Topic: Liebermann seeks censorship.
warmachine's photo
Tue 05/20/08 01:44 PM

"Senator Lieberman stated his belief, in a letter sent today, that all videos mentioning or featuring these groups should be removed from YouTube -- even legal nonviolent or non-hate speech videos. While we respect and understand his views, YouTube encourages free speech and defends everyone's right to express unpopular points of view. We believe that YouTube is a richer and more relevant platform for users precisely because it hosts a diverse range of views, and rather than stifle debate we allow our users to view all acceptable content and make up their own minds. Of course, users are always free to express their disagreement with a particular video on the site, by leaving comments or their own response video. That debate is healthy."

Robm248's photo
Tue 05/20/08 01:54 PM
Edited by Robm248 on Tue 05/20/08 01:55 PM
"In response to my letter, Google apparently has taken 80 videos off YouTube that violated the company's own guidelines against gratuitous violence. That is a start but it is not enough. Videos produced by al-Qaeda and al-Qaeda affiliates showing attacks on American troops remain on YouTube's website and violate YouTube's own community guidelines. Those videos should be taken down immediately. Furthermore, Google continues to allow the posting of videos by organizations the State Department has designated as Foreign Terrorist Organizations. No matter what their content, videos produced by terrorist organizations like al-Qaeda, that are committed to attacking America and killing Americans, should not be tolerated. Google must reconsider its policy."

You tube's guidelines:
YouTube is not for pornography or sexually explicit content. If this describes your video, even if it's a video of yourself, don't post it on YouTube. Also, be advised that we work closely with law enforcement and we report child exploitation. Please read our Safety Tips and stay safe on YouTube.
Don't post videos showing bad stuff like animal abuse, drug abuse, or bomb making.
Graphic or gratuitous violence is not allowed. If your video shows someone getting hurt, attacked, or humiliated, don't post it.
YouTube is not a shock site. Don't post gross-out videos of accidents, dead bodies and similar things.
Respect copyright. Only upload videos that you made or that you are authorized to use. This means don't upload videos you didn't make, or use content in your videos that someone else owns the copyright to, such as music tracks, snippets of copyrighted programs, or videos made by other users, without necessary authorizations. Read our Copyright Tips for more information.
We encourage free speech and defend everyone's right to express unpopular points of view. But we don't permit hate speech (speech which attacks or demeans a group based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity).
There is zero tolerance for predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, invading privacy, or the revealing of other members' personal information. Anyone caught doing these things may be permanently banned from YouTube.
Everyone hates spam. Do not create misleading descriptions, tags, titles or thumbnails in order to increase views. It's not okay to post large amounts of untargeted, unwanted or repetitive content, including comments and private messages.

I'd say terrorist videos that show any violence are definately against the terms of service. Also terrosist messages of hate against a group of people are not authorized. Granted, these are supposed to be user flagged... but if the system isn't working maybe You Tube should review submittions for content first?

no photo
Tue 05/20/08 01:58 PM
To say that there should be no moderation of the junk that fills that site is irresponsible. Just like jails have become mass recruitment tools for radical Islamists, so is the internet, especially Youtube for the recruitment of teenagers into supporting proxy terrorist armies of Hezbollah.

These propaganda glorification videos can be found all over Youtube. I have visited and posted in many forums over the years, and I will tell you that I have come upon many young teenagers posting links to support Hezbollah Youtube videos and propaganda.

We've had an outbreak of copycat videos of young teens beating up each other, homemade bomb promoting vids (not including the mentos in the, and so forth, of the most vile stuff to hit the internet. The internet has been a place of gross debauchery and the promoting of dangerous social habits and the glorification of terrorist groups.

We've had vids of teens giving a baby weed to smoke, we've had teens forcing a masked grandma to hold a gun to the camera and act like a gangsta. And, that's not even the beginning to it.

Something needs to be done, this debauchery is only getting worse, it is getting more dangerous, and surely much more alarming.

no photo
Tue 05/20/08 02:08 PM
Just to add, I entered the search for Nazi on YouTube and on the first page alone I found videos that are: a supportive Nazi Music Video and the guys favorite, a Russian nazi video where the guy tells skinheads to unite, some sexy nazi girls vid, and there is other pro-Nazi stuff I found on some other pages as well.

warmachine's photo
Tue 05/20/08 02:30 PM
If you used the link, you'd have seen that Youtube did in fact find some of the videos that Liebermann named had violated the terms of service and were removed.

