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Topic: Older women make good...
SportsNut2007's photo
Fri 10/31/08 06:38 PM


True or False?

False.....they are not as adventurious as the 18-22 year olds !
noway noway noway noway noway noway

Sorry but true !
Older women want to be wined and dined to death, a relationship and maybe a kidney before sex...younger women just want the excitement and the fun....and maybe a slice of pizza !

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 02:08 AM
I think it depends on the woman...! WE are all individuals who have our own unique "techniques"-
AS for ME, I've learned alot over the years & I've had NO complaints!winking

Wantsbiwoman's photo
Sat 11/01/08 03:12 AM
oh yes.... especially if the woman is bi too

there's something special about an older bi woman.

She's had the best of both worlds and knows what she likes.

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 11/01/08 03:02 PM

I think it depends on the woman...! WE are all individuals who have our own unique "techniques"-
AS for ME, I've learned alot over the years & I've had NO complaints!winking

It's not about technique...older women make it to difficult.

How long has it been since a guy asked you out to dinner and you said....I'd rather you come over and fcck me...?

That's the difference between younger and older women !

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 11/01/08 03:02 PM

oh yes.... especially if the woman is bi too

there's something special about an older bi woman.

She's had the best of both worlds and knows what she likes.

I don't know about that !

shoesmonkey's photo
Sat 11/01/08 07:40 PM
You know, you put down older women far too much. Here's the deal, we've HAD YEAR'S of you guy's treating us as though we are here for NOTHING more than your pleasure. How about some HUMANITY FOR A CHANGE?

chevylover1965's photo
Sat 11/01/08 07:43 PM

romeo1975's photo
Sat 11/01/08 07:44 PM
never had an older woman, so wouldn't know

CalScott's photo
Sun 11/02/08 03:14 PM
hi hows it going?

CalScott's photo
Sun 11/02/08 03:18 PM
Is there a way to join groups or communities so my profile will show up when people use search? Could somebody email me who knows. Thanks!


ironleopard's photo
Sun 11/02/08 06:42 PM
very true in most cases

Sir_Galahad's photo
Mon 11/03/08 02:08 AM
I've had no problems with older women...

of course, the only women I'd have a problem with are those who don't respect themselves not to sleep with a guy on the first date! Older women tend NOT to do that...

MochaMix's photo
Mon 11/03/08 05:34 AM

Sorry but true !
Older women want to be wined and dined to death, a relationship and maybe a kidney before sex...younger women just want the excitement and the fun....and maybe a slice of pizza !

Older women just know what they like. They also know what the men like too, so maybe a bit of wine in a nice restaurant is worth what may be in store.

SportsNut2007's photo
Mon 11/03/08 02:13 PM

You know, you put down older women far too much. Here's the deal, we've HAD YEAR'S of you guy's treating us as though we are here for NOTHING more than your pleasure. How about some HUMANITY FOR A CHANGE?

Oh...did I forget to say older women are usually sensitive...!

no photo
Mon 11/03/08 02:42 PM

You know, you put down older women far too much. Here's the deal, we've HAD YEAR'S of you guy's treating us as though we are here for NOTHING more than your pleasure. How about some HUMANITY FOR A CHANGE?

Oh...did I forget to say older women are usually sensitive...!

thats because we don't like playing boys we like real men

SportsNut2007's photo
Tue 11/04/08 03:51 PM

You know, you put down older women far too much. Here's the deal, we've HAD YEAR'S of you guy's treating us as though we are here for NOTHING more than your pleasure. How about some HUMANITY FOR A CHANGE?

Oh...did I forget to say older women are usually sensitive...!

thats because we don't like playing boys we like real men

Nah....usually they are just grumpier !

jantlee1's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:38 PM


True or False?

well i think youger women with youngers loves have a great,time i did ,iwas with a man 13 years younger,he took me to my ultiment,shioo ,wonder ,if ill ever find that again, i am looking for a permanent partner,god knows i ve waited ,ta,t. jantlee1@yahoo.com.hoollar at me . lol true.............

Transam1998's photo
Tue 11/18/08 03:20 PM
Apple and Pumpkin Pies! laugh love laugh

Tanzkity's photo
Tue 11/18/08 03:30 PM

You know, you put down older women far too much. Here's the deal, we've HAD YEAR'S of you guy's treating us as though we are here for NOTHING more than your pleasure. How about some HUMANITY FOR A CHANGE?

Oh...did I forget to say older women are usually sensitive...!

thats because we don't like playing boys we like real men

Nah....usually they are just grumpier !

Your typing voice sounds fruity and your lack of people skills states you bat for the wrong team so why are you worried about older women.................laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 09:57 PM
oh yeah

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