Topic: anyone close to 21?
CharliePiano's photo
Sun 06/06/10 12:11 AM
Turn 21 August 30th.

Spirograph's photo
Sun 06/06/10 12:47 AM
Turning 21 October 2nd drinker

Emily1990's photo
Sun 06/06/10 01:02 AM
20 on august 29th noway

no photo
Sun 06/06/10 01:48 AM
Reached 22 at april 22..

no photo
Sun 06/06/10 08:55 AM
I remember 21... The world was new, filled with infinite possibilities. Back then a nickel bought a dollar's worth, people knew their neighbors' names, and Faygo cola was available at all major retail outlets.

Ahhh, the old days.

CharliePiano's photo
Sun 06/06/10 02:57 PM

20 on august 29th noway

EMILY!! Your bday is one day before mine... coolio

CharliePiano's photo
Sun 06/06/10 02:58 PM

I remember 21... The world was new, filled with infinite possibilities. Back then a nickel bought a dollar's worth, people knew their neighbors' names, and Faygo cola was available at all major retail outlets.

Ahhh, the old days.

.... you're 22.... lol... i guess a lot has happened to you in the last months.

kornkorn's photo
Thu 06/10/10 08:41 AM
Turn 21 April second, looking forward to being wasted in public places drinker

writer_gurl's photo
Thu 06/10/10 04:57 PM

I am my dreams:tongue:

Jtevans's photo
Fri 06/11/10 04:24 AM
i feel so old ohwell

no photo
Sun 06/20/10 05:39 PM
21 here 22 very soon

chelsea466's photo
Mon 06/21/10 09:06 PM
I turned 21 on June 1st flowerforyou

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 06/21/10 09:10 PM

I remember 21... The world was new, filled with infinite possibilities. Back then a nickel bought a dollar's worth, people knew their neighbors' names, and Faygo cola was available at all major retail outlets.

Ahhh, the old days.

You had to pay a nickel? Haha. When I was 21 it was a few pennies. Faygo will never die, friend, never.

tinker0090's photo
Mon 07/05/10 01:24 PM
i will be 20 this DEC

doll_facexox's photo
Tue 07/27/10 09:10 AM
only 19 =D

blahblahblah1991's photo
Wed 07/28/10 06:02 PM

i feel so special to see im the youngest one on here. wooo! go me, lol. 19 turning 20 in december

Pfft no. I'm the youngest. I'm 19 turning 20 next June! :banana:

sorry to say, but im the youngest. im 18 turning 19 in october! boo-yah! lol.drinker

no photo
Wed 07/28/10 06:57 PM
twenty on may twentyfirst.

JamieRawxx's photo
Fri 08/13/10 11:05 AM
20 here.

no photo
Thu 08/19/10 07:25 AM
October 4th i'll be 21. Too bad I can't even hold a little liquor. But at least I can rent a car!

_Krissy_'s photo
Sat 08/21/10 09:28 PM

im 20 but i'm not into guys

LOL! Well, if you were just after friendship too, course you could be interested in guys :P