However, we have a First Amendment, so if a numbnuts wants to espouse Mein Kampf and it's benefits, he has that right, but you and I as Americans have the right to tell that moron that he is full of crap, utilizing the exact same medium.

As far as what gets posted from overseas? Thats what that little tab titled "Report this" is for.

Robm248's photo
Tue 05/20/08 02:34 PM
Yeah. As I stated... if it's not working with the report this maybe they should review items with certain keywords in the name or description. Otherwise... as long as the things that need to get flagged are getting flagged... fine.

no photo
Tue 05/20/08 03:28 PM
Warmachine you know how well telling a person he is an idiot or calling out lack of real research and credible sources has on people on the internet. They'll continue to post the stuff and idiots will continue to believe it.

Like I pointed out, you can find countless amounts of US troops being blown to kingdom come on YouTube, the normal Hezbollah rally stuff, pro-Nazi stuff everywhere, and all other kinds of sickening stuff on YouTube.

This stuff is used as recruitment and propaganda. YouTube is a joke, they'll block legitimate political stuff and stuff of that nature, but will allow vile stuff all over the place on it. Don't dare make an anti-Scientology video on there cause they'll take it down almost instantly, but go right ahead showing some US serviceman being killed, someone being beheaded, or some other hateful stuff met as pure hatred.

warmachine's photo
Tue 05/20/08 03:47 PM
Are you saying that people don't have the right to be idiots or worse Gullible idiots?

If thats the case, then you need to talk to your government, who have created these morons, via the Department of Education and your media via... just about all of the crap on T.V. these days.

As far as the acts of violence are concerned, once again, thats what the little link titled "report this video" is for.

It's like the crap on the T.V., if I don't like it, instead of throwing a fit, I use the funny little knobs, one of them changes the channel and I've got another that turns the Weapon of Mass Distraction off.

AntiScientology videos? Seen them on there, Bizarre political viewpoints? Seen them on there too.Hell, there are videos on there that profess that all the leaders of the world are shapeshifting reptile aliens (Which might explain the Bushes and Clintons).
It all comes down to the community policing themselves and I think that works just fine. If you were able to find all that evil nazi stuff, use the report link, or just don't type that crap into your search engine.

no photo
Tue 05/20/08 03:56 PM

Are you saying that people don't have the right to be idiots or worse Gullible idiots?

If thats the case, then you need to talk to your government, who have created these morons, via the Department of Education and your media via... just about all of the crap on T.V. these days.

As far as the acts of violence are concerned, once again, thats what the little link titled "report this video" is for.

It's like the crap on the T.V., if I don't like it, instead of throwing a fit, I use the funny little knobs, one of them changes the channel and I've got another that turns the Weapon of Mass Distraction off.

AntiScientology videos? Seen them on there, Bizarre political viewpoints? Seen them on there too.Hell, there are videos on there that profess that all the leaders of the world are shapeshifting reptile aliens (Which might explain the Bushes and Clintons).
It all comes down to the community policing themselves and I think that works just fine. If you were able to find all that evil nazi stuff, use the report link, or just don't type that crap into your search engine.

YouTube does not follow their own guidelines, and I don't want to play hall monitor. Michelle Malkin has had numerous videos banned. Free Speech is being banned already by the site, whereas they will freely allow propagandized Islamic rhetoric and Nazi groups to freely flow. They are being reported and nothing is being done to these videos. Despite the reporting they are not being removed.

Anti-Radical Islam videos are banned whereas Pro-Radical Islamic Videos and their group videos are being allowed to continue.

YouTube CHOOSES what it wants to ban and what it does not, despite what is reported.

I do the same as you, but you are alright with young children and teens watching this stuff? Obviously so.

People being idiots or gulible is MUCH DIFFERENT than people being allowed to post videos of radical ideologies that promote death to whoever based on race, religion, and beliefs. People posting videos promoting violence against anyone, or promoting terrorism and terror organizations are different than idiots and gullible people posting vids.

warmachine's photo
Tue 05/20/08 04:06 PM

Are you saying that people don't have the right to be idiots or worse Gullible idiots?

If thats the case, then you need to talk to your government, who have created these morons, via the Department of Education and your media via... just about all of the crap on T.V. these days.

As far as the acts of violence are concerned, once again, thats what the little link titled "report this video" is for.

It's like the crap on the T.V., if I don't like it, instead of throwing a fit, I use the funny little knobs, one of them changes the channel and I've got another that turns the Weapon of Mass Distraction off.

