out there that don't view women that way though, so I wouldn't worry about it.

transientmind's photo
Thu 05/22/08 02:14 AM
It's not about image for me, attraction's not the problem... I live a very active lifestyle (hiking, biking, running,rock climbing, etc.) and I'd like to share that with someone when the time's right.

rainysky39's photo
Thu 05/22/08 02:16 AM

My best friend is prolly 250 lbs and gorgeous!!! She has never had a problem finding men!!! I think its her infectious laugh and great attitude that gets the guys.........though she gets some real lossssssssssssssers!!!noway noway noway

That is about my weight and I get asked out all the time..married 2 losers that way..LOL..its because I smile and laugh all the time. I just didnt find it so much growing up as I do now.

guyguy1225's photo
Thu 05/22/08 03:03 AM
I look for personality ! the inner beautydrinker drinker you could be a beautiful person on the outside ,but if your ugly on the inside , you become ugly on the outsidedrinker drinker if that makes any sense !!!ohwell and skinny does not mean healthy !!! and bone is not my Idea of healthy.. lots of model have eating disorders also... ohwell .but then neither is very obese.... very healthy....just my opinion.....and to that have a great day allflowerforyou flowerforyou