Topic: Doctor Who??? | |
I have seen a few episodes of Primeval but didn't get into it. I really only had time for Doctor Who and Torchwood while I was in England
![]() Although I'm trying to get Flight of the Conchords (hilarious) so I'm thinking I'll just get that one too. ![]() |
Have always enjoyed the Doctor. Especially the one with the scarf. Anybody have a sonic screwdriver I can borrow? The Chilton manual on the Taurus is hard to read. I would ask the Doctor but he must be off on some mission on Gallyfree. ![]() Not likely as Gallifrey was sadly destroyed and The Doctor is the last known Time lord. If you are referring to the previous Doctors, then sure. Actually, the Master has survived as well. |
John Simm was awesome as the Master. Made me giggle. He was great on that tv show he was on.... oh what was the name???.... Life on Mars! Yea good show.
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John Simm was awesome as the Master. Made me giggle. He was great on that tv show he was on.... oh what was the name???.... Life on Mars! Yea good show. ![]() I haven't seen the Master episode yet -- they JUST started running the first Tennant season here -- but I read about it, and it sounds like they had to do some backpedaling to explain why Eccleston couldn't sense the presence of another Time Lord in 2005.... |
John Simm was awesome as the Master. Made me giggle. He was great on that tv show he was on.... oh what was the name???.... Life on Mars! Yea good show. ![]() I haven't seen the master episode yet -- they JUST started running the first Tennant season here -- but I read about it, and it sounds like they had to do some backpedaling to explain why Eccleston couldn't sense the presence of another Time Lord in 2005.... Oh oh don't even worry about it. They explain EVERYTHING! But I've seen all up til last weeks episode so you'll be waiting through another season or so. It's at the end of season 3. I love David Tennant. Don't get me wrong, I loved Eccleston too but something about Tennant ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Oh oh don't even worry about it. They explain EVERYTHING! But I've seen all up til last weeks episode so you'll be waiting through another season or so. It's at the end of season 3. I love David Tennant. Don't get me wrong, I loved Eccleston too but something about Tennant ![]() ![]() ![]() Well, I am SURE going to miss Rose -- I haven't been so attracted to a companion since Zoe....! It was nice to see Sarah Jane and K-9 again, though.... ![]() |
Yea I liked Sarah Jane. Although everyone in England called me that because my name is Sara and it's a normal middle name there
![]() They made a whole series about her too ya know? I liked Rose but Martha is GREAT and Donna is hilarious ![]() |
They made a whole series about her too ya know? I read about that -- they said it was geared a little more towards kids, but I would have watched regardless -- but I'll probably never get to see it here. Like Torchwood. |
The Doctor totally ROCKS !!!!!! I am with Joshyfox on that. I am addicted to watching every episode. The new Doctor is awesome. and yeah I have a sonic screwdriver ![]() ![]() ![]() |
They made a whole series about her too ya know? I read about that -- they said it was geared a little more towards kids, but I would have watched regardless -- but I'll probably never get to see it here. Like Torchwood. They'll be playing Torchwood on BBC America soon. But I doubt they'll play The Sarah Jane Chronicles... I got box sets ![]() |
Totally want a sonic screwdriver. And a TARDIS. It'd be waaaay too much fun.
They made a whole series about her too ya know? I read about that -- they said it was geared a little more towards kids, but I would have watched regardless -- but I'll probably never get to see it here. Like Torchwood. They'll be playing Torchwood on BBC America soon. But I doubt they'll play The Sarah Jane Chronicles... I got box sets ![]() I have watched Torchwood on my PC here in the states. It was awesome but i hated the ending. guess they had to do it that way for ending a show but still. Captain Jack is cool. Funny how they turned him into the face of boe. I can share the weblink to be able to watch it if you like. they have most all the shows listed. |
Jack is sexy. He's just too funny. I love Gwen too and Tosh FINALLY stopped annoying me at the end of season 2.
But I do have to say that Ianto is my favourite. He gets to be SO funny. ![]() |
Ok, 4th season Doctor Who has Donna Noble played by Catherine Tate as his companion.
A lot of people don't like her but I LOVE her. She's so funny. Thoughts? |
I don't like Donna. I liked Martha and Rose, they were both good. But Martha seemed to act helpless a lot.
Anyone here Doctor Who fans? I admit to being obsessed. I absolutely LOVE IT! To be honest, I find the show rather kitchy. I mean... those "Cybermen" were about as frightening as an hyperactive eight year-old eating Play-Doh. If the Doctor were more of a "kick-ass and ask questions later" type instead of a chipper Scotsman (that's right... the fella playing Doc Who isn't even English), I might be more into it. And they definitely need more T&A in the show. MUCH more, in fact. ![]() |
Anyone here Doctor Who fans? I admit to being obsessed. I absolutely LOVE IT! To be honest, I find the show rather kitchy. I mean... those "Cybermen" were about as frightening as an hyperactive eight year-old eating Play-Doh. If the Doctor were more of a "kick-ass and ask questions later" type instead of a chipper Scotsman (that's right... the fella playing Doc Who isn't even English), I might be more into it. And they definitely need more T&A in the show. MUCH more, in fact. ![]() You need to watch Torchwood. Not even kidding Moo, there is T&A in the 2nd episode. David Tennant (MacDonald) is from Paisley, Scotland. ![]() |
Anyone here Doctor Who fans? I admit to being obsessed. I absolutely LOVE IT! To be honest, I find the show rather kitchy. I mean... those "Cybermen" were about as frightening as an hyperactive eight year-old eating Play-Doh. If the Doctor were more of a "kick-ass and ask questions later" type instead of a chipper Scotsman (that's right... the fella playing Doc Who isn't even English), I might be more into it. And they definitely need more T&A in the show. MUCH more, in fact. ![]() The episode titled "Blink" scared my daughter. It wasn't scary to me, but it was "scarier" than most so-called horror movies made today. The scene in the basement when the light was flicker was really cool. |
Anyone here Doctor Who fans? I admit to being obsessed. I absolutely LOVE IT! To be honest, I find the show rather kitchy. I mean... those "Cybermen" were about as frightening as an hyperactive eight year-old eating Play-Doh. If the Doctor were more of a "kick-ass and ask questions later" type instead of a chipper Scotsman (that's right... the fella playing Doc Who isn't even English), I might be more into it. And they definitely need more T&A in the show. MUCH more, in fact. ![]() The episode titled "Blink" scared my daughter. It wasn't scary to me, but it was "scarier" than most so-called horror movies made today. The scene in the basement when the light was flicker was really cool. I totally agree! My niece is 10 and I won't let her watch it. The angel statues really scared me because I lived in England at the time and they have statues EVERYWHERE in London. |
Doctor Who is my Hero If I had one wish it would to be him