AntiScientology videos? Seen them on there, Bizarre political viewpoints? Seen them on there too.Hell, there are videos on there that profess that all the leaders of the world are shapeshifting reptile aliens (Which might explain the Bushes and Clintons).
It all comes down to the community policing themselves and I think that works just fine. If you were able to find all that evil nazi stuff, use the report link, or just don't type that crap into your search engine.

YouTube does not follow their own guidelines, and I don't want to play hall monitor. Michelle Malkin has had numerous videos banned. Free Speech is being banned already by the site, whereas they will freely allow propagandized Islamic rhetoric and Nazi groups to freely flow. They are being reported and nothing is being done to these videos. Despite the reporting they are not being removed.

Anti-Radical Islam videos are banned whereas Pro-Radical Islamic Videos and their group videos are being allowed to continue.

YouTube CHOOSES what it wants to ban and what it does not, despite what is reported.

I do the same as you, but you are alright with young children and teens watching this stuff? Obviously so.

People being idiots or gulible is MUCH DIFFERENT than people being allowed to post videos of radical ideologies that promote death to whoever based on race, religion, and beliefs. People posting videos promoting violence against anyone, or promoting terrorism and terror organizations are different than idiots and gullible people posting vids.

First off, Malkin is a raving lunatic, so to find out she's had videos removed doesn't surprise me one iota.

If there is a problem with youtube picking and chosing what to take down, then you should definitely file a complaint with them or better yet, make a video about it, that should be interesting and I'll support you're exposing youtubes selective censorship.

As far as teens and young kids watching them, well, I would ask you not to say it's my consenting to let them watch it, you had best find out where these kids parents are at, thats their job to monitor what their kids are absorbing, not yours and certainly not mine.

It really comes down to Idealology, doesn't it. Do you think that people who love freedom and liberty feel like Neoconservative propaganda is any better than Islamic fundamentalist hate speech?
I would say that any video promoting a love for Bush policies is nothing more than professing an affinity for hate,greed and destruction, does that mean that we have to take all of those down too or do the brainwashed masses have a right to regurgitate the talking points of the day, ad nausem?

mnhiker's photo
Tue 05/20/08 11:58 PM
Edited by mnhiker on Tue 05/20/08 11:59 PM

Are you saying that people don't have the right to be idiots or worse Gullible idiots?

If thats the case, then you need to talk to your government, who have created these morons, via the Department of Education and your media via... just about all of the crap on T.V. these days.

As far as the acts of violence are concerned, once again, thats what the little link titled "report this video" is for.

It's like the crap on the T.V., if I don't like it, instead of throwing a fit, I use the funny little knobs, one of them changes the channel and I've got another that turns the Weapon of Mass Distraction off.

AntiScientology videos? Seen them on there, Bizarre political viewpoints? Seen them on there too.Hell, there are videos on there that profess that all the leaders of the world are shapeshifting reptile aliens (Which might explain the Bushes and Clintons).
It all comes down to the community policing themselves and I think that works just fine. If you were able to find all that evil nazi stuff, use the report link, or just don't type that crap into your search engine.

YouTube does not follow their own guidelines, and I don't want to play hall monitor. Michelle Malkin has had numerous videos banned. Free Speech is being banned already by the site, whereas they will freely allow propagandized Islamic rhetoric and Nazi groups to freely flow. They are being reported and nothing is being done to these videos. Despite the reporting they are not being removed.

Anti-Radical Islam videos are banned whereas Pro-Radical Islamic Videos and their group videos are being allowed to continue.

YouTube CHOOSES what it wants to ban and what it does not, despite what is reported.

I do the same as you, but you are alright with young children and teens watching this stuff? Obviously so.

People being idiots or gulible is MUCH DIFFERENT than people being allowed to post videos of radical ideologies that promote death to whoever based on race, religion, and beliefs. People posting videos promoting violence against anyone, or promoting terrorism and terror organizations are different than idiots and gullible people posting vids.

First off, Malkin is a raving lunatic, so to find out she's had videos removed doesn't surprise me one iota.

If there is a problem with youtube picking and chosing what to take down, then you should definitely file a complaint with them or better yet, make a video about it, that should be interesting and I'll support you're exposing youtubes selective censorship.

As far as teens and young kids watching them, well, I would ask you not to say it's my consenting to let them watch it, you had best find out where these kids parents are at, thats their job to monitor what their kids are absorbing, not yours and certainly not mine.

