Topic: A Czechoslovakian in New York
uk1971's photo
Sun 05/18/08 03:06 PM
One day a Czechoslovakian came to visit his friend in New York. When asked what he wanted to see, the Czechoslovakian replied,
"I would like to see one of the zoos in America."
To his delight, the New Yorker took him to the zoo. While they were touring the zoo, and standing in front of the gorilla cage, one of the gorillas busted out of the cage and swallowed the Czech whole. Shocked, his friend from New York quickly called over the zoo keeper. He quickly explained the situation and ask the zoo keeper what he planned to do. The zoo keeper got an axe and asked the man,
"Okay, which gorilla did it, was it the male or the female." Pointing out the female as the culprit, the zoo keeper quickly split the female gorilla open and found nothing of the Czech. With which the man from New York shrugged and said,
"Guess the Czech's in the male."

bigsmile glasses

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 05/18/08 03:07 PM
laugh laugh laugh

plp's photo
Sun 05/18/08 03:08 PM
I don't get it.

boneyjoe's photo
Sun 05/18/08 03:10 PM
me either,wait,,,,maby th new yorker don't no th difference