In the meantime, we will be misunderstood and mligned and villified because what makes us tick is not what makes the world tick.
I may misunderstand, but I will not malign or villify, if it is not warranted, I will, however, continue to question. ![]() I find things occasionally, when I'm surfing the Web, flitting from here to there. Like the Radio talk show transcripts, one of which I posted a little bit ago. I thought it fit what happened yesterday. I posted the link as there are quite a few more dealing with WORDS and I thought someone with an interest might go there. I read several of them. One was questioning DO I DO THAT another what I DON'T LIE...DO I. It may be a Christian radio show, and I may overlook some of the Christian details (like if I slander my husband he can not be, what was it? an elder or something). Anyway the point is there is wisdom there and I learn. If I learn, it should be something that Christians should also learn from - correct? So Feral, to answer your question, THAT is why I posted it. Christians were involved in that horrid thread. I don't know why Wouldee would not just come out and say that was wrong, but he didn't. I didn't either, what there is to say about it is WORDS. My words could not be considered by all of you as RIGHT words, so I posted the word of a Christian that inspired me. What words could be more right-on than the that? Be at peace now, my new class started today, I'll be studying. oh, but you'll see me again, just not as often. |
Mk. 13, 13-14
13 And you shall be hated by all men for my name's sake. But he that shall endure unto the end, he shall be saved. 14 And when you shall see the abomination of desolation, standing where it ought not (he that readeth let him understand): then let them that are in Judea flee unto the mountains. ========================================================================================= Dear Daddy from Heaven, the world is against those who love you, yet we need to endure it. Please Daddy grant me the blessing of being strong enough to be a faithful witness of my Lord JesusChrist. Don't let me flee give me the strength to stand firm, and defend you from the constant attack of those who are blinded by evil, yet give me the love to understand that they don't act by themselves. I ask you all this in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns in the unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever. Amen |
Beautiful my dear brother walker!
Well I think anyone can learn so why not say it that way redy. Instead of saying something Christians can learn why not say people....then of course all that was posted in the first place would make more sense.
I don't have a clue what all the beef is with my sweet wouldee.....All I know is that is is one of the most wonderful human beings I have ever had the pleasure to know...What am I missing here.....why has my usually quiet reflective room turned into a mini war zone. And what horrid thread. And my sweet miguel....thank you thank you |
In the meantime, we will be misunderstood and mligned and villified because what makes us tick is not what makes the world tick.
I may misunderstand, but I will not malign or villify, if it is not warranted, I will, however, continue to question. ![]() I find things occasionally, when I'm surfing the Web, flitting from here to there. Like the Radio talk show transcripts, one of which I posted a little bit ago. I thought it fit what happened yesterday. I posted the link as there are quite a few more dealing with WORDS and I thought someone with an interest might go there. I read several of them. One was questioning DO I DO THAT another what I DON'T LIE...DO I. It may be a Christian radio show, and I may overlook some of the Christian details (like if I slander my husband he can not be, what was it? an elder or something). Anyway the point is there is wisdom there and I learn. If I learn, it should be something that Christians should also learn from - correct? So Feral, to answer your question, THAT is why I posted it. Christians were involved in that horrid thread. I don't know why Wouldee would not just come out and say that was wrong, but he didn't. I didn't either, what there is to say about it is WORDS. My words could not be considered by all of you as RIGHT words, so I posted the word of a Christian that inspired me. What words could be more right-on than the that? Be at peace now, my new class started today, I'll be studying. oh, but you'll see me again, just not as often. Redy, Thank you. ![]() I didn't see what happened in those threads beyond my latest posts. I was doing many things yesterday. This morning I started to chat with abra and when I got home, more threads were gone. Whatever happened, I have no clue. My last post here is simply intuitive. Inspired, let's say. ![]() Threads don't disappear without something going awry. I hope your studies bear plentiful fruit, Redy. Learning is fun. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
KJV 1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." ![]() ![]() |
I don't know what happend to all the threads either, and whatever you think, Farel, I was not making a beef with Wouldee, I was just making a comment that should have been said plainly. Wouldee is right you (Christians) are held to a higher standard. It may not appear to be fair but you have placed yourselves in that position with your faith.