It really comes down to Idealology, doesn't it. Do you think that people who love freedom and liberty feel like Neoconservative propaganda is any better than Islamic fundamentalist hate speech?
I would say that any video promoting a love for Bush policies is nothing more than professing an affinity for hate,greed and destruction, does that mean that we have to take all of those down too or do the brainwashed masses have a right to regurgitate the talking points of the day, ad nausem?

I agree that the Al Quaida and the videos promoting violence should have been taken down.

But what about the 'legal nonviolent or non-hate speech videos'.

What content did they have?

Just something Joe Lieberman didn't like?

And why wasn't Mike Huckabee censored when he made this joke in front of 6,000 NRA members about Barack Obama?

“That was Barack Obama, he just tripped off a chair, he’s getting ready to speak,” said the former Arkansas governor, to audience laughter. “Somebody aimed a gun at him and he dove for the floor.”

When the media lets idiots like Mike Huckabee, who is John McCain's top choice for Vice President, make stupid statements like this, promotes violence and gets it covered by the media, then Joe Lieberman should shut the f**k up!

Robm248's photo
Wed 05/21/08 02:52 PM

Are you saying that people don't have the right to be idiots or worse Gullible idiots?

If thats the case, then you need to talk to your government, who have created these morons, via the Department of Education and your media via... just about all of the crap on T.V. these days.

As far as the acts of violence are concerned, once again, thats what the little link titled "report this video" is for.

It's like the crap on the T.V., if I don't like it, instead of throwing a fit, I use the funny little knobs, one of them changes the channel and I've got another that turns the Weapon of Mass Distraction off.

AntiScientology videos? Seen them on there, Bizarre political viewpoints? Seen them on there too.Hell, there are videos on there that profess that all the leaders of the world are shapeshifting reptile aliens (Which might explain the Bushes and Clintons).
It all comes down to the community policing themselves and I think that works just fine. If you were able to find all that evil nazi stuff, use the report link, or just don't type that crap into your search engine.

YouTube does not follow their own guidelines, and I don't want to play hall monitor. Michelle Malkin has had numerous videos banned. Free Speech is being banned already by the site, whereas they will freely allow propagandized Islamic rhetoric and Nazi groups to freely flow. They are being reported and nothing is being done to these videos. Despite the reporting they are not being removed.

Anti-Radical Islam videos are banned whereas Pro-Radical Islamic Videos and their group videos are being allowed to continue.

YouTube CHOOSES what it wants to ban and what it does not, despite what is reported.

I do the same as you, but you are alright with young children and teens watching this stuff? Obviously so.

People being idiots or gulible is MUCH DIFFERENT than people being allowed to post videos of radical ideologies that promote death to whoever based on race, religion, and beliefs. People posting videos promoting violence against anyone, or promoting terrorism and terror organizations are different than idiots and gullible people posting vids.

First off, Malkin is a raving lunatic, so to find out she's had videos removed doesn't surprise me one iota.

If there is a problem with youtube picking and chosing what to take down, then you should definitely file a complaint with them or better yet, make a video about it, that should be interesting and I'll support you're exposing youtubes selective censorship.

As far as teens and young kids watching them, well, I would ask you not to say it's my consenting to let them watch it, you had best find out where these kids parents are at, thats their job to monitor what their kids are absorbing, not yours and certainly not mine.

It really comes down to Idealology, doesn't it. Do you think that people who love freedom and liberty feel like Neoconservative propaganda is any better than Islamic fundamentalist hate speech?
I would say that any video promoting a love for Bush policies is nothing more than professing an affinity for hate,greed and destruction, does that mean that we have to take all of those down too or do the brainwashed masses have a right to regurgitate the talking points of the day, ad nausem?

I agree that the Al Quaida and the videos promoting violence should have been taken down.

But what about the 'legal nonviolent or non-hate speech videos'.

What content did they have?

Just something Joe Lieberman didn't like?

And why wasn't Mike Huckabee censored when he made this joke in front of 6,000 NRA members about Barack Obama?

“That was Barack Obama, he just tripped off a chair, he’s getting ready to speak,” said the former Arkansas governor, to audience laughter. “Somebody aimed a gun at him and he dove for the floor.”

When the media lets idiots like Mike Huckabee, who is John McCain's top choice for Vice President, make stupid statements like this, promotes violence and gets it covered by the media, then Joe Lieberman should shut the f**k up!

Except the media is not Joe Lieberman. Maybe they will be his next target?