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Topic: Dementia? John McCain - Lost In Space
Lindyy's photo
Wed 05/21/08 12:47 PM
Well, seems to me that the whole world is in this state of mind.

So, what is the problem?


Lindyy's photo
Wed 05/21/08 12:49 PM

thank god for the write in space.Phil Spector anyone?


(shhhhhh but who is Phil Spector?) If you laugh at me I will have bunny taken out of your custody.


madisonman's photo
Wed 05/21/08 12:55 PM


ya knoew im votin mcain

lack of better options!!!

Gas pricesexplode

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/21/08 02:55 PM

Many, most... probably just about everyone who isn't getting handouts from said dictator.laugh
laugh drinker

And here I thought Madisonman was against the war... that's a pro war kinda statement (although for the real reason we should be over there...)

mnhiker's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:42 PM
Edited by mnhiker on Wed 05/21/08 08:43 PM

thank god for the write in space.Phil Spector anyone?


(shhhhhh but who is Phil Spector?) If you laugh at me I will have bunny taken out of your custody.



(sigh) Here is information about Phil Spector:


Who says I can't be nice once in awhile? flowerforyou

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:42 PM
The act of John McCain becoming president has to be 1 of the scariest situations this country can get itself into right now. We have a man in office now who was GIVIN (he WAS NOT ELECTED the 1st time) and hes been the worst president since Andrew Johnson. So why the hell would we want another 4 years of a man who pushes FundaMENTAList ideas on the rest of the world. I do have to say though im not convinced that Barack is ready to lead this country because of expierience but John F Kennedy didnt have that great deal of expierience either and he changed alot in those 2.5 short years in Office. So on that note, my vote goes to Barack on the face that he is willing to stir things up and make some BIG changes.

Oh, by the way, There is legislation up for debate in 9 states that i know of, that would make SR. Citizens retake the drivers test at 70 so why in the hell would we elect a man at president at 71? Were talkin about a man who replaced Barry Goldwater! That makes no since, hes to old and feeble(he was a POW in the Vietnam war for 5.5 years and he was badly injured when his plane crashed) and we need some youthfull exuberience to inject some energy and passion back into this society and get this FundiMENTAL crap as far away from the political scene as possible! We as a society need to learn how to RESPECT others DIFFERIENCES and take to heart, that its those differinces and our ability to work together, thats what makes the country truly GREAT!!

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:53 PM

thank god for the write in space.Phil Spector anyone?


(shhhhhh but who is Phil Spector?) If you laugh at me I will have bunny taken out of your custody.


the music producer who was on trial for murder...:wink:

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:53 PM

thank god for the write in space.Phil Spector anyone?


(shhhhhh but who is Phil Spector?) If you laugh at me I will have bunny taken out of your custody.



(sigh) Here is information about Phil Spector:


Who says I can't be nice once in awhile? flowerforyou


mnhiker's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:13 PM

The act of John McCain becoming president has to be 1 of the scariest situations this country can get itself into right now. We have a man in office now who was GIVIN (he WAS NOT ELECTED the 1st time) and hes been the worst president since Andrew Johnson. So why the hell would we want another 4 years of a man who pushes FundaMENTAList ideas on the rest of the world. I do have to say though im not convinced that Barack is ready to lead this country because of expierience but John F Kennedy didnt have that great deal of expierience either and he changed alot in those 2.5 short years in Office. So on that note, my vote goes to Barack on the face that he is willing to stir things up and make some BIG changes.

Oh, by the way, There is legislation up for debate in 9 states that i know of, that would make SR. Citizens retake the drivers test at 70 so why in the hell would we elect a man at president at 71? Were talkin about a man who replaced Barry Goldwater! That makes no since, hes to old and feeble(he was a POW in the Vietnam war for 5.5 years and he was badly injured when his plane crashed) and we need some youthfull exuberience to inject some energy and passion back into this society and get this FundiMENTAL crap as far away from the political scene as possible! We as a society need to learn how to RESPECT others DIFFERIENCES and take to heart, that its those differinces and our ability to work together, thats what makes the country truly GREAT!!

The main reason why conservatives HATE Barack Obama is because, as an African-American (black) man, he threatens to challenge the Caucasian-dominated (white) power structure that the conservatives have enjoyed for so long.

I think that Obama will work for the good of ALL races, not just African-Americans.

Tanzkity's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:18 PM

None of those 3 are worth a spit.

I'll vote my conscious, write in Ron Paul and when it gets to a certain point of facsism, I can only hope there's enough freedom left for me to get my family out. As for me, I'll keep on pointing at evil and asking, why are we accepting this?

Facism are we in a facist regime the last I checked..........why are people so easy to point fingers but have really no solutions to any problems........thank god for the people who have the balls to be leaders and all the followers do is complain, complain, complain.......your American why dont you be a candidate and stop the whining its ridiculous...........oh I know because the candidates are Ivy league graduates with way more intelligence than half of the american population (they are called the elite)...............grumble

Tanzkity's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:23 PM

The act of John McCain becoming president has to be 1 of the scariest situations this country can get itself into right now. We have a man in office now who was GIVIN (he WAS NOT ELECTED the 1st time) and hes been the worst president since Andrew Johnson. So why the hell would we want another 4 years of a man who pushes FundaMENTAList ideas on the rest of the world. I do have to say though im not convinced that Barack is ready to lead this country because of expierience but John F Kennedy didnt have that great deal of expierience either and he changed alot in those 2.5 short years in Office. So on that note, my vote goes to Barack on the face that he is willing to stir things up and make some BIG changes.

Oh, by the way, There is legislation up for debate in 9 states that i know of, that would make SR. Citizens retake the drivers test at 70 so why in the hell would we elect a man at president at 71? Were talkin about a man who replaced Barry Goldwater! That makes no since, hes to old and feeble(he was a POW in the Vietnam war for 5.5 years and he was badly injured when his plane crashed) and we need some youthfull exuberience to inject some energy and passion back into this society and get this FundiMENTAL crap as far away from the political scene as possible! We as a society need to learn how to RESPECT others DIFFERIENCES and take to heart, that its those differinces and our ability to work together, thats what makes the country truly GREAT!!

I think you are one of the few intelligent people on this site and I commend you the fact that you can see past the stupidity of others and rise above and see the reality for what it is.............flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

warmachine's photo
Thu 05/22/08 06:47 AM

None of those 3 are worth a spit.

I'll vote my conscious, write in Ron Paul and when it gets to a certain point of facsism, I can only hope there's enough freedom left for me to get my family out. As for me, I'll keep on pointing at evil and asking, why are we accepting this?

Facism are we in a facist regime the last I checked..........why are people so easy to point fingers but have really no solutions to any problems........thank god for the people who have the balls to be leaders and all the followers do is complain, complain, complain.......your American why dont you be a candidate and stop the whining its ridiculous...........oh I know because the candidates are Ivy league graduates with way more intelligence than half of the american population (they are called the elite)...............grumble

Is this not the birth pangs of fascism? It's surely not a democratic republic any longer. You've got multinational corporations holding hands with the majority of our government, this is very bipartisan, either side of the aisle is full of people who take all kinds of gifts, money and future rewards for pushing the kinds of legislation that the lobbyists want to see.

TheFreeDictionary.com defines fascism as: �A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.�

Other elements of fascism include:

Powerful idea of nationalism
Powerful executive control in government
Lower human rights outlook
Military reigns supreme
Corporations wield great power
Idea that National Security is at great risk to some threat
Identifying of enemies/scapegoats that unifies citizens in Patriotism
Mass media controlled by State and Corporations
Fixed elections
Rampant corruption
Unlimited power held by police force

To varying degrees each and every one of these applies to the political/social/economic systems that are being pushed in this nation as we speak.

As far as running for office goes, what a great idea... except that it takes money and I'll be lucky to keep a roof over my families head and gas in the car, let alone throwing several hundred thousand dollars at a system that picks and choses who gets to have a voice.

All the most effective leaders have advocated nonviolent, peaceful dissent, which is what I am practicing , but thats not the only answer.

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." Dr. King told us that.

Do you really think this is representative of a free society: CPS snatching children without cause, Officers planting evidence and framing people to meet "quotas", Free Speech Zones, Gun grabbing regardless of the legality of the firearm, forced or mandated medical procedures, imminent domain laws usurping private property law... Anybody want to add anything else to that list?

We've got alot of problems, but before we can do anything about them, we have got to learn how to talk about them, without marginalizing and demonizing the person across the fence's political and social choices.

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Thu 05/22/08 05:34 PM
Thanks Kity i appreciate that a whole lot.

I just have had enough of this Crap, and im not gonna take it anymore.

Freedom only comes to those who arent scared and are willing to get up and stand up 4 what is right!!

Lets see an end to FundeMENTAL Politics and follow the ways of Robert "Bobby" Kennedy.

We need to learn that we are all here for a reason, and that reason is 2 love and create, not to seek and destroy

On that note, All we have to do is let Love RULE

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 05/22/08 07:32 PM
smokin Has anybody heard about what John McCain's pastor said about Jews?smokin

mnhiker's photo
Thu 05/22/08 07:37 PM

smokin Has anybody heard about what John McCain's pastor said about Jews?smokin

If you're referring to John Hagee, that's not all he said.

He also said that the Catholic Church is "the great whore".

As someone who grew up in a Catholic family, that offends me.

Yet the media gives John McCain a pass and doesn't even question his pastor's extremist views while they go after Obama for his pastor's views with a vengeance.

Could it be that the mainstream media hates Obama and doesn't want to see him become President?

no photo
Thu 05/22/08 07:52 PM
Obama has gotten a free ride from the press for saying he had visited all 57 states....


If McCain had said such he would be crucified like he has been by the media.

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