That being the case it is you who needs to set precident in accordance with the WORDS you teach and live by. Do understand what Wouldee was saying? I watched that thread from it's inception, if lines had not been drawn by the Christians posting there, it would not have progressed as it did. I'm not saying they started it all, what I'm saying is that as Christians they should have neither continued nor started the drawing of lines. I said it before, this is how Christians make the label a less desireable one to be grouped under. NOW - If I'm going to participate in this thread, then surely I can contribut as well as ask. I have learned some of life's greatest lessons from a child, wouldn't it be amazing if a Christian leaned something from an atheist? |
I dont know, I dont like extremes on either side. |
Edited by
Tue 05/27/08 09:46 PM
I dont know, I dont like extremes on either side. is true that I have myself learned more and more by having open ears. Expanding my heart. I thought I knew so much before....thing is; I am much wiser than before. My faith still stands. But,on firmer feet. With much more room for acceptance. I'm growing up. Kat ![]() oops, I didn't mean to quote that. Sorreee. |
That's okay Kat. I know what you mean. I like to look at all sides, sometimes to the point of over analyzing, but not to be controlled by something that is not sound. I certainly understand what you mean about standing firm in the faith. |
Mk. 13, 13-14 13 And you shall be hated by all men for my name's sake. But he that shall endure unto the end, he shall be saved. 14 And when you shall see the abomination of desolation, standing where it ought not (he that readeth let him understand): then let them that are in Judea flee unto the mountains. ========================================================================================= Dear Daddy from Heaven, the world is against those who love you, yet we need to endure it. Please Daddy grant me the blessing of being strong enough to be a faithful witness of my Lord JesusChrist. Don't let me flee give me the strength to stand firm, and defend you from the constant attack of those who are blinded by evil, yet give me the love to understand that they don't act by themselves. I ask you all this in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns in the unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever. Amen Thank you Brother ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Thank you for sharing another lovely prayer TLW. You are a sweet man. ![]() Fanta - good to see you in here also. ![]() |
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Tue 05/27/08 11:28 PM
I think we Christians are failing to see ....that behind that defensive front that Redykeulous is putting up... is just a sensitive beautiful woman....who has been hurt..and is just wanting to be loved.
![]() Can we show her some love here, Folks? ![]() Let's show Redy we do Love Christ Loves her. And mean it. That is all she really wanted to know..if Christians really care. And We Do Care ,Redykeulous...but sometimes we miss it....cause we aren't perfect...just saved. ![]() We Love You ,Redykeulous....Just As You Are. ![]() ![]() ![]() So Does God. ![]() ![]() ![]() ((((( ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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I thought this might be a good place to get some words of wisdom.
I realize there are multiple denominations posting here and I've posed this question to some of my other Christian friends, but this is an issue that really bothers me. Let me give you some history before posing the question. I was raised Mormon up until I was 11 when my parents divorced and we all stopped going to church. Now, when I was 18, I met a guy who was Assemblies of God (AG), and around that same time, I "accepted Christ", which I kind of already thought I had done when I was Mormon, but everyone around me told me that didn't count because Mormon's don't believe in the same Jesus that Christians do and because Mormon's believe it is not only accepting Jesus that gets you to heaven, it's also your good works as well. So, since I was 18, I've been on and off in my relationship with Christ and where AG does not believe that once saved, you are always saved, I have done much study and come to the conclusion that once you have truly in your heart of hearts accepted Jesus, you are saved. There's no back and forth. So, anyhow, my grandmother is Mormon and when I was at my cousin's baptism a few year's back, she was speaking and specifically stated that she knew that Jesus Christ was her Lord and Savior and that He died on the cross for all of our Sins. So, when I heard that, I got was really thrown off my core. For me, I have come believe it is something God knew I needed to hear. My grandmother passed away this last October and I believe she is in heaven. However, when I've discussed this with other Christians, they tend to be silent as if they're disagreeing with me. So, I just thought this might be a good way to get some honest feedback on it and maybe even some scripture or knowledge to back it up. |
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Tue 05/27/08 11:45 PM
Sweetie.. you can be on the back side of a desert.....or member of a zulu tribe in africa, where Jesus isn't rightly preached sometimes at all...if ever.....but as long as you accepted Jesus in your heart..and meant it.. you 're saved.
Period. And that includes your grandma. Your grandma is in heaven....cause God looked upon and saw her heart ,when she asked Jesus in. ![]() And the Assembly of God people are saved too, but sometimes denominational differences can cause confusion. Just fix your eyes on Jesus....cause when all the different denominations get to heaven, we will all find out that all our denominational differences didn't matter anyway....cause we all still believe in the same Jesus . And that is what counts. ![]() |
Just fix your eyes on Jesus....cause when all the different denominations get to heaven, we will all find out that all our denominational differences didn't matter anyway....cause we all still believe in the same Jesus Amen. I do not belong to any denomination, but a personal relationship with Jesus, however I appreciate and value others. ![]() |
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When Oprah refers to God, she is clear to insist that this means no specific god and entails no particular theological commitments. Nelson refers to Oprah's treatment of religion on her program as "a non-sectarian picture" in which theological content "is present but not primary." In other words, "God is acknowledged as necessary, but the language doesn't insist on that. It's soft sell."
As Nelson understands the Oprah phenomenon, forgiveness is at the center of Oprah's message. Nevertheless, Oprah offers forgiveness without atonement. Confession of inadequacy is presented as a sufficient remedy for sin and wrongdoing. God is effectively out of the picture as lawgiver or judge, and there is no room for the cross of Christ as atonement for sin. |
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Wed 05/28/08 03:00 AM
She tells women to love themselves they way they are, but keeps offering weight-loss tips. She urges viewers to give to others, but also to pamper themselves. Winfrey says women should embrace their maturity, but shows them how to look 10 years younger. She advises women on private moral dilemmas, but fiercely guards her own privacy.
One of the fastest growing segments of the population consists of people who call themselves "spiritual," but not "religious," noted Nelson. Winfrey clicks with media-driven, postmodern believers who stress the importance of personal experience and storytelling over the authority of religious institutions and doctrines. Meanwhile, many churches are trying to shed old names and labels, calling themselves "community churches" and adopting other post-denominational names. |