Topic: serial killers | |
why do thay happion what makes them go nutss
why is most all the ones killed bye them woman can tell yuo one of the resons these happions strotypeing going bye looks lieing and saying that thay dont when thay do forcing some one in to lonlyness for no reson other then there looks like as if your not going to get old and lose your good looks when you are these is one of the resons these happions try dressing up nice try going out and try meet some one and do these over and over be nice be at your best and get strotyped over and over and over again bye every last woman out there be forced in to lonlyness for year after year then tell your salf its all ok but if it was you whom these was happioning to you would not be all ok at all you would feel the hurt you would no the hurt no one should ever be forced in to these but well every one almost every one men and woman both do theese to others for no reson at all and dont ever feel it them salfs and then some guy takes all he can take and gos over the ege and now you have a killer whats he have to lose not a thang what you going to do put him in person so what he can get the same thang there as he gets out of preson no one at all to be alone to be forced in to lonlyness and to have to go thull life seeing only good looking guys are rich ones that can have a life the avrage guy well hes a no one ant that right and no one wants to here it why the truth hurts them but dont worry for the killer will hurt you to and he will be getting eveion with every one after all he was never these way he was a good person he only wanted some one to love him some one to be with like the rest of every one wants but you all us hes looks strotype him out force him in to lonlyness for years so see what you have dune hurt some one whos dune nothang to you say so what to your salfs then complane about it when some one hurts you all whats wrung t=with these world guess the devl gets hes way you go to churh and walk out the door and strotype some one stop going to churh then as god dont tell you to do these so stop wasting your time and gods time |
I don't know if I understand this, but loneliness doesn't create serial
killers. Serial killers have something wrong in their mind, they may be born that way, or something happened to them when they grew up, but they get off on murder, it is an adrenalin rush for them a "cat and mouse game" with the police to see if the police will catch them. I don't see loneliness turning anyone into a serial killer. Ted Bundy was intelligent and popular, he wasn't lonely. Yates was popular, married with a family, working man, not lonely. Sorry, Bill, I don't agree with this at all. |
It is said that what they feel is a control thing. Having the control
over another person, that is absolute & final. Rape is a control thing also. Taking something from another that is so personal. The supreme control is murder. |
well let me aske you these when the last time you was alone and for
how long was you alne and how many guys strotyped you with out ever eveion talking to you |
well bill i will answer that from a man's point. i've been alone about
15 months now, and yes i get lonely,but i sure am no where going to hurt someone because of it.emotionally or physically.we all control our own lifes, if your lonely find activities that you enjoy.sounds like your pushing to meet that right person to fast. as i work with mostly guys i hear it constantly that i'm not right for not sleeping with any woman i can, and i tell thm point blank it's really none of there business what i choose to do and what you think means sh*t to me. be your own person and laugh at the world. |
Blll, I have been alone for a long time, by choice. I go to work, I
have friends, I have friends on this site. You don't have to be sleeping with someone to have a life. You need to get out and be with people and make a life for yourself. If you don't have a job, try volunteering somewhere, a food bank or a church, they always appreciate the help and the people are nice and they wouldn't stereotype or judge you and is a good place to meet new people. I would never consider hurting someone because I was lonely, actually not true, I have at times considered hurting myself, but never anyone else. Sounds like you need friends, join a group, there are men's groups out there, church groups, I don't know if you drink or not, but go to AA or Al-Anan, they are really good people and would be very supportive and probably wouldn't care if you drank or not. You need to take the first step to get out of your loneliness, do something positive, one step a day, it will get you moving and feeling better. A trip to the doctor for bloodwork to make sure there is nothing wrong chemically would be good too. Take care of yourself. |
Wikipedia has a good article of the psyche of serial killers. Most of
them kill for sexual gratification........... Why the f*ck didn't the doctor give them some Viagra? |
Don't remember Ted Bundy having that issue, thought it was cat and mouse
with him, hated women and was out to kill them. Remember him sneaking into dorm rooms and smashing a couple in their heads while they slept. Made up elaborate plans to lure them away from people, get them in his car, fake cast for his arm so they would help them, then handcuffed them to his car gearshift, didn't think sex had anything to do with his murders. Don't know though, may have. Not sure about Yates, he was just plain sick. Buried one in his yard under his bedroom window or something, my daughter and I knew one of his victims, a friend of my daughter's. His wife and kids lived in the home with him at the time. He trolled for prostitutes though, not just everyday girls or college girls like Bundy